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What are Markups

A text book publishing professional takes basic text from authors on paper and write markup instructions to tell the type setter how to make the document look on the printed page. eg: insert a paragraph break here, make this word bold ,double space this text ,etc.

What are Markups (contd.)

<Chapter starting> <Heading Java> <Sub heading introduction to java> <begin paragraph> Java language uses interpreter---------<end paragraph> <begin paragraph> --------------------------------------------------------------<end paragraph> <Sub heading> <begin paragraph> ------------------------------------------------------------------<end paragraph> <Chapter end>

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

In 1986 an international standard for markup languages came into existence called Standard Generalized Markup Language

XML is a subset of SGML intended to make SGML light enough for use on
the web XML is a proper subset of SGML



Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) (contd.)

Name ATA Doc Book Industry Aviation (Air Transport Authority) Technical Manual

Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Encoding of literature J2008 Edgar HTML Pinnacles (PCIS) Automotive maintenance Financial report of public companies Hyper Text Markup language Semiconductor data

Some SGML initiatives

What is XML?
XML is a framework used to create Markup Languages to describe data in a structured manner, and an open technology for electronic data exchange and storage.

eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML Working Group derived XML from SGML in 1996 XML is an Extensible Markup Language because it is extensible according

to the user needs as the user can structure the data and add his own tags
XML is actually a framework used to create other markup languages to

describe data in a structured manner

XML documents contain only data and not formatting instructions

The relationship between SGML, XML and HTML

Text Encoding Initiative Channel Definition Format (CDF) SGML XML Open Financial Exchange (OFX) Chemical Markup Language (CML)




Application languages


A Simple HTML
<h1> Personal Computers for sale </h1> <h2> Maker: IBM PC </h2> <h3> Model: Pentium IV </h3> <table border =1> <tr> <td> Storage </td></tr> <tr> <td> RAM </td> <td>512 MB</td> </tr>

<tr><td> Hard Disk</td> <td>120 GB </td> </tr>


The corresponding XML

<PcForSale> <Heading>Personal Computers for sale</Heading> <Maker>IBM PC </Maker> <Model> Pentium IV </Model> <Storage> <Ram Units ="MB">512</Ram> <HardDisk Units ="GB">120</HardDisk> </Storage> </PcForSale>

Drawback of HTML
A lot of useful information is lost when data is represented using HTML HTML has a fixed tag set, like <h1> , <table> , <tr> etc. HTML is an example of a markup language

Advantages of XML
XML preserves useful information XML liberates information from the shackles of a fixed tag set XML provides a standardized frame work with which one can make his

own tags or use those defined by others that best fit the needs
XML is a flexible framework in which you can create your own customized

markup language
XML is a frame work for making markup languages

Electronic Documents
Electronic documents consists of 3 distinct components. Data content - the words itself Structure - the document type and organization of its elements Presentation - the way the information is presented to the reader

The significant benefits of XML is that the three aspects of a document

are kept separate and made explicit in a computer system.

Comparison between WYSIWYG and XML documents


XML Document





Traditional WYSIWYG Document

Checking the structure of an XML document

XML includes a mechanism for defining rules that control how documents are structured and these rules are called Document type Definitions (DTD) In Document Type Definitions by listing the elements types to be used and indicating the structural order they can occur the structure of a XML document can be checked A utility program called an XML parser is used to test whether or not the document meets the prescribed rules

Checking the structure of an XML document (contd.)

XML Document XML Rules Checker (Parser)

Valid XML

Structure Rules (DTD)

Invalid XML

XML Style Language (XSL)

XSL is used with XML to make XML look nicer in a browser XSL is similar to Cascaded Style Sheet used with HTML The use of XSL is to capture details about how the various elements in a document should look and then to store them in a separate document Separating the content from the presentation allows the presentation to be changed by simply changing the style sheet XSL is a simplified subset of the International Standard Style Language known as DSSSL (ISO/IEC).

