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Acceleration field
Conservation of mass equation
Linear momentum equation
Energy equation
Boundary condition
Stream function
Vorticity and irrationality

In this approach, the Reynolds transport theorem is applied to
infinitesimal CV. The result is a set of differential equations.
The CV is three dimensional, fixed CV where the properties are
uniform over the face of the CS.

Acceleration field
One of the most important and most dynamic properties in fluid flow is the velocity. It is
a function of position vector and time.
= , , , + , , , + , , ,
The acceleration field of a fluid element is the time rate of change of the velocity field.

, , , + , , , + , , ,


Applying chain rule for differentiation
It takes the form
a =

a =

+ .

Conservation of mass equation
We take an infinitesimal CV as shown in the figure
Taking net mass flux in
the x , y and z direction


A CV with one dimensional
inlets and outlets, with the
velocities are uniform over
and normal to the faces.
Applying Reynolds transport theorem for the infinitesimal CV

= 0
in the CV
Net mass flux
through the CSs
in the x, y and z

= 0
Continuity Equation
The above equation is known as continuity equation. The compact
form is

Some flow systems are
more conveniently
expressed by cylindrical

+. = 0



= 0
Continuity Equation in
polar coordinates
The continuity equation in its general form is non linear differential
equation, which makes it incredibly difficult to solve in most cases.
But there is an interesting assumption which will massively simplify
the complications and still apply for many fluid flow problems,
Incompressible flow. The equations reduce to linear DE.

= 0


= 0
Incompressible flow assumption, not only applies for liquids but also
compressible fluids with some fulfilled criterion.
Mathematically, incompressible flow can be approximated by


And from Bernoulli's Relation , then


1 , This is the criteria for incompressible flow,

= / , is the
dimensionless number known as Mach number. For incompressible flow


Linear Momentum equation
For the same infinitesimal CV used in conservation of mass equation,
the inlet and exit momentum fluxes are given in the table. Applying
Reynolds transport theorem

Expanding the differential terms and rearranging, we get

The net force is a combination of body forces (gravitational force) and
surface forces (pressure and viscous stress forces). For the
infinitesimal CV it is fair enough to assume that the pressure and
viscous stresses are uniformly distributed over the faces of the CV.


+ . +

Vanishes from
continuity equation
Acceleration field
The body force is given by

For the surface forces
The net viscous stress force in the x direction is


Analogously calculating the net viscous stress along the y and z
direction and combining, we get

In divergence form

Then the compact form of the momentum equation is

= .

The first subscript represents the
face on which the stress is acting
and the second subscript
represents the direction of the

The expanded momentum equation is thus
For Inviscid flow approximation

Eulers Equation
But the stress terms can be related to the velocity for three dimensional fluid
element of a Newtonian fluid

Upon substitution on the momentum equation we get the famous Navier
Stokes equation.
The compact form of the
Navier Stokes equation is:

= +

The Navier Stokes equation is extremely difficult to solve
analytically, but simplified forms of the equation yield solutions
impressively to many fluid flow problems. As a result the equation is
viewed as of great importance that it would bring a breakthrough in
the field of fluid mechanics, if solved.
The Navier Stokes equation is one of the seven millennium prize problems presented by Clay Mathematics
Institute, which will award 1 million dollar for whoever gets the solution for one of those.

The Energy Equation
The Reynolds transport theorem is applied to Energy on the
infinitesimal CV, with no protruding shaft work through it.

Expanding and rearranging gives

Heat transfer only by conduction using Fouriers law
Viscous stress work is calculated from the products of the stress
gradient and the corresponding velocity component and area.

Splitting up the viscous work term
Viscous dissipation function
From continuity equation

Substituting in the energy equation eliminates the terms

, and
from , to take the most customary form of the energy equation

Applying thermodynamic state relation approximation

For fluids at rest or with negligible velocity

= . +
Boundary Conditions
We have the three differential equations which are the continuity,
momentum and energy. But the involved unknown variables are five
(, , , , ), which requires two additional relation between these
properties The thermodynamic state relations and boundary
Boundary conditions:
- Solid impermeable wall boundary (no slip, no temperature jump

For inviscid flow:

- Inlet outlet boundaries: Known properties at inlet and outlet
Interface boundary condition
- Mechanical equilibrium should
exist b/n the fluids at the interface
: velocity, pressure and viscous
shear stress which is termed as
Kinematic boundary condition.
- Heat conduction boundary
condition at interfaces

Vorticity and Irrotationality
Taking angular velocity of the fluid element
z axis on x y plane,
Similarly, for angular velocities about x and y axes,


Irrotationality (Zero vorticity)
= 2 = =
= = 0
Inviscid Irrotational flow

Intentionally introducing a position vector term in the equation
Integrating along a stream function

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