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Engineering Manual/Process

Views of Teamcenter



Current Status

Teamcenter: Engineering Data Management System
Rich Stanek
On behalf of the Teamcenter Implementation Team

What is Teamcenter?
Software tool to help us do our jobs better
Commercial Product !ifecycle Management "P!M# software "Siemens#
Document and Process centric relational data$ase "%racle#
&sed $y many large internationally $ased manufacturing com'anies
Also used $y DES( for t)e *+E! 'ro,ect "TC Enter'rise#
CE-. study on EDMS identified TC as u'grade to t)eir 'resent system

Who will it affect?

!a$/s tec)nical 'rocurement and fa$rication staff

Scientists engineers designers tec)nicians mac)inists 0C

ES12 1 Procurement 'ersonnel
Mec)anical electrical and ci3il disci'lines
&sed for 'ro,ects and for internal engineering data
Allow access for Colla$orators "'ro,ect4related eng5 documents#
Product Lifecycle Management
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is
the process of managing the entire
lifecycle of a component and its associated
data from conception, through design and
manufacture, to service and maintenance,
and finally disposal.
provides an engineering information
bacbone for companies and their
e!tended enterprise.

What type of documents will be stored in Teamcenter?

+ocus on engineering documents and data

CAD files s'ecifications re6uirements documents engineering
calculations 1 analysis safety documents 0C re'orts 3endor data555

Will this be our only Document Management System?

No5 !a$ is also 'ursuing S)arePoint as a more general DMS
Teamcenter will $e integrated wit) S)arePoint
T)ere may $e a few ot)er systems t)at will $e integrated as well
7oal is one common access 'oint for documents
8one sto' s)o''ing9
Introduction "cont/d#

What problems are we trying to solve?

!ac: of a common EDMS Many DocD; instances and ad )oc systems
Ma:es colla$oration "e3en $etween Di3isions# difficult
CAD files are dis,ointed mec)anical electrical ci3il all )andled differently
2ard to find information engineering re'orts analysis on 're3ious designs<
8-ein3ent t)e w)eel9 far too often
!oss of data/information w)en 'eo'le retire or mo3e to anot)er 'ro,ect
-e3iews and Signoffs re6uire a manual 'rocess
%ften wit)out full information a3aila$le to t)e a''ro3er
Introduction "cont/d#

Why did we choose Teamcenter?

Started off wit)in t)e CAD Tools Committee as a means to re'lace our
mec)anical CAD "I4deas# TDM )as grown into somet)ing muc) $igger
.eeded software t)at could )andle all of our common file formats
.* AutoCAD MS %ffice 'df =T as well as a 3ariety of ECAD formats
>anted a system wit) a 'ro3en trac: record t)at )ad all t)e ca'a$ilities
Minimi?e customi?ation to limit 'ro$lems wit) u'dates
>ere a$le to 8'artner9 wit) Siemens to create an afforda$le solution
Introduction "cont/d#
Engineering Manual
Archiving and Control (page 30)
In the future, ermilab !ill implement a lab"
!i#e $lectronic %ocument &ana'ement S()tem
*$%&S+, Thi) !ill pro-i#e a central location an#
common metho# for #ocument )tora'e, #ocument
i#entification, !orkflo!, confi'uration control,
chan'e mana'ement an# #ocument retrie-al,.
The future is now and the EDMS is Teamcenter
Engineering Process 1 Teamcenter
Teamcenter " $%&0
%rgani?ational View
34% %4T4 &4546$&$5T
57, 4uto34%
%ra!in' 8 3%
433$SS 3O5TRO9
Information Securit(
I5T$6R4T$% :IS;49I<4TIO5
4cce)) 2% 8 3% %ra!in'
Sectionin' = &ea)ure = 3learance 3heck
5o 34% Tool Re>uire#
Share %ocument),
?O& &4546$&$5T
%e)i'n Re"u)e
:ariant) = Option)
R$9$4S$ &4546$&$5T
$n'ineerin' Relea)e 0roce))
Sin'le Source of 0ro#uct %ata
&S Office
+unctional View
Core Team and Steering Committee Mem$ers
Division/Section Core Team Members Steering Committee Members
Bob Andree
Tony Metz
Scott Nolan/Julie Trumbo
Nelly Stanfeld
Simon Kwan
Bill Borosi
Rich Karuhn
Tony Metz
Bob Tschirhart
James Blowers
Tom Nicol
Dave Harding
AD ! Mec"anical
Tony #arer
Salman Tari$
Paul Czarapata
AD ! %lectrical &ic" Divelbiss
AD ' Cryo(enics
Ale) Martinez
#"il #*und +sa*ety,
##D ' Mec"anical Dave #us"a Peter ilson
##D ! %lectrical Marcus -arwill
Jody 0ederwitz
Cindy &o(ers
Directorate &ic" Stane1 Kathryn !rim "PR# Rich Stane$
0%SS Jim Nie"o2 Randy %rtgiesen
Manu*acturin( %d /a(ler
#ro3ect Mana(ement %laine McClusey
4nte(ration #artner Siemens
?e'in 9ab tran)ition of
I%ea) to 57
*&echanical 34%+

Core Team has met a few times

Still in 8disco3ery ')ase9
>ill start to $rea: into smaller >or:ing 7rou's
.eed to understand
2ow engineering data is currently )andled in eac) grou'
Systems/software t)at are in 'lace and s)ould $e continued
Meeting with India abs! representatives
>or: on details of )ow 'ilot 'ro,ect system can $e configured
&nderstand infrastructure limitations

Initiating contract for consulting services for final system

>ill use 8industry $est 'ractices9 to )el' esta$lis) data sc)ema
"uilding up hardware architecture
&tili?e e@isting infrastructure as well as new )ardware 'urc)ase
2ig) a3aila$ility scala$le redundancy
Wor#ing with the Share$oint Team to assure smooth integration
Current Status

Teamcenter will be the ab!s %DMS

2a3e a 'lan for )ow to 'roceed

Purc)ased t)e re6uired software licenses
Esta$lis)ed 'rogram ')ases
C)arter/-oadma' will guide im'lementation 'rocess

This program has

Director/s su''ort
+unding for )ardware software licenses and consulting
Team is forming to align and im'lement t)e software
Strong re'resentation from around t)e !a$

Needed for success

Commitment from D/S/C and De'artment 2eads
Acce'tance from t)e engineering and tec)nical staff
-esources for training data migration and testing

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