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1. Provide Crane Inspection, Certification/ Rejection criteria's that are applied by the
third party crane inspection agencies while testing a crane. Inspection Dept
2. Provide Rigger 1 & 2 , training and testing procedures. Industrial Training


1. Requires 3-4 months for obtaining Saudi Aramco Operators Certification due to
cumbersome procedures; to be reduced to target of 1 month with improvements.
Industrial Training
2. Need to consider certificates issued by the internationally accredited certifying
agencies such as CITB, LEA . etc. and wave Saudi Aramcos written test. Only
practical test to be conducted. H.E. Safety Committee
3. Any competent person/ lift supervisors meeting Rigger-1 qualification should be
tested directly for Rigger-1 instead of going through Rigger 3, 2 & 1 testing levels.
Industrial Training
4. Renewal of Operators certification should require only practical testing; not to be
tested with all tests applied to new candidates. Industrial Training
Current Situation
Current Situation
a. Contractors submit request thru PMT with listed GI requirements:
i. Heavy Equipment Government License
ii. Medical Reports
iii. Project Management Sponsoring Letter
iv. Request form
b. ITD Registration Office:
i. Immediately schedule him for written test within 5 working days. Test
result is obtained on the same test date.
ii. After passing the written test, Crane operators are scheduled for the
practical test at their job site within the next 5 working days.
iii. If the crane operator passes the practical test, a certificate is issued by
the ITD Registration Office within the next 2 working days.
Possible suggestions to expedite the crane certification process:
a. Potential Hazards Sites: Maintain the same Saudi Aramco GI certification
standard & restrictions for crane operators that area operating in potential
hazard sites that are defined likewise by Loss Prevention Dept GI
b. Automatic ITD CRANE Certification Process: to eliminate the manual
request audit and automate the test scheduling/requesting procedures.
c. Crane Request Certification Requirements:
i. Start accepting recognized the applicants native country crane license
or certificates.
ii. Start accepting medical reports generated from the applicant native
d. Written Test: Conduct the written test in several languages if the test &
proctors are provided.

e. Crane Operator Certification For Gross-root Sites:
i. Certification should be authorized for a period of 6 month
intervals. Incidents should be evaluated and reported by PMT to
the Heavy Equipment Safety Committee.
Ii. Wave the written test provided participants pass the practical test.
III. ITD will accept crane certification requests for applicant with crane
license/certificate and medical reports generated from the
applicant native country.
ITD will proceed with any of the above suggested crane
certification expediting procedures once they are approved by the
Heavy Equipment Safety Committee.

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