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Why Islam Is Against Black Magic And

‘Black magic’ may include amulets, talismans,

potions, charms, spells, witchcraft, oracles,
palmistry, fortune telling etc. The forbidding of
such things or acts in Islam is for the
betterment of mankind.
Are You a Victim of Black Magic or
Demonic Possession ?

Black Magic is dangerous and can

destroy one’s health and well being, it
can also kill or make the individual
commit suicide in extreme cases. The
innocent soul seldom finds out that
he/she has become a victim of Black
Black magic basically involves the worship of
Satan and evil spirits to gain demonic powers
and harm the innocent people of Allah.
Worshipping anything other than The Allah is
considered “kufr” in Islam and thus these
magicians are practicing the art of Infidelity
(kufr) which is totally prohibited in Islam.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says:

“Whoever blows on knots practices magic,
and whoever practices magic is a mushrik
(polytheist).” (At-Tabarani)
In order to relieve a person from the clutches
of black magic, reciting certain Quran verses
can have a tremendous impact. Quran, the
one Book among many, has been sent as a
cure and mercy for its followers and for those
who seek this Holy book for healing
purposes. Recitation of Surah Al-Falak,
Surah Al-Naas, and Al-Baqarah 102 can be
helpful in dispelling the effects of black
Immunity and Protection against Black

Every Muslim is to believe firmly that no one,

however great his powers may be, can
benefit or harm him unless Allah wills it. Then
a Muslim’s best protection and immunity
against black magic is by practicing Islam,
reading the Qur’an and making frequent dhikr
and du`a’.
Allah has promised the faithful that devils cannot
exercise permanent control over those servants of
Allah who have submitted to Him; Satan can
exercise permanent control only over those who
acquiesce and surrender themselves to his
authority. Almighty Allah says: “Most certainly, My
servants–you cannot exercise control over
them except those who are deviant who follow
you.” (Al-Hijr: 42) “Most certainly he (Satan) has
no power over those who truly cherish faith
and are trusting upon their Lord; rather his
power is limited only to those who take him as
a protector (besides God) and thus associate
partners with Him.” (An-Nahl: 99-100)

Witchcraft magic spells exist and are

practiced by many unsuspecting people.
Your neighbor, your lover, or even your own
family is capable of performing evil curses
and black magic to harm you. Anyone can
cast a spell, but few know how to
permanently remove a curse.
Why they do Black Magic?

The seven deadly sins are the reasons

why people perform evil curses: lust,
gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and
pride. Any of these can drive someone to
perform evil witchcraft.
Message to Who Practice Magic!

I pray to Allah that; you will learn what you

are doing is going to come back to harm you
later three fold, or more, depending on the
damage you intend. This is the law of
magic. Great forethought should be made
before you act. For when you harm another,
you are also harming yourself.
The Power of Positive Thinking &
Remembering God is your Greatest Weapon!
The importance and power of positive thinking
cannot be put into words. But for victims of
black magic, it is even more important.

Black magic and voodoo has the ability to

completely cut you off from the Divine Source
and instill in you detrimental negative thinking.

This is the essence of black magic and

voodoo; the point is to make us unhappy,
suffer and be away from Allah.
Message to Black Magic Victims
Thinking positive towards Allah; if you are a victim of
black magic, can be something that seems completely

If the magic is strong, the

No matter what, though, you must fight with help of

. It is a battle for your soul. The power of positive

thinking is your strongest weapon. Even if it seems
impossible, you must fight the urge to think
negatively. For it will ultimately be your hope and
faith, which is expressed through your positive
thinking, that will lead to your healing.
For more information
For more information please visit:

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