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Psychologist & NLP Trainer
What is Media?
In general, "media" refers to various means
of communication. For example, television,
radio, newspaper and the internet are
different types of media. The term can also
be used as a collective noun for the press
or news reporting agencies.
What Media does
Creates Awareness
Makes Money
Channels Of Media
Print Media
Television Broadcast Media
Films as a Media Vehicle
Radio Broadcast Media
Music as a Media Vehicle
Home Video as a Media Vehicle
Events as a Media Vehicle
What is
media relations?
It is not a press release
Its not about who you know
- Not without a good story its not
Payment for placement isnt media relations
- Advertising / advertorial / infomercial
Simply telling the world your good news doesnt work
One size doesnt fit all
- Match target audience to media outlet
What is media relations?
First priority
Delivery of a message to a target public by way of the media:

But its also
Giving the media information or access
Developing a two-way exchange
Providing background information and spokespeople
Offering useful information to develop a story or angle
Building a professional relationship
What is media relations?
Fair and accurate reporting of your service or
Two-way respect
- Belief in you as a professional
- Trust that you respect them and their role
A valuable resource for information and ideas
The goal of media relations
The relationship is often

What editors want What you want

News Positive news coverage about
your company and the industry
To report story well and in a timely
fashion Fair and balanced reporting on
Access to background information, stories of controversy
people, trends
Balanced resources To be viewed as a resource
To beat their competition

It should be

Media are one of the primary and best ways to deliver your key
messages to your target audiences
The better way is to build and use pro-active media relations

What does
pro-active media
relations mean?
What is pro-active media relations?
Having a professional working relation
Being available at all times good or bad to respond to the media
Why be pro-active?
Others have defined who you are in the past
News environment allows you to position yourself as a responsible
It shows confidence, that you are in tune with society
An opportunity to build a trusting relationship with journalists
Being silent carries a negative message in the media
Help ensure you will be given time and space for response in
negative stories
Understand your role
As a company
- For example: can you comment on the status of the crime?
As an employer
- For example: can you comment on careers, knowledge or people?
As a contributor to society
- For example: can you comment on community relations? Others?
You can be the human face bringing emotional dimension to the
news of the day
To be pro-active, you must also understand what new is

what makes

1. Interest
2. Consequence
3. Timeless
4. Proximity
5. Prominence

Six types of news stories
- Today's news
- Gives the reader information, such as a how to
- Local, National, Regional or International
- Doesnt just focus on your company, brings in many elements
Appilication or Test
- How a new product performs
- Portrait of an individual
What makes a news story?
Six Elements When?
Every (good) story has three characteristics

1. From a credible source
- Build your identity as a corporate or topic expert
2. Confirmed by experts
- Prepare them and refer to them
3. Substantiated by facts
- People, research


How communications works

The communications equation


Deliverer Message Mechanism Receiver
Deliverer issues
Their message is written for themselves, not to who is going to hear
the messages
Flawed message delivery
Received is ill-defined
- Too large
- Too small
- Wrong influencers or media
Internal pressure
- Money
- Time
- Resource
Message issues
Typically , the message is written from the point of view of the
deliverer not the receiver
To the receiver, the message is not
- Relevant
- Credible
- Defensible
- Differentiating
- Memorable or lasting
Mechanism issues
Inappropriate use or mis-understanding of the different mechanisms,
among the most common methods
- Advertising
- Public Relations
- Media Relations
- Direct Marketing
- Sales Promotion
- Online Marketing
Insufficient resources to support the chosen methods
- Money/Budget
- People
- Time
Receiver issues
In addition to relevant messages, the receiver may be:
- Not interested / apathetic
- Mis- informed
- Clueless
- Antagonistic
- Already has decided upon an opinion
In general, their perceptions are already established
One element cannot be controlled

Deliverer Message
Mechanism Receiver

VOICE: Managing the Message Cycle
Messages are created in five basic steps:

V = VISION Messages are created as part of a business or
communication plan of action
O = ORGANIZATION Message are based on facts, research and
analysis of the current environment (e.g.,
audiences current perception, media
I = INSTRUCTION Messages are delivered by qualified and
trained spokespeople
C = COMMUNICATIONS Messages are relayed in a compelling
communications campaign
E = EVALUATION The success of the message delivery helps
determine the success of the business or
communication plan of action
All messages should be

Compelling (encourages action)

Differentiating (yours alone)

Relevant (is important to the audiences)

Credible (is believable by the audiences)

Defensible (from competition)

And possibly, sustainable (usually corporate
or brand messages)

1. Know the journalists objective

What do they want from the interview?
Who is the journalists? What have they written in the past?
What is their deadlines?
What topic specially do they want to focus on?
Who else have they spoken to? What did they say?
Buy time if you need it
Once you commit, always prepare

2. Know your objective

What do you want to accomplish
What headlines do you want?
Anticipate all types of questions
- What are the basic questions?
- What are the nightmare questions?
- Ask yourself: what could go wrong? Then, in advance, think about
what you would do or how you would handle yourself
3. Every answer is a message

Be clear
Be simple
Be consistent
Focus on only 3-4 messages
Remember: PREP
- Point
- Reason
- Example
- Point
4. Use bridging and flagging

Bridge from answer to answer
- Yes, and in addition to that
- No, thats not right. Let me explain...
- I dont know about that, but I do know about this
- Thats how we used to do it, and heres how we do it now
Flag important concepts and information
- The most important point to remember is
- After all weve said today, we should remember these three
- Let me leave you with one point
5. Turn negatives into positives

Be in a position to respond to every question with a positive answer
Dont repeat negative language
6. Be a credible but approachable-expert

Avoid professional jargon instead, use everyday language
Explain yourself simply
If you dont know an answer, say so
Use stories and anecdotes to make your point
7. Show you mean what you say

Look at the interviewer directly (never the camera)
Watch your posture and body language
- Be open (no arms crossed over chest)
- Dont fidget
- Do not use a swivel chair
Make your voice authoritative without being domineering
Where clothing which underscores your authority
8. Keep your emotions in check

Just because the journalist is (___________), you remain calm and
Dont be lulled into a false sense of security
Remain calm and poised
Dont be afraid of silence (dead air)
Never lie
9. Never speak off the record

Do not say anything you do NOT want to see in print
There is no one definition of off the record
10. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse

Practice makes you less nervous
Practice makes you more confident
Practice allows you to make mistakes and correct yourself before
the interview
Practice allows you to hear you answers before you say them in
an interview
Find someone to acts as the interview

Role play 1
and critique
dearvisesh @
Psychologist & NLP Trainer

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