The relationship between XML, XSL and ISO Standards


ISO/IEC 10179 + CSS

eXtensible Link Language (XLL)

In HTML <A> element is used for hypertext-linking The element is built directly into the language XLL standard is used with XML for hypertext-linking

Adding XLL to the family of XML standards


XLL HyTime ISO/IEC 10744 + TEI

ISO/IEC 10179 + CSS

Applications of XML
The world wide web and E-commerce cannot survive with out XML There are a lot of examples where XML is used 1. Online Banking Open financial Exchange Initiative.


Data base Integration.

Online Banking
With the advent of the web the need for an inter change data representation for financial data become necessary Users want to be able to purchase goods from anywhere on the web with funds drawn from institutions anywhere in the world Users are least concern about the way the financial transactions are represented The solution is a web-friendly internationally agreed standard notation for expressing financial transactions

Online Banking (contd.)

The hierarchical structure of the information found in financial transactions is easily represented using the structured document philosophy of XML

<Statement Request>
<Bank Account> <BankID>123456<BankID>

<AccountType>CHEKING </AccountType> <PersonName>Tom Hanks</PersonName>

</Bank Account>
</Statement Request> This example conform to the Open Financial Exchange (OFX) specifications

Online Banking (contd.)

The transaction from a customer to a bank, requesting the establishment of a recurring payment with 12 monthly installments <Recurrence> <Number>12</Number> <Frequency> MONTHLY </Frequency> <Payment Info> <From Bank> <Bank Id> 555432180 </Bank Id> <Account Id> 763984 </Account Id> <Account type> CHEKING </Account type> </From Bank> <Amount> 395.00. </Amount> <Payee ID> 77810. </Payee ID> <Pay Account >444-78-97572</Pay Account > <Date Due> 19971115 </Date Due> <Memo> Auto loan payment </Memo> </Payment Info> </Recurrence>

OFX interchange between financial institutions

Client Software
(eg. Microsoft Money)

Financial Institutions Software

OFX Conversion

OFX Documents

Web Server

The Web

OFX Documents

Database Integration
A lot of information in the world is stored in data bases like personal files, health records, football results, stock prices etc The data base needs to be constantly updated and often change rapidly A mechanism is needed to access and modify the database using a web interface The solution is to capture the database related information such as tables fields, values etc. from the form and translate the data into XML format and transfer it to the database

Data entry screen for a database


Phone Number



Data entry screen for a database

Web Page Request

Web Browser

Web Page XML tagged Data

Web Server XML tagged Data

Relational Database

XML format of data sent to the Database for entry

<Phone book> <Name> James Thomas </Name> <Phone Number>27598191 </phone Number> <Address> 20 MG Road Bangalore 560001 </Address>

</Phone book>

The Commercial benefits of XML

By using XML there are a number of benefits like The content of an XML page can be manipulated and rearranged and even calculated to generate extra content at the client end with help of scripting languages like Java The same content can be made to look completely different for different users or different uses The content can be intelligently searched with the browser based on what it contains

The Commercial benefits of XML (contd.)

It is very difficult to move a document from one software package to another Document conversion from one format to another has become difficult due to The volume of document produced is increasing day by day The demands had changed these days from paper print out to other requirements like online help files, Web pages, multilingual version, speech synthesis etc The traditional documents are hard to reuse because of the tight coupling between presentation and contents found in most documents

The Commercial benefits of XML (contd.)

High quality formatting can be added automatically by specifying what the document contains For XML different types of formatting can be applied to the same content in order to achieve different results By using XML the content is freed from the shackles of any one particular formatting system An XML document can meta amorphous to many different shapes and sizes The structure and the content are retained independently thus allowing the document to be reformatted over and over again to a number of formats

Creating multiple formatted outputs from a XML document

XML Document Formatter

Paper XML Web Browser




Online Help



An XML document created from the component parts of other documents

XML Document

XML Document

Harvested XML Document

Document Creation
When a document is created it should be specified what the document is, what components they contain and how the components are structured When the computer is told what is in the document then it can differentiate between letters, invoices, copyright notices etc. By using XML the computer can be told what is in a document Name the component parts based on what they are <Copyright> <Para>This document is copyright.</Para> </Copyright>

Benefits of XML
XML documents are self describing When documents contain rich structural information complex queries can be precisely answered and searches gets good results In industry information interchange is very necessary for the existence It will be very difficult for information interchange with out a commonly accepted standard By using an industry standard interchange notation the number of converters can be minimized

