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Solar Photovoltaic System Design
for Institutional Purpose
Ram Krishna Singh
Love doesnt make the world go
around. The sun does.
Almost all the renewable energy sources originates entirely from sun.

The sun, with its by-products (wind, water, biomass, waves)
supplies our planet with 15,000 times more energy per day
than humans consume.
Components of Solar PV system
Two search requests on the internet website Google
produce "as much carbon dioxide as boiling a kettle",
according to a Harvard University academic.

A typical search returned a result in less than 0.2 seconds and that the search itself only used its servers
for a few thousandths of a second. This amounted to 0.0003 kWh of energy per search - equivalent to
0.2g of CO2.

Going Green @ Google
Going Green @ Google
In June 2007 Google completed a 1.6MW solar installation at Mountain
View, CA headquarter. This installation produces enough electricity to
power 30% of Google's peak electricity demand in solar powered buildings
at our Mountain View, CA headquarters.
Solar energy versus other green energy
The relative economics of Solar Energy verses other Renewable Energy sources will
depend on country or regional specific factors. Solar Energy economics are at their best
in Regions with high solar radiation factors.

Solar Energy comes in to its own through its freedom to choose the site of energy
production and its ability to directly match individual (residential or commercial)
customer loads.

Solar requires valuable raw materials, whose scarcity can often increase costs.

Applications of Institutional Solar Photovoltaic
Remote area electrification.

Solar powered water pumps are very efficient and cost effective in agricultural

Highway directional signs can use PV system to save the expense of excavation to extend
electrical lines to sign as well as cost of maintaining the electrical line.

Health care system


Transport aids

Security system

Advantages of Solar PV system
Since the solar energy is free of cost hence no operating cost.

Solar energy systems are not location specific. Almost every place, sun radiation is

Electricity is the most convenient and most general form of energy which can be
generated by using spv systems and can also be converted into other form of energy as
per requirement.

Spv systems don't have any machinery(moving system) which results low maintenance
and repairing.

Proven technology Only supporting systems like inverters, batteries require some

Systems are very durable. Typically solar photovoltaic modules having life more than
twenty years. Only some cleaning of upper surface of module may be done occasionally
for proper working.

Sophisticated technology, not suitable to local manufacture.

Balance of system components still under development.

High initial investment cost.

Low Efficiency

Skilled engineers needed for maintenance.

Output subject to solar insolation variations and weather.

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