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Interpret environmental influences on the
human comfort and building services
system design in warm and humid climate
Learning Outcomes 2
Students would be able to:

Explain the building planning
related to :
a. external spaces
b. walls and roofs
c. air flow and openings
d. Ventilation
Sun radiation
Air movement
Climate influences on building
planning - External spaces
Roof design and materials can reduce the amount of air
conditioning required in hot climates by increasing the
amount of solar heat that is reflected, rather than absorbed,
by the roof.
Proper insulation is also important in attics and building
cavities adjacent to the roof.
Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems can either be installed as a
rooftop array on top of the building or a building-integrated
photovoltaic system can be integrated into the building as
roofing tiles or shingles
Climate influences on building
planning Roof design
Types of roof
Influenced by both design and materials.
Design considerations:
The placement of windows and doors.
The size and location of which can be optimized to reduce energy losses.
Importantly, material selection and wall insulation can both affect the buildings
thermal properties.
Climate influences on building
planning Wall design
Climate influences on building
planning Air Flow & Opening
Climate influences on building
planning Ventilation

Determine the effects of the climate physical
parameters to exposed structure of a building
a. Wind
b. Precipitation
c. Rainwater run off
d. Moisture movement
e. Temperature and solar radiation
The design starting point is the outdoor climate -
how can the house modify the ambient
conditions, so that indoors is always more
comfortable than outdoors?
Climate and Building Design
Effects of the climate physical parameters to
exposed structure of a building - Wind
Horizontal movement of the air is known as wind.
This convection process causes changes in the air density, and those variations cause winds.
1. Wind shear is encountered in an area
where two winds moving in opposite
directions "rub" or mix together.
2. This shear zone creates small eddies and
whirling masses of air that move in
various directions.
3. This generates tremendous turbulence
How does wind form?

Effects of the climate physical parameters to
exposed structure of a building - Precipitation
Effects of the climate physical parameters to
exposed structure of a building - Rain water run
Storm drain runoff is robbing us of much of our freshwater sources
Rising Damp the inevitable rise of moisture
through masonry.
Effects of the climate physical parameters to
exposed structure of a building - Moisture
Moisture in buildings is a major contributor to mold growth, unhealthy
buildings, and poor indoor air quality.
Wetting of building walls and rainwater leaks are major causes of water
infiltration, but so is excessive indoor moisture generation.
Effects of the climate physical parameters to
exposed structure of a building - temperature &
solar radiation
Air Temperature
i. Heat from the sun will increase the air temperature in the building through
conduction, convection and radiation.
ii. Shelters and insulation materials are placed to the building to block the
heat into the buildings.
iii. The best shelters are able to protect all walls from any increases of air
temperature, reduce the negative impact to the wall surfaces and rotting of
finishes surfaces.

i. Direct sunlight/sun radiation has
a luminous efficacy of about 93
lumens per watt of radiant flux,
which includes infrared, visible,
and ultraviolet light.

i. Bright sunlight provides
luminance of approximately
100,000 lux or lumens per square
meter at the Earth's surface

i. Planning the design characteristic
such as arrangement and building
orientation is important in
reducing the building exposure to
heat from sunlight.
Malaysia is in warm and humid climate has a specific design guide.
It follows the main east and west axis in placing any buildings
(especially tall buildings)
With good orientation the need for auxiliary heating and cooling is reduced, resulting in lower
energy bills and reduced greenhouse emissions.
Understand the used of shelters to protect
buildings/space from the Climate parameters stated
2.3.1 Identify the types of shelters.
2.3.2 Compare the modern shelters and the
traditional shelters.
2.3.3 Describe the effects of shelters in
moderating temperature in a building.
Easier - A shelter is
a place that covers,
protects, and provides
safety - shield them from
extremes of cold and heat,
as well as from rain, snow,
and wind.
Harder - A human shelter
is a structure or a natural
feature that provides
protection against bad
weather, danger, or insect
pests. The types of shelters
people erect depend mainly
on the climate, the materials
that are available, and their
intended use.
Traditional shelters using nature to
ventilate their house especially during hot
The used of big trees around the house
will help to cool the breeze into the house.
The elevated floor and veranda in the
kampong house will create the air
circulation that will reduce the usage of