Data exchange where there is no standard format for interchange

Format A

Format B

Format C

Format D

Data exchange using standard format for interchange

Format A

Format B

XML Interchange Format

Format C

Format D

Benefits of XML in brief

The content of an XML page can be manipulated and rearranged and even calculated to generate extra content The same content can be made to look completely different for different users or different uses XML is a completely open standard that safeguards the ownership of data XML documents describe themselves making searching, indexing and

locating information easier

XML allows a high degree of automation in the labor intensive areas

Two views of an XML document

An XML document can be looked at in two very distinct ways

Logical structure
Physical Structure In a logical structure an XML document is a hierarchy of information The character data of the document hangs in individual chunks out of a tree

like structure created by markups

Two views of an XML document (contd.)

In a physical structure a single logical XML documents can be made up of a number of distinct physical files known in XML as entities The full document is rooted in the entity known as the document entity Like the logical structure, the physical structure of an XML document is hierarchical in nature

An entity can contain references to other entities which themselves can

contain references to other entities

Logical View

Item type = PC make specification blurb


supplier id = Compusa

CPU Type = Pentium IV Speed units = 3 GH3

Hard disk type =IDE size =120 units = GB A versatile PC

IBM inspire

Physical View


Entity A ( part1.xml )

Entity B ( part2.xml )

Entity A1 ( part11.xml )

Entity A2 ( part12.xml )

Two classes of XML document

A well formed XML document is one from which as XML Processor can successfully build a tree structure An XML Processor can successfully build a tree without a DTD Well-formed XML documents can be further classified as valid if they meet the constrains spelled out in an associated DTD If an XML document is valid it is also well formed The set of all valid XML documents is a subset of the set of all well formed XML documents

Two classes of XML document

Well Formed XML Documents

Valid XML Documents

Two classes of XML processors

An XML processor capable of checking for validity is known as a validating XML processor The msxml processors from Microsoft is an example of a validating XML processor

An XML processor that ignores any validity constraints spelled out in DTD
is known as a nonvalidating XML processor Elfred is an example of nonvalidating XML processor Any processor capable of checking for validity is capable of checking for well-formedness

Two classes of XML processors

Nonvalidating XML Processors

Validating XML Processors

How to create XML Documents

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Seven forms of markup can occur in XML documents and they are Start and End tags Attribute assignments Entity references Comments Processing instructions CDATA sections Document Type Declarations

Start and End tags

The presence of elements in an XML document is denoted by tags of various forms The elements have start and end points denoted by start and end tags Elements can be nested to an arbitrary depth to describe very rich information structures.

Some examples of Start tag and End tag

Tag <greeting> Meaning Start a greeting element

<John Mathew> <42>

End an introduction element

Bad start tag no space allowed in the element type name Bad start tag element type names cannot start with a number

</ product>

Bad end tag no space allowed between the slash and the element type name

Start and End tags (contd.)

Elements can be nested to any arbitrary depth using start and end tags By nesting elements to depth very rich information structures can be described

An empty element can be represented by a backslash before the closing > of

start tag

eg:- <introduction/>

Start and End tags (contd.)

<TypesOfCar> <Saloon> <Normal> <automatic> <Car> Model A </Car> </automatic> <manual> <Car> Model B </Car> </manual> </Normal> <FourWeelDrive> <automatic> <Car> Model C </Car> </automatic> </FourWeelDrive> </Saloon> </TypeOfCar>

Attribute Assignments
Attributes are pieces of information that are associated with XML elements In HTML we have the align attribute of the p element, the border attribute of the table element Attribute come in verity of shapes and sizes that are controlled by DTD Attribute assignments always appear within the start-tag of an element The normal syntax of an attribute is

Element[name of attribute] = [value of attribute]

eg. <Car colour=Red> , <Table border=2> , <animal legs=4 blood=cold>

Entity references
Entities are the physical building blocks of the XML documents An entity is a unit of text as single as character or as complex as an entire document Consider the following piece of XML document <Document> If a<b and b< c then a<c </Document>

Entity references (contd.)

