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What Is an Interjection ?
An interjection is one of the eight major parts of speech, along
with verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions
and conjunctions.

Some grammarians believe that interjections are the least
important part of speech.

This is because interjections are not generally required in order
for the meaning of a sentence to become clear.
Defining an Interjection
An interjection is a word solely designed to convey emotion.
It expresses meaning or feeling.
It does not:
Relate grammatically to the other parts of
the sentence.
Help the reader understand the
relationship between words and phrases in
the sentence.
Use of Interjections

Beginning of Sentences

When people think of interjections, they commonly think of them being
used at the beginning of the sentence.

Many also associate interjections with a punctuation mark designed to
convey emotion: the exclamation point.
Yikes, I didnt realize that there was a test on grammar today!
Oh no, I cant believe that it is snowing here again!
In both of these sentences the interjection - yikes and oh no appear
at the beginning of the sentence.
In addition, in both of the sentences, the emotion is a strong emotion and
the sentence itself ends with an exclamation point.
Middle or End of Sentence
Interjections do not always have to be at the beginning of a sentence.
They can appear in the middle, at the end, or anyplace else where the author
wants to interject a bit of feeling and emotion.
So, its snowing again, huh? (the interjection is found at the end)
In my opinion, my gosh, this is just the smartest thing you have ever
said (the interjection is found in the middle)
In this sentence, the emotion wasnt an emotion that
necessitated an exclamation point.
Stand-alone Sentence
An interjection can also be used by itself as a stand-alone sentence
This is grammatically correct, although Oh Gosh does not contain
a subject and action that is normally required for a complete thought
to be expressed
Oh gosh! I cant believe how late it is. ( the interjection oh gosh is a
stand-alone sentence. )
Interjections are not commonly used in formal or academic writing.
Because of the function that interjections serve, there is virtually
no place for them in an academic paper that is designed to convey
Interjections are used most often in speech.
Interjections can find their way into fictional pieces, most often in
the form of dialogue.
They can also be used in informal written communication between
two people, such as letters or emails.
A: aha, ahem, ahh, ahoy, alas, arg, aw
B: bam, bingo, blah, boo, bravo, brrr
C: cheers, congratulations
D: dang, drat, darn, duh
E: eek, eh, encore, eureka
F: fiddlesticks
G: gadzooks, gee, gee whiz, golly, goodbye, goodness,
good grief, gosh

H: ha-ha, hallelujah, hello, hey, hmm, holy buckets,
holy cow, holy smokes, hot dog, huh?, humph, hurray
O: oh, oh dear, oh my, oh well, oops, ouch, ow
P: phew, phooey, pooh, pow
S: shh, shoo
T: thanks, there, tut-tut
U: uh-huh, uh-oh, ugh
W: wahoo, well, whoa, whoops, wow
Y: yeah, yes, yikes, yippee, yo, yuck

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