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Chapter 8

Experimental Analysis of Behavior Dollard and Miller, B.F. Skinner

Behavior and Learning Theories

Empiricism: Behavior and learning theorists emphasize experience as the primary forces that shape human behavior Explore personality experimentally by studying behavior in laboratory settings Dollard and Miller psychoanalytic learning theory Skinner radical behaviorism

Experimental analysis of behavior

Pavlov and classical conditioning Watson and behaviorism Thorndikes Law of Effect

John Dollard and Neal Miller Habits, Drives, and the Learning Process
Emphasize the role of learning in personality and place less stress on personality structure Habits learned association between a stimulus and response that make them occur together frequently Drives a strong stimulation that produces discomfort Primary drives Secondary drives

Frustration and Conflict

Unable to reduce a drive because response is blocked Due incompatible responses occurring at same time = conflict Experiments based on this theory with animals successful in predicting behavior

Integration of Learning Theory and Psychoanalysis

Adapted Freudian concepts and reconceived them in learning theory terms
Unconscious processes = unlabeled drives and cues Defense mechanisms Critical training periods in child development

B. F. Skinner
As a child, fascinated with machines and knowing how things work Interested in animal behavior and biology Took beliefs of Watson to their logical extreme Observable behavior can be completely comprehended in terms of responses to factors in the environment

Development of Behavior Through Learning

Reinforcement is anything that increases the likelihood of a response
Operant behaviors Operant conditioning Shaping

Types of reinforcement
Positive Negative Punishment Omission Training

Schedules and Types of Reinforcement

Continuous reinforcement Ratio reinforcement
Fixed ratio Variable ratio

Interval reinforcement
Fixed interval Variable interval

Psychotherapy and Behavioral Change

Skinners attitude toward therapy is pragmatic Behavior modification seeks to eliminate undesired behaviors by changing the environment Token economy

Social Utopias
Skinners book Walden II described his concept of utopia
Behaviorally engineered society designed by benevolent psychologist using positive reinforcements

Evaluating Behavioural Theories

Experimental data and research to support ideas Lead to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

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