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Module 1

Personal Growth

Lesson For Life By Great Personalities Buddha The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.

Carl Jung Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people. Carl Rogers The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.

Personal growth involves being conscious of one's thoughts, feelings, prejudices, and judgments and using this personal knowledge to act with mindfulness and in greater accordance with one's values and potential. Personal growth is a critical component of one's psychological well-being A hallmark of personal growth is continual development in the face of new challenges

Personal development includes the following activities: improving self-awareness improving self-knowledge building or renewing identity developing strengths or talents spiritual development identifying or improving potential enhancing lifestyle or the quality of life improving health fulfilling aspirations initiating a life enterprise or personal autonomy

Realization that there is no single formula that defines the path to personal success Understand what is important to you Recognize your weaknesses without hiding behind them. We must recognize that other people's value systems are no less important than our own. Strive for Balance Opening the Door

Self-awareness is quite simply, becoming aware of what we do, and why we do it. Knowing thyself.. The only way to constantly be successful in achieving our goals is to make distinctions along the way, become aware of what is working and not working for us and become aware of why we have been doing these things, or just as importantly, why we have not been doing them.

Self Esteem is how we feel about ourselves. It is a feeling which comes from awareness of what is good and having done it

Overall attitude about oneself. It is as being on a continuum from positive to negative or high to low. It includes perceptions about aspects of ourselves. But the perception on our self may not be the way others perceive us We develop our self concept by the messages we receive from others. Pygmalion effect have greater influence.

Builds strong conviction

Creates willingness to accept responsibility Builds optimistic attitudes

Leads to better relationships

Makes a person self motivated and ambitious Makes a person open to new opportunities and challenges

Improves performance and increases risk-taking ability

Gossip mongers Critical Nature Closed Minded Never Accept Responsibility Jealous by nature Bored and uncomfortable

Dont have genuine friends

Tend to be lonely

High Self Esteem

Low Self Esteem

Talk about ideas Caring attitude Humility Respects authority Confidence Concerned about character Willing to learn Believes in self worth Guided

Talk about people Critical attitude Arrogance Rebels against authority Confusion Concerned about reputation Know it all Believes in net worth only Misguided

1. Negative self Talk This is when we say to ourselves, consciously or unconsciously any statements

2.Making unfair comparison

Unfair comparisons make a person feel inferior.

The greatest thing a parent can give to his children are roots. Parents with low self esteem breed confusion and low self esteem in their children.

Being ignorant is not shameful, but being unwilling to learn is.

People start looking at themselves as failures, not realizing that failing does not equal failure.

If we lower our standards, the chances are pretty good, that the performance next time would drop to those expectations

Discipline does not mean that a person takes a belt and beats up kids. That is madness.

Many times, innocently we end up teaching and learning wrong values within our families

Labels do not only stick for life but for generations.

Good Friends Focus on the positive aspects about yourself Supportive self-talk Work toward accomplishments rather than perfection Mistakes are learning opportunities Try new activities Set goals Exercise regularly Volunteer Accept that which you can not change.

View mistakes as learning experiences. Accept failure and bounce back Control negative behavior and thoughts Use religious or spiritual beliefs

Identify your strengths and improvement Set short and long term goals Develop a plan and implement it.




Role is the place one occupies in a social system as defined by the functions one performs in response to the expectations of the significant members of the social system and ones own expectations from that position

There are five basic roles in life that each person

can fulfill or help others fulfill :


A Mature Person: Maintaining a Walk with God


A Skilled Provider: Demonstrating Wisdom in Financial Matters


An Effective Proclaimer of Truth: Developing a Powerful Life Message



A Loving Marriage Partner: Experiencing a Fulfilling Marriage A Wise Parent: Training Godly Sons and Daughters

Social roles

The concept of social role provides a way to name peoples interdependencies. Roles identify the ways that people belong to each other, participate in exchanges with each other, and expect reciprocal responsibility from each other. Identifying the social roles a person is likely to perform in community settings ,with necessary support, provides a clear, positive measure of social integration, a measure which is strongly related to the exercise of personal freedom.

People who experience social integration participate in community life in a variety of ways that promote positive recognition and interaction with other citizens. This positive engagement can be summarized by naming the roles that a person performs in different sectors of community life.

Directors : typically create the business plans. They have specialist expertise in a particular line of business.

The Managing director :is the figurehead of the organisation.

They have the job of organizing and controlling resources. Their work is often described as 'getting things done with or

through people'.

Senior managers : make top level decisions concerning where an organisation operates and what it makes or does. These decisions require detailed analysis and skilled judgments.

Middle managers : organize and control the resource of an organisation within established guidelines. Junior/supervisory management : is usually concerned with short-term supervisory activities - making sure that orders get out on time, making sure that people and resources are where they should be, etc.

Supervisors are quite often the backbone of the organisation. They are people who know how things should be done at 'ground level'. Operatives : are at the ground level but their work is still very important. It needs to be carried out with care and precision.

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