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Introduction to Grammar

Week 1 TSL 3108


Framework of To ics
Meaning & definition Fluency vs Accuracy Gra ar for young learners !lace of gra ar in "ri ary #SL classroo


!cott T"orn#ur$ %200&'

( descri tion of t"e ru)es for formin* sentences+ inc)udin* an account of t"e meanin*s t"at t"ese forms con,e$ Grammar adds meanin*s t"at are not easi)$ infera#)e from immediate conte.t-

/esama)ar+ !arat"a 0 !-1 Te" %2002'

Grammar ma$ #e defined as t"e ru)es of a )an*ua*e+ *o,ernin* t"e wa$ in w"ic" words are ut to*et"er to con,e$ meanin* in different conte.ts-

Rut"erford %1&34' Grammar is a necessar$ com onent of an$ )an*ua*e teac"in* ro*ramme

5efinitions of Grammar
6 Grammar can #e defined as a descri tion of t"e structure of a )an*ua*e and t"e wa$s in w"ic" units suc" as words and "rases are com#ined to roduce sentences in t"e )an*ua*e(Dictionary of Applied Linguistics)

6 Grammar is t"e s$stem of ru)es *o,ernin* t"e con,entiona) arran*ement and re)ations"i of words in a sentence(Brown, 2007) 6 Grammar is a descri tion of t"e ru)es t"at *o,ern "ow a )an*ua*e7s sentences are formed(Thornbury, 200 )


(11UR(18 ,s F9U:/18

6 T"e aim of t"e communicati,e a roac" is to *et students to use )an*ua*e to communicate efficient)$ and to seek information+ *i,e information+ so),e a ro#)em etc- ( c)assroom acti,it$ ma$ aim eit"er at accurac$ or f)uenc$+ a distinction first made #$ Brumfit %1&3;'


6 (ccurac$ is t"e a#i)it$ to roduce correct sentences usin* correct *rammar and ,oca#u)ar$6 (ccurac$ is re)ati,e- ( c"i)d in ear)$ rimar$ isn<t ca a#)e of t"e same )e,e) of accurac$ as an adu)t-


6 !tudents need to de,ote some attention to form- %to *ettin* it ri*"t'- It wi)) #e easier if t"e students are fami)iar wit" t"e meanin*s t"e$ are e. ressin*6 (ccurac$ needs attention- (ttention needs time- !tudents need to ,a)ue accurac$ or e)se t"e$ risk for #ein* uninte))i*i#)e-


6 Teac"ers w"o refer to teac" accurac$ first+ #e*ins #$ teac"in* *rammar ru)es and #asic sentence atterns to e=ui students wit" a sound *rammatica) #ase on w"ic" to de,e)o communication ski))s-

6 Teac"ers w"o concentrate on accurac$ "e) t"eir students to roduce *rammatica))$ correct written and s oken :n*)is"-


6 (n accurac$>oriented acti,it$ is usua))$ used in teac"in* new tar*et )e? attern dri))


6 T$ ica) accurac$ acti,ities are? *rammar resentations+ *a >fi)) e.ercises+ frame dia)o*ues-


1@(R(1T:RI!TI1! TA 1A/!I5:R I/ PR(1TI1: FAR IBPRACI/G (11UR(18? (ttention to form Fami)iarit$ T"inkin* time Feed#ack

6 F)uenc$ is a ski)) ? a#i)it$ to rocess )an*ua*e s eedi)$ and easi)$6 It de,e)o s as t"e )earner )earns to automise know)ed*e-

6 F)uenc$ is t"e a#i)it$ to read+ s eak+ or write easi)$+ smoot")$+ and e. ressi,e)$- In ot"er words+ t"e s eaker can read+ understand and res ond in a )an*ua*e c)ear)$ and concise)$ w"i)e re)atin* meanin* and conte.t-


6 F)uenc$ *enera))$ increases as )earners ro*ress from #e*innin* to ad,anced readers and writers-


6 9an*ua*e teac"ers w"o concentrate on f)uenc$ "e) t"eir students to e. ress t"emse),es in f)uent :n*)is"- T"e$ a$ more attention to meanin* and conte.t and are )ess concerned wit" *rammatica) errors-


6 Teac"er needs to desi*n tasks to focus rimari)$ on meanin*- B$ re=uirin* t"e students to focus on w"at t"e$ are sa$in* %)ess t"an on "ow t"e$ are sa$in* it'-


6 ( f)uenc$>oriented acti,it$ aims to de,e)o t"e student7s s ontaneous communications ski))s in usin* w"at t"e$ "a,e a)read$ ) )e? e.tensi,e readin*+ information *a


6 T$ ica) f)uenc$ acti,ities are? ro)e )a$s+ s eec"es+ communicati,e acti,ities+ *ames6 Ba)ancin* t"e accurac$ and f)uenc$ s"ou)d #e t"e maDn aim of t"e :n*)is" teac"ers--'


To focus on F)uenc$E ractice acti,ities s"ou)d "a,e t"ese c"aracteristics?

6 6 6 6 6 (ttention to meanin* (ut"enticit$ 1ommunicati,e ur ose 1"unkin* Re etition

Grammar for 8oun* 9earners

6 (*e F a maGor factor Peo )e of different a*es "a,e different needs+ com etences and co*niti,e ski))s %@armer+ 200H'


6 8oun* )earners )earn different)$ from o)der c"i)dren+ ado)escents and adu)ts- T"e$I
F res ond to meanin* e,en if t"e$ do not understand indi,idua) words F often )earn indirect)$ rat"er t"an direct)$ F takin* information around t"em rat"er t"an focussin* on t"e recise to ic #ein* tau*"t


T"e P)ace of Grammar in t"e Primar$ 1)assroom

Refer to? 1-KB!R !$))a#us 2-K!!R !$))a#us


6 T"e :nd


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