1. For existing structures, trees and hills can be used to minimize
direct sun light.
2. This green practice will lower cooling costs during hot weather!
Modern and flexible structure
Uses of awning, curtain, double
glaze window etc
All these materials will absorb and
block the heat from entering the
It also will reduce glare
It will increase ventilation in the
Purpose of ventilation are:

(a) to provide fresh air supply ( 12 m3 per person per day)
(b) to dilute body odors and dilute acceptable level of carbon dioxide
(c) to create a comfortable environment
The function of a ventilation system is to supply fresh air in the
right amount into the living space. The solution are mechanical
ventilation system and natural ventilation system.
Natural ventilation
The process of supplying and
removing air through an indoor
space without using mechanical
The flow of external air to an indoor
space as a result of pressure or
temperature differences.
There are two types of
natural ventilation occurring in
1. wind driven ventilation
2. buoyancy-driven ventilation
Wind driven ventilation depends on wind behavior, on the interactions with the
building envelope and on openings or other air exchange devices such as inlets or chimneys
Limitations of wind driven ventilation:
Unpredictability and difficulties due to speed and direction variations
The quality of air it introduces in buildings may be polluted
May create a strong draught, discomfort.
mechanical ventilation system\
The determining factors the quality of ventilation system.
Ventilation for health.

1. Provide ample O
for breathing, cooking activities and etc.
2. Prevent the high increase of CO
and bad smell.
3. Remove of the stale and humid air from toilets, kitchens and etc.
Ventilation for thermal comfort

1. Provide the comfortable environment.
2. Increase the heat loss through convection.
3. Speed the process of evaporation.
4. Wind velocity is important to determine the quality of air exchange in a room.
Ventilation for structure cooling.
1. The temperature difference (inside & outside) is influenced by the surfaces color and
thermal capacity .
2. The fresh air from outside is forced into the room and remove the hot air out of the
room. This convection process will maintain the cool and comfortable air inside the
building which in the end will cool the building structures.
Ventilation Standards
ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
Engineers) recommends for natural ventilation, the air movement of 0.1 0.3 m/s
(1.5 2.5 ach) for domestic, 1.5 2.5 ach for office, with air conditioner >3 ach.
Methods of Ventilation

Passive ventilation
Wind Pressure Effect
Stack effect

Mechanical ventilation
Fan & ventilation fan

Wind pressure Effect
a) The building design involves the determination of size and
component of openings such as windows, chimney, louvers
and air vent.
b) Factor that influence the wind movement in buildings.
1. Orientation
2. Outside obstructions
3. Cross ventilation
4. Size and location of the openings.
5. Opening control
Factors that influence the wind movement in buildings.
a. Size and location of the openings
Higher windows : The wind
movement is upward.
Center position : The wind
movement covers the living zone.
b. Opening Control
Wind movement in the room is influenced by the projection of the outdoor & indoor shelters.
The wind movement is
The wind movement is
distributed throughout the room
The wind movement is
c. Orientation
i. Wind direction (oblique - 45)
- Able to increase the wind speed
- Wind distribution is even.
ii. Distance between buildings (5X the height)
The wind is blocked cause the area
between buildings is not well
The distance allows the wind to gain its
speed back. The wind distribution is even.
d. Outside obstructions.
The wind velocity increases when there is a tunnel effect.
d. Cross Ventilation
If there is any walls/object the wind movement in the room, the cross ventilation will
not happen. Sekiranya tiada bukaan keluar @ terdapat sekakatan yang penuh,
aliran angin tidak akan terbentuk. Oleh itu bukaan keluar perlu.
No opening for the air
to move out.
The walls inside a room will block the
from going into the other room.
The wind direction entering a building
d. Cross ventilation (cont.)
The cross ventilation is the most efficient passive /natural ventilation.
Projection of an outdoor shelters
will increase the wind velocity into a
If the shelter is placed right on the
window the wind direction in up
ward and it not profitable.
An opening between the shelters
and the wall will able to equalize the
air pressure.
Louvers is good in directing the wind
according to the angle of the
window placed by dwellers.
The influence of environment to building forms/shapes.
1. Building placing factors.
2. Shapes & Building Planning
3. Noise problems.
4. Lighting factors.
5. sick building syndrome
a. The Factor of building placing.
1. Geographical Factor.
- Types of earth.
- Under ground & surface water irrigation.
- Types of plants on top.
- Topography & slopes (water puddles at
slopes moderate the temperature)
- Building design & relationship with earth
- Irrigation at site.
- Climate at site. (wind, temperature and
Increase of 300-400m in altitude ,
the temperature change 1F
- Types and location of the plants.
- Sound distributions.
b. Climate Factors
1. Sun
Natural source of heat and light energy.

