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Un rotulador, marcador o plumn es un instrumento de escritura, parecido al bolgrafo, que contiene su propia tinta y su uso principal es escribir en superficies

distintas al papel. En varios pases de Latinoamrica se conoce como "plumn". La punta del rotulador suele estar hecha de un material poroso, como el fieltro. Es posible, aunque raro, que tenga una punta de material no poroso. La empresa Pilot cre en 2005 un bolgrafo con tinta permanente llamado Permaball. El rotulador fue creado en 1962 por el japons Yukio Horie. En los aos 1980 se introdujeron los primeros rotuladores de seguridad, con una tinta invisible pero fluorescente. Con esta tinta se puede marcar objetos de valor, y en caso de un robo, descubrir estas seales con una luz ultravioleta. Rotulador no permanente El rotulador no permanente suelen ser usados en superficies donde no es necesario que las marcas duren mucho tiempo, o que si fuese as sera inconveniente para ese material como en las transparencias o las pizarras blancas. Estos rotuladores son generalmente utilizados en superficies no porosas, donde la tinta se adhiere a esta superficie sin ser absorbida. Borra sobre tableros porcelanizados sin manchar.


Rotulador permanente El rotulador permanente o indeleble es utilizado cuando se desea que lo dibujado resista en el tiempo. La tinta suele ser resistente al agua, contiene sustancias qumicas txicas como xileno o tolueno, y tiene la capacidad de escribir en una variedad de superficies, desde papel a metal o roca. Los rotuladores indelebles son comnmente usados para marcar CDs y DVDs, aunque est prctica ha sido desalentada porque se cree que el xileno y el tolueno daan los discos. Existen otros rotuladores sin estos elementos, basados en el alcohol o agua que son ms seguros.

Creative ideas flow from the heart to the mind to the hands, inspiring others to make their mark and to leave a legacy. Established in 1949, Chartpak Inc. is one of the largest and most experienced graphic and design products companies in the United States. Historically, Chartpak was the originator of the tape method of charting, developed the technology for manufacturing colored, transparent, and printed tapes for artists and draftsmen. In 1954 the Chartpak brand line was expanded to include transfer lettering; color, shading and pattern films; and other engineering and visual communication products. As the years passed, new products and product line improvements continued to enhance Chartpaks reputation as a progressive innovator in many segments of the trade. The reputation of the Chartpak brand for quality and leadership has been a standard within the graphic, design, drafting and engineering industries for almost 60 years. Today, Chartpak, Inc. as a company is recognized globally as a premier creative products enterprise and has established a strong portfolio of 9 brands with 38 product lines that span 17 distinct categories of art materials, fine writing, craft & hobby and office products, reaching customers at home, school and the office. As a distinct part of the corporate brand portfolio, our Chartpak branded products along with our Pickett and RapiDesign branded products continue to resonate with end users and carry on the legacy of product leadership in the traditional design community. Fundamentally, our goal is to produce products that inspire creative ideas and provide the means for artists to make those ideas a reality.

These waterproof, permanent, solvent-based markers deliver brilliant sparkling color in fine point, medium weight, or broad strokes. Each marker contains a single nib with three distinct line weights. From crisply articulated tight comps to broadly expressive illustrations, one marker gives you all the lines you need.

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