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3D Control Sphere Edge and Face Investigation 2nd Supplement

Dewayne Broussard, December 2009 9

8 1

This study was inspired by the comments of jtstatic on the David Icke forum.
7 2
6 3

5 4
This is supplement continues the exploration of the Control Sphere having Rodin’s Control
the poles exchange of the poles in order to achieve a polarized star Circle
Treatment of the mid-plane edges and facet value construction is explored.
3 6

Pole facet
End plane

5 5
8 8

9 9 Mid-planes
2 2
7 7

1 1
4 4 Vertex

6 edge 3

The Control The Control

Sphere Sphere
(original) (polarized)
3D Control Sphere Edge and Face Investigation 2nd Supplement
X=8x8 8 x 8
5 X = 13 x 13 4 x 4
X = 11 x 11 2 x 2 X=7x7 7 x 7
X=5x5 5 x 5 X = 10 x 10 1 x 1
7 4 3
7 7 3
1 1
6 3 8 3 6 8
6 6 2 2 5
4 5
3 1 3 7 1 6 6
3 6 6 6 3
8 2
4 5 8
7 4
7 3 3
1 6 3 1 3 6
2 8 8 2
3 2 5 6
Figure 1
Figure 2
Upward view
Downward view

4 4
Additional observations on the “polarized” control sphere:
• Sum of the mid-plane edges and pole to mid-plane and equal to one of the opposite pole’s
family number group (FNG). See legends.
• Edges around the pole equal to the mid-plane vertex. See double orange arrows.
3D Control Sphere Edge and Face Investigation 2nd Supplement
5 5

Edges equal to the sum of the opposite

vertices. Faces equal to the product of the
6 3 edges.
7 7 5
1 1
6 3 3 3 6 6
4 4 6 2 3
4 9
3 9 3 9 1 6 6
3 6 6 6 3
9 9
9 5 8
3 6
7 5 5
6 6 3 3 3 6
2 8 8 2
3 3 6 6

4 4
In this iteration:
• Pole facets become 9
• End planes of 6 and 3 become 4 and 5 respectively.
• Mid-plane facets become 3 or 6 with the common edge same value.
3D Control Sphere Edge and Face Investigation 2nd Supplement
Edges equal to the product of the opposite
vertices. Faces equal to the product of the
5 edges. 5
+n Sum of all edges

xn Product of all edges

8 2 +2 x9
7 3 7
1 1
8 8 5 8 5 8
2 3 5 3 3
9 3
+9 +3 +2 x9 9 3 9 3
2 6 2 2 2
9 9 x9
x9 3 3 9
8 2
3 3 3
5 8 5 8 5 5
8 2 2 8
2 5 +6 +2 x9
In this iteration:
• Pole facets are 9 4 4
• End planes are all 3
• Mid-plane facets become the 6FNG. Upper and lower planes are advanced/retarded by 1
• Strange pattern for edge nodes.
3D Control Sphere Edge and Face Investigation 2nd Supplement
Edges equal to the product of the opposite
vertices. Faces equal to the sum of the
5 edges. 5
+n Sum of all edges

xn Product of all edges

6 9 +2 x9
7 4 7
1 1
4 8 5 7 5 8
7 3 4 5 8
6 3
+9 +3 +2 x9 9 3 9 3
2 6 2 2 2
6 6 x9
x9 3 3 9
6 9
1 7 3
5 8 3 8 5 3
8 2 2 8
4 7 +6 +2 x9

In this iteration:
4 4
• Pole facets are 6 and 9.
• End planes are of the opposite FNG that that of the pole.
• Lower mid-plane facets become the 3FNG lacking the 1. Upper mid-plane facets become

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