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Understanding Figurative Language

Recognize and understand the significance of various literary devices, including figurative language.

What is figurative language?

Figurative language

is language

that changes the normal meaning

of words

Figurative language is not meant exactly as the dictionary definition of words would indicate

For example. . .

Her stomach was a beach ball

My heart is delicate as a doll

Figurative Literal language

exaggerates is the exact the meanings definition of words of bywords using comparisons

Literal meaning:
The lost dog ran across the yard.

Figurative meaning:
The child hurried through the mall like a lost dog.

Literal meaning:
The zoo is loud and noisy.

Figurative meaning:
The classroom is like a zoo.

There are two main types of figurative language

A metaphor compares two unlike things

Her eyes are diamonds After doing his homework, Joey is a zombie shining brilliantly in the night My heart is cold rain

A simile uses the connecting words like, as, or than to compare two unlike things

Angie walked as gracefully as a princess

You will find metaphors and similes in. . .

fiction and nonfiction

poetry and song lyrics movies and TV dialogue

everyday language

I am Superwoman Yes, I am When Im a mess,

I still put on a vest

With an S on my chest Yes, Im a Superwoman

United Airlines

Life is a journey. . . Travel it well. . .

Sealy mattresses

Sleeping on a Sealy is like sleeping on a cloud

You see,
as you know,

is like gravity
all it takes is a little push

How are metaphors and similes different?

Love is like a raging flame

Metaphors are IMPLICIT

(they DONT use the words like , as , or than ) Similes are EXPLICIT (they use the words like, as, or than)

Love is a raging flame

Metaphors and similes are also called

figures of speech

that figurative language
is based on


What isabout life being Think the compared to? following passage

LIFE is but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

In this passage, life is compared to. . .

(A) A circus and a zoo (B) A journey that ends in death (C) A lonely and empty desert

(D) A shadow, a player, and a tale

Figurative language is. . .

and descriptive, and when used effectively, it can evoke powerful images

Death lurked inside the classroom, The heat poked at Victors ready to To the gods, human body like a hypodermic needle explode like beings are simply flies a time bomb

buzzing aimlessly through the universe

Figurative language often suggestsor revealsimportant information about characters, events, settings, and other elements in a story

Mr. Black looked like a man who has just opened the wrong Christmas present

This simile suggests that Mr. Black is. . .

(A) Excited (B) Lonely (C) Embarrassed

(D) Angry at Santa Claus

This metaphor suggests that the Joker is. . .

(A) A handsome clown (B) Good at catching cars (C) Wild and out of control

(D) A poor driver

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!

This simile suggests that having a thankless child is. . .

(A) What every parent wants (B) Painful (C) Enjoyable (D) Challenging

Similes and metaphors can. . . encourage communicate you a to make ordinary

great think deal about of language seem relationships meaning with and extraordinary just comparisons a few words

Another type of figurative language is


A hyperbole is an exaggerated or over-the-top statement

Hes got tons of money. I will die if she asks me to dance. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

I have told you a million times not to lie!

The weather is so hot it could melt your face.

They are also popular in Hyperboles are They are humorous or shocking advertising used to create a strong emotional response

Red Bull

gives you wings

Made from the best stuff on Earth

The ultimate driving machine

DASANI water

Cant live without it

Whether youre trying to identify and understand metaphors

They similes take us what you need to remember is this: beyond one meaning or hyperboles and open up , new possibilities and avenues

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