When the XML Parser parses the document it will complain when it sees the second b character because at that point it was expecting an equal sign to start the value for the and attribute of the b element XML has a number of predefined entities In an XML document prepend an & and append a; to the name of the entity so the above example can be rewritten as

If a & lt; b and b&lt; c then a & lt; c </Document>

Entity references (contd.)

Entity Reference Interpretation

&gt; &amp; &apos; &quot;

> &

Five built-in Entities in XML

Entity references (contd.)

Entity references can be used to include entire files of XML text within the text of other files <Book> &Chapter 1;

&Chapter 2;
&Chapter 3; </Book> The three chapters of a book stored in separate entities to be gathered in to a single Book element

Entity references (contd.)

Shorthand notation are used in XML. <!ENTITY dbms Data Base Management System> When dbms is referred the XML parser will insert the replacement text Data Base Management System eg. <ulysses> &dbms; is managed by Administrator will be expanded as Data Base Management System is managed by Administrator

XML comments take exactly the same form as HTML comments. <!--This is a comment --> The string -- cannot be used within a comment. <!--This is -- not a comment -->

Processing Instructions
Processing Instruction is used to store application specific information in an XML document The processing instructions pass straight through as SGML parser because they are for the consumption of an application eg1. <?rtf\page?> is a processing instruction to force a particular type setting device to output a page break at particular place eg2. <?XML version =1.0 ?> This shows the version of XML and is a standard for all XML documents

CDATA sections
In some cases a document may contain large numbers of characters that are specially considered by an XML parser like < and > XML allows a block of text to be insulated from attention of the parser using a CDATA section

<![CDATA[ If a<b and b<c and a<c ]] > </Document> By prefixing the string <![CDATA [ and appending the string ]]> the entire section in insulated and passes through the parser with out any problem

Document Type Declaration (DTD)

The Document Type Definitions lists the elements types to be used in an XML document and indicates the structural order they occur A DTD is to be associated with an XML document, the association is achieved using the following declaration <!DOCTYPE first SYSTEM first.dtd> It says the DTD for the document first is available in the file first.dtd

Creating XML DTDs

Creating a DTD contain the following steps Element Type Declaration Attribute List Declarations 1) Attribute Types 2) Attribute Defaults Entity Declarations

Element Type Declarations

To validate an XML document the validating XML parser needs to know

three principle things about each element

What the element type is named

What elements of that type can contain

What attribute an element of that type has associated with it

Element Type Declarations (contd.)

The element type name and its content model are declared together in an element type declaration 1) <!ELEMENT contact (name, address, telephone )> An element of type contact must contain 3 sub elements, namely name, address, and telephone in exactly that order. eg: <contact> <name> James Thomas</name> <address>Bangalore</address> < telephone>2226473</telephone> </contact>

Element Type Declarations (contd.)

2. <!ELEMENT contact (name, address?, telephone )> An element of type contact can contain three sub elements

Firstly it must have a name element

This is optionally followed by an address element

Lastly a telephone element

eg: <contact> <name> James Thomas</name> <telephone>2226473</telephone> </contact>

Element Type Declarations (contd.)

3. <!ELEMENT fruit(apple/orange)> An element of type fruit contains either a single apple element or a single

orange element
4. <!ELEMENT fruit(apple/orange)+> An element of type fruit contains one or more sub elements that are either apple element or orange elements eg : <fruit>

<apple> ----------</apple>
<apple>-----------</apple> <orange>---------</orange> </fruit> Or

<orange>--------</orange> </fruit>

Element Type Declarations (contd.)

5. <!ELEMENT fruit(apple/orange)*> An element of type fruit contains zero or more sub elements that are either

apple element or orange element

eg : <fruit> </fruit> 6. <!ELEMENT InStock EMPTY> An element of type InStock does not contain anything eg : <InStock/>

Element Type Declarations (contd.)

7. <!ELEMENT para(#PCDATA| list)*> An element of type para contains a mixture of character and list elements in

any order.
eg : <para> Here is my list </para> Or <para> XML is a frame work </para>

<list> ------ </list>


<para> <list> ------</list> </para>

Element Type Declarations (contd.)

