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3 I InitiativePresentation made to Kanara Small Industries Association and Participating Colleges at AJ Institute of Management December 24, 2009

Theoretical Approach to Business and Management Education Outmoded Syllabi Lack of Industrial Exposure to Faculty Limited-Use Case Studies Irrelevant Western Business Practices Total Divide between Industry and Educational Institutions

Industrial Visits Project Reports Identification and Exchange of Resource Persons Collection of Case Studies Casual Employment Industrial Training Campus Recruitment

Placement Agency Entrepreneurial Development Private Equity Conferences Representation to Government Research in Power Projects Establishment Micro Power Projects

Planned Visits without any Dislocation of Work Where possible, creation of video content of Production Processes Familiarising the Faculty and Students with the Executives of Member Units

The Report isfor Establishment of an industrial unit after the completion of MBA Project cum Working Critical Evaluation of Working Redefining the Government Support Prelude to Campus Recruitment Inputs to the Educational Institutions Students Exposure to Manufacturing Processes Creating Video Content of Manufacturing Process

Guest Lectures at the Industrial Estate on Macro-economic Conditions Guest Lectures in the Colleges by the Promoters/Executives of Members of Industrial Estate Attending the Programmes of Participating Colleges by Members of Industrial Estate

Through Vacation Employment Through Project Reports Through Industrial Visits Creation of a Database of Case Studies Creating an Audio Visual Research Centre Case Studies with Video Content Establishing a Clearing House of Case Studies for the use by Management Institutions, Banks, Financial Intermediaries and Industry

Establishing a Mechanism to Identify Manpower for Vacation Employment Industrial Experience to the Students A nominal amount of Income to the Students Experience of Students getting Converted into Case Studies Industrial Units can Evaluate the students for Possible Future Employment/Campus Recruitment

Training in Areas where there is shortage of manpower Summer Vacation training Programmes Where possible, can be arranged as Certificate Courses in Colleges

Direct through the Input byParticipating Colleges Through Placement Agencies created out of the 3-I Initiative Direct Identification at the time of Project Report preparation

By the Industrial Estate/the Educational Institutions/Students after their Studies Cheaper Relevant Manpower Quick Completion of Placement Knowledge of Supervisory Deficiency Retaining the MBAs and Engineers in the locality itself

Familiarity with Manufacturing Processes Training Programmes based on the Input given by Institutions and the Industrial Estate Revival of sick industrial units Removing Bottlenecks in Supply Chain Harnessing the Hydro-Electric Potential through Micro-hydel Projects Dedicated Power Supply to Industrial Estates

Financing the Projects through Establishing a Private Equity Participating Members will be Educational Institutions, the Industrial Estate, Banks and any other Category The PE may also finance the existing members of the Industrial Estate and others Involvement of People from Educational Institutions and Industry

Conferences Representation to Government Improvement of Civic Amenities Overall Development of Dakshina Kannad

Establishment of a Co-ordination Committee comprising members from both the sides MOU between any one of the Management Institute Other Colleges will be Participants Eligible Colleges will be Under-Graduate Colleges, Colleges offering PG Course in Commerce and Management and Engineering

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