2. Wind
i. Indoor & outdoor ventilation.
ii. Shear load to the building structures.
iii. Wind infiltration cause the increase and loss of heat.

3. Rain
Influence the roof design.
Water at the site. effect the irrigation on site.
Steep slope fast
Moderate slope smooth and
easy current.
Flat roof need drainage
on the roof.
c. Sense factors.
1. Scenery
i. Help in determining the faade of the
ii. Determine the location of the opening.
iii. Types of plants for the landscape.
Absorb heat
Promotes evaporation
Strengthen the earth/soil structure.
2. Sound
i. Sound level, quality and source
influence the building faade and
ii. Building materials choices and its
iii. Types of sound control.
Sound barrier walls.
b. Shapes and building planning.
- Outdoor spaces.
a. Shelters (plants & structures)
b. Free wind movement between buildings.

- Walls and roofs
a. Build from low thermal load and light materials.
b. Outside surface has heat and light reflectors.
c. Double layered roof ( space at the roof as ventilation area.)
d. Ceiling top has reflector.
e. Apply a good resistant insulators.
f. Use slope and wavy roof materials.

- Air movement and opening space.
a. Size of the opening is suitable to the wind movement.
b. Free from the effect of outdoor barrier. Air movement should not pass through
hot area before reaching the building.
c. Need mechanical ventilation.
d. Raised house level.

- Ventilation
a. Air exchange rate is suitable.
b. Air movement covers the living zone.
c. Roof and ceiling ventilation ( Temperature difference - 2C)
c. Noise problems.
i. It is unwanted sound.
ii. The effect of noise is influence by the following factors:
Exposure time
Frequency of exposure
Sound source distance
Incident time
Exposed individual behavior.
iii. Unit is in dB
iv. Sound source should be considered in building design and room layout design.

Source of noise
i. roads & highways
ii. railways
iii. Airport
iv. Heavy industrial area.
v. Building services equipments.

Characteristic of physical barriers to control noise.
i. Strong and hard - to avoid from vibration and reverberation.
ii. Enough density to block and absorb the sound wave.
iii. Cavity resonance block walls are good in reducing noise.

Understand the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)
2.4.1 Define condensation process in buildings.
2.4.2 Discuss the effects of condensation in the
2.4.3 Define SBS
2.4.4 Describe the causes of SBS and their effect
on the building and its occupants.
2.4.5 Explain the methods to solve SBS problems.
The surrounding condition in buildings which causing workers are uncomfortable, lack
of concentration and reduce work performances.

Causes of SBS
i. Lack of fresh air and sun radiation.
ii. Lack of air movement
iii. Lack of ample lighting (natural/mechanical lighting)
iv. Bad air filtration.
v. Lack of maintenance to the ventilation system.
vi. Source of fresh air location.
vii. Biological/chemical contaminants

i. Headache
ii. Lethargic
iii. Effect to eyes/nose 7 throat.
iv. Effect to esophagus
v. Lack of concentration

e. Sick Building Syndrome
When there are 20% of the occupants have
symptoms of SBS caused by the quality of air.

BRI is used when there are symptoms caused by
air pollution identified in the building.
Usually the symptoms show serious effect to
human after tested clinically by laboratories.

Solution to SBS
i. Get rid off the source of
ii. Increase the air exchange rate
iii.Clean the air filter
iv.Education & Communication.

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