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BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) ANALYSIS


adalah prosedur kimia untuk menentukan jumlah oksigen terlarut yang dibutuhkan oleh organisme biologis aerobik dalam badan air untuk memecah bahan organik yang ada dalam sampel air pada suhu tertentu selama periode waktu tertentu. Ini bukan tes kuantitatif yang tepat, meskipun banyak digunakan sebagai indikasi kualitas organik air. paling sering disajikan dalam miligram oksigen yang dikonsumsi per liter sampel selama 5 hari inkubasi pada 20 C

The organic material broken down by microorganism/bacteria : HaObCnNc + B + (n+a/4 - b/2 c) O2 nCO2 + (a/2 3/2 c) H2O + cNH3 B: bacteria

BOD Test Procedure

Untuk memastikan bahwa semua kondisi lain adalah sama, jumlah yang sangat kecil dari benih mikro-organisme ditambahkan ke setiap sampel yang diuji. Benih ini biasanya dihasilkan dengan mengencerkan lumpur aktif dengan aquades.

The BOD test is carried out by : mengencerkan sampel dengan aquades jenuh oksigen menyuntik dengan sejumlah tetap benih, mengukur oksigen terlarut (DO) dan kemudian menyegel sampel untuk mencegah oksigen larut dalam air lebih lanjut. Sampel disimpan pada 20 C dalam gelap untuk mencegah fotosintesis (dan penambahan oksigen) selama 5 hari, dan oksigen terlarut diukur lagi. Hal ini disebut sebagai BOD520


The difference between the final DO and initial DO is the BOD. BOD can be calculated by:

Undiluted BOD = Initial DO Final DO

Diluted BOD = ((Initial DO Final DO) BOD of seed) x dilution factor

BOD is equal to oxygen dissolved

The high BOD : DO consumed by bacteria for organic material breaking down is also high that make other biotas can not life or an anaerobic condition is formed

BOD test condition

The rate of biological reaction is determined by : A number of bacteria The number of bacteria has to be adequate as needed needs to be added from soil. Nutrients N, P, and trace elements have to be available adequately Temperature. Temperature has to be kept constant at 20oC during the test, that similar to nature condition

Nitrification and oxidation of the nitrite

Caused by heterotrophic bacteria when the incubation more than 5 days 2 NH3 + 3O2 2NO2- + 2 H+ + 2H2O

2NO2- + 2 H+ + O2 2NO3- + 2 H+

Oxidation inhibitor : 2-chloro-6 (trichloro methyl)pyridine (TCMP)

Some chemicals in the water are toxic for the bacteria, including :

Phenol Cr(VI) ion

BOD (mg/L)
+ 0 mg/LCr(VI) ion
+ 0 mg/L phenol

BOD (mg/L)

+ 1 mg/LCr(VI) ion

+ 5 mg/L phenol
+ 6 mg/L Cr(VI) ion + 50 mg/L phenol

Time (d)

Time (d)

Measurement of DO

Volumetric with Winkler method Electrometric using DO meter

BOD versus COD

BOD is similar in function to chemical oxygen demand (COD), in that both measure the amount of organic compounds in water. However, COD is less specific, since it measures everything that can be chemically oxidized, rather than just levels of biologically active organic matter.

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