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BPMS – A Path towards Excellence

Objective :
 To Impr ove th e ef fec ti ve nes s of Proce ss Managem ent.
 To Al ign th e bu sin es s proc es s wit h Orga nization ’s Goa l.
 To facili tate en d- to- end pers pect ive , bu sin es s as a wh ole .
BPMS – Definition
BPMS is a –
systematic approach to improve an organization's business
holistic management approach that promotes business
effectiveness and efficiency
continuously improve processes

Busin ess
Pr oc es s
Manag em ent
Busi nes s Busin ess
Pr oc es s Pro cess
Re- eng ineer ing
Mod el in g
Busi nes s Busi ness
Pr oc ess Pr ocess
Int eg rat io n Aut oma tion
Busin ess
Pr oc es s
Ana lysi s
BPMS Lifecycle

Design the Process A/c
to Organization’s
Strategies & Goal.

Launch the Right
Process and
Operations & Execute
well day-to-day.

Track the Progress.
Knowing what is going
on Actually.

Real Time Business
Report. Improve the
Visibility & Control to
Optimize the Process
Business Process Quality Management Solution
Achieve process excellence with the Process Quality Management Solution
that helps to define, improve, adopt and sustain the business processes.
DEFINE: Identify,Define & prioritize
critical processes then map them in
the most efficient possible way to
create Multi-level Value Stream maps
with sub-processes and hierarchy.

IMPROVE: Improve consistency of

results by using one instance of data
between related tools. Reduce
project cycle time, errors and
inefficiencies to derive the better

ADOPT: Processes are consistently

adopted & executed within the
organization that gives tools to
employee by which they manage
change & replicate their successes
throughout the organization.

SUSTAIN: Increase sustainability by

providing one picture of processes,
metrics, roles, and responsibilities
that everyone in the organization can
access and understand.
Process Approach

Set of interrelated activities, which transforms input

into output, with the use of resources.
System Approach

Views the Organization as a unified, purposeful system composed

of interrelated process.
Look at the Organization as a part of the its Subsystem / larger
outside environment.
Subsystem turn inputs into outputs through processing.
Open system consist a permeable boundary(Resources/Input &
Output can pass through).

Production, business, supply System boundary

chain, network, financial, (Permeable)
Inputs Outputs
Advantages of BPMS
Implementation of the BPMS results in improved business
process performance in the following manner :

Exception Handling
Performance Tracking
Leveraging Legacy
Team work
Imp ortance/ Nee d of BPM S wit hi n th e
Org aniz ation


High capital investments.

Increasing customer complaints/issues
Market consolidation.
Emergence of new technologies.


Provide end-to-end solution, holistic approach.

Enhance visibility & control.
Link business Plan to business Process.
Manage Organization's entire process lifecycle.
Remove the lag between process design & translation into a
workable solution. Increase competitive advantage.
Enable real-time monitoring of performance and compliance.
Any Query ....??

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