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Navarathiri - Meaning

Nine NIghts - Darkness - Ignorance

Nine - Grahas on planet, Human body has nine opening

Look Deeply, Human is dependent on the planet

Human's Enemy - Kama, Krodha, Lodha, oha, ada,


!educe human le"el to a DE#N

$hey ha"e to be o"erpo%ered and transmuted, by the

&upreme 'lchemy o( the Di"ine )rge

Nine *Na"a+ nights *!atri+ o( struggle %ill become ne%

*Na"a+ type o( night
De"oted to the puri(ication o( the mind, illumination o(
the soul
Navarathiri - Purpose

Na"aratri is a (esti"al to commemorate the "ictory
o( the good o"er the e"il,
$he Embodiment o( Di"ine -o%er *-ara-&hakti+, in
its "arious mani(estations,
&at%ic *as aha- &aras%ati+,
!a.asic *as aha-Lakshmi+,
$amasic *as ahakali+
During the nine days' struggle and (inally, on /i.aya
Dashami *Dasara, the tenth Day commemorating
Three Phases Of Navaratri
Na"aratri has been di"ided into three parts,

'+ Durga - (irst three days are dedicated
0+ Lakshmi 1 ne2t 3 days %orship
4+ &aras%ati 1 last 3 days
'll Hindu (esti"als ha"e a sacred purpose,
No%-a-days the (esti"als are obser"ed only %ith
e2ternal rituals %ithout understanding their inner
meaning, In the per(ormance o( all (orms o(
%orship, there should be steadiness o( mind and
body, #nly then concentration can be achie"ed,
$oday men are unable to maintain steadiness o(
body and mind,5
Purpose Of Devi Worship

5Ichcha-&hakti *the 6ill -o%er+ arises (rom


$o de"elop this 'Ichcha-&hakti',one has to %orship

'Ichcha-&hakti' - de"eloped, becomes easier to gi"e
up other desires too,
Leads to '/airaagya' *renouncing all attachments+,
/airaagya - not abandonment o( hearth and home
and retiring to a (orest,
It means de"eloping godly thoughts and reducing
%orldly (eelings,

-oo.a during Na"aratri is intended to get rid o(

%orldly attachments and di"ert-the mind to%ards
$his (esti"al is de"oted to the
other Goddess kno%n %ith
di((erent names as Durga, Kali,
0ha"ani, 'mba, and 4handika,
has been celebrated in it's most
uni7ue and di((erent %ays in
"arious parts o( India and abroad
%ith de"otional songs, bha.ans
and cultural programs %ith the
%orld reno%ned Garba or Dandiya
!aas in the state o( Gu.arat,
Maa Durga
Maa Lakshmi
Lakshmi is worshipped for the
next three days in her various
aspects as the goddesses of
peace, plenty and bliss.
Fulfillment is more important
than wealth itself. As the
goddess of wealth, she
governs not just the bank
balance, but also such basic
things as family, friends, food
Maa Sarasati
Saraswati is the goddess of
knowledge. ot just the knowledge
of how to earn a living, but how to
!live! as well. She is the goddess of
the spiritual knowledge and the
knowledge that frees us from this
bind of Samsara. She is worshipped
during the final three days of the
Dur!a" Lakshmi #$% Sarasati
S&m'oli(e Three Pote$cies
$hree potencies *&haktis+,
Karma,0akthi and 8nana
Durga, Kriyaa &hakti *the po%er o( action+
Lakshmi, Ichchaa &hakti *%ill po%er+, and
&aras%ati, 8nana &hakti *the po%er o( discrimination+
$he body indicates 5Kriyaa &hakti5, 1 aterial
$he mind is 5Ichchaa &hakti5, 1 'cti"ates-"ibrant
$he 'tma is 58nana &hakti5, 1 Energy
Durga,&hakti-&%aroopini*embodiment,physical energy
Lakshmi,-raana &%aroopini*embodiment o( the li(e-(orce
&aras%ati is Goddess o( &peech */ak De"ata+ ,
This represe$t the #tmic Pri$ciple)))
Dur!a" Lakshmi * Sarasati
S&m'oli(e Three +ualities
-o%er o( Durga - !a.asic 7ualities *'nger, Hatred+
-o%er o( Lakshmi - -ure 7ualities that arise in man
such as compassion, lo"e, (orbearance and
-o%er o( &aras%ati - Di"ine in song and poetry and
the pleasing "ibrations
6orship Durga, Lakshmi and &aras%ati e2ternally
in pictures *subtle potencies that are %ithin them+
an today is not recogni9ing the po%ers %ithin him
and de"elop respect (or them
Dur!a" Lakshmi * Sarasati
S&m'oli(e Mother
6hat does Durga, Lakshmi, &aras%ati gi"es:
MOT,-. is a com'i$atio$ of all / D-01s2
MOT,-. represe$t all / !o%%esses
No need %orship D)!G', L'K&HI and &'!'&6'$I
- Lo"e and adore #)! mother - &ho%s our lo"e to
#ne's mother is greater than hea"en itsel(
&ri !ama himsel( declared that one's
mother and mother land are greater than
e"en hea"en
Dur!a" Lakshmi * Sarasati
S&m'oli(e The Supreme Divi$e
Na"aratri - get rid o( %orldly attachments - mind to%ard Go
$here are (our di((erent 7ualities in man;
=,animal nature,
3,demonic nature, and
>, di"ine nature,
6hen man (ollo%s the dictates o( the 3OD4, he is a
prey to his animal nature,
6hen he is sub.ect to action o( the M1ND,he become demonic

6hen he is (ollo%ing the #TM# *conscience+, he is
mani(esting his di"inity,

Whe$ he is !over$e% '& all the three5 3OD4" M1ND

a$% #TM# 5 ,- 1S ,6M#N))
,o To 7ele'rate
5$he Na"aratri (esti"al should be
used as an occasion to e2amine
one's o%n nature %hether it is
human, animal, or demonic, and
stri"e to trans(orm the animal
nature into the human, and
di"inise the human nature,
6isdom cannot be ac7uired (rom
outside, It has to be got through
in%ard &adhana5,
Sai9s Messa!e O$ Navaratri
5It is essential to celebrate
(esti"als in a sacred spirit, It is
not enough to do this (or only <?
days during the Na"aratri
(esti"als, It should become the
rule throughout one's li(e, e"en
as one dra%s one's li(e-breath till
the end,5
$his (esti"al is
celebrated in most
uni7ue and di((erent
%ays in di((erent parts
o( India and abroad
%ith de"otional songs,
bha.ans and cultural
with the world renowned
"arba or #andiya $aas in
the state of "ujarat.

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