8. <!element InStock EMPTY> This is an error because the keyword ELEMENT must always be in uppercase This is for all XML Keywords

Attribute List Declarations

Attributes have to be declared in the DTD for the XML parser to check for validity An attribute list declaration has four aspects The element type to which it belongs What the attribute is named What type of data the attribute value can contain How assignments to the attribute are treated by the parser ie. What to do if a value is not supplied

Declaring an Attributes Name and associating an element type

<!ATTLIST product name color > An element of type product has two attributes known as name and color

eg:- <product name=Parker color=Black>

Attribute Types

There are different types of attributes

There is a plain value attribute known as a CDATA attribute

This is declared using the CDATA keyword

A list of permissible values for an attribute can be supplied using an

enumerated type attribute.

Attribute Type Declaration

1. <!ATTLIST product name CDATA --> An element of type product has an attribute known as name, whose value can be any string of characters 2. <!ATTLIST product name CDATA . color(red/green)---> An element of type product has two attributes known as name and color. The color attribute value must be either the string red or the string green. Eg: <product name=Hero Honda color=red>

Attribute Type Declaration (contd.)

3. <!ATTLIST product code ID ----> An element declared of type product has an attribute known as code. The values of the code, attribute must be unique among attributes of the ID type across the entire XML document. Eg: <product code=B42>

Attribute Defaults

The four flavors of attribute default are

A value must be supplied (Required attribute)

A value may be supplied but need not be (Implied attribute)

The value is fixed in the DTD (Fixed attribute )

In the absence of value use the one given in the DTD.

Attribute Defaults (contd.)

1. <!ATTLIST product name CDATA #REQUIRED> An element of types product has an attribute known as name, whose

value can be any string of characters. A value for this attribute must
be supplied when it is used in an XML document. 2. <!ATTLIST product name CDATA IBMPC >

An element of type product has an attribute known as name. The name

attribute value can have any string of characters. In the absence of a value for the attributes in the document, use the default value IBMPC Eg:<product name =Turbo>

Attribute Defaults (contd.)

3. <!ATTLIST product color(red/green) red) > An element of type product has an attribute named color. The color

attribute must be either the string red or the string green. In the
absence of a value for the attribute in the document, use the default value red E.g.: <product color=red> 4. <!ATTLIST product color(red/green) ) # REQUIRED > An element of type product has an attribute named color. The color attribute must be either the string red or the string green. A value must be supplied when the element is used in a document. Eg: <product color=red>

Attribute Defaults (contd.)

5. <!ATTLIST product color(red/green) ) # IMPLIED > An element of type product has an attribute named color. The color

attribute must be either the string red or the string green. If a

value is not supplied leave it up to the XML application to decide what to do. e.g : <product color=red> 6. <! ATTLIST product name CDATA # FIXED IBMPC > An element of type product has an attribute known as name. The value of this attribute is fixed to the value IBMPC. Any other value is an error. Eg: <product name=IBMPC>

Entity declarations

Entity takes a verity of forms and can be classified in various ways.

1. <!ENTITY spbm Stately, plump, Black, Mulligan >

There is an entity known as spbm when referenced in an XML document the parser will insert the replacement text Stately, plump, Black, Mulligan Eg: <Ulysses> &spbm; stepped .

Entity declarations (contd.)

2. <!ENTITY chapter1 SYSTEM> There is an entity known as chapter1. When referenced in an XML document, the parser will insert the contents of the file

Eg: <Ulysses> &chapter1;

Viewing XML Document in an HTML browser

There are mainly two methods of displaying XML Document in an HTML browser 1. Displaying XML in an HTML browser with Data Source Object technology (DSO) 2. Converting XML to HTML via the XSL Stylesheet Language

Displaying XML in an HTML browser with Data Source Object Technology

Microsoft Internet Explorer contains built in XML parser known as MSXML The Internet Explorer uses a technology called Data Source Objects The original intent of Data Source Object was to easily integrate relational

database data and the Web The Internet Explorer uses a XMLDSO applet to map XML to HTML The following is an XML example to be shown in a browser

The XML part

<?xml version =1.0?> <PSC> <PC> <NAME> IBM PC </NAME> <CAPACIY> 100 </CAPACITY> <PRICE> 20000</PRICE> </PC> <PC> <NAME> COMPAC PC </NAME> <CAPACIY> 200 </CAPACITY> <PRICE> 30000</PRICE> </PC> <PC> <NAME> SONY PC </NAME> <CAPACIY> 300 </CAPACITY> <PRICE> 40000</PRICE> </PC> </PCS>

The HTML part

<html> <head> <title> Example 1 </title> <BODY> <h1> Example 1 </h1>

XML catalog displayed in an HTML table using Data Binding <applet code =com.xml.dso. XMLDSO.class width-100% height=25

id=xmldso >
<PARAM NAME=url VALUE=cat.xml > </applet>

The HTML part (contd.)

<table id=table border=2 width=100% datasrc=#xmldso> <thead> <th> Name <th>Capacity <th>price </thead> <tr> <td valign=top> <div datafld= NAME> </td> <td valign=top> <div datafld= CAPACITY> </td> <td valign=top> <div datafld= PRICE> </td> </tr> </table> </BODY> </html>

Using XMLDSO to connect XML elements with HTML






XML DSO Applet




Displaying XML in an HTML browser with Data Source Object Technology

The datasrc attribute is used to connect the table to the applet with the id xmldso The datafld attribute is used to map the xml data to the HTML table The XMLDSO applet acts as a glue that binds the name element of the source XML document to the first cell of the HTML table row The capacity element of the source XML document is bound to the second cell of the HTML table row

Storing XML in an HTML document

XMLDSO can also have XML data provided to it as part of the HTML page rather than accessing it externally The source XML can be embedded within the applet element

To allow the applet to access the HTML page set the MAYSCRIPT
attribute to TRUE

Storing XML in an HTML document (contd.)

<html> <head> <title> Example 1 </title> <BODY> <h1>Example 1 </h1> <P> XML Catalog displayed in an HTML table using XML Data Binding <applet code= XMLDSO.class width=100% height=25 id=xmldso mayscript=TRUE > <!--XML stored in an HTML page as part of an element --> <?xml version =1.0 ? > <PSC> <PC> <NAME> Acme Blaster </NAME> <CAPACIY> 100 </CAPACITY> <PRICE> 2000</PRICE> </PC>

Storing XML in an HTML document (contd.)

<PC> <NAME> Speedy PC </NAME> <CAPACIY> 200 </CAPACITY> <PRICE> 4000</PRICE>

</PC> <PC>
<NAME> Gonzo PC </NAME> <CAPACIY> 300 </CAPACITY> <PRICE> 5000</PRICE> </PC> </PCS> </applet> <!--table declaration as in Example 1 -- > <table id=table border=2 width=100% datasrc=#xmldso> <thead> <th> Name <th>Capacity <th>Price </thead>

Storing XML in an HTML document (contd.)

<tr> <td valign=top> <div datafld= NAME> </td> <td valign=top> <div datafld= CAPACITY> </td> <td valign=top> <div datafld= PRICE> </td>

</table> </BODY> </html>

Displaying XML documents in a browser using XML tag

Internet Explorer 5 and higher version allows XML document to be embedded into an HTML document The <XML> tag is used to mark the beginning of the XML document and </XML> tag is used to mark the end This type of XML representation in an HTML page is called data island For data islands the Attribute ID is set to xml Doc In the HTML file a DATASRC attribute which is set to #xmlDoc is added to the table elements start tag

Converting XML to HTML with XSL

An XSL style sheet consists of a set of rules that tell an XSL processor how to

convert an XML document into a displayable form on a browser

XSL can be used to produce style sheets that are independent of any one output notation A single XSL style sheet can be used to target multiple out put notations such as HTML, TeX, RTF and so on

Converting XML to HTML with XSL (contd.)

As the HTML output is a major use of XSL a number of HTML specific features have been built directly into the XSL language An XSL style sheet is based on the idea of rules that trigger when the specified elements are encountered in an XML document The rule specifies what should be generated in the HTML output

XSL can be used to produce new results by performing calculations on the

XML data

Generating HTML from XML with XSL

XSL Stylesheet HTML PCS XSL Processor PC table








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