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Sustainable Development

Prof R Ramakrishnan

For my research articles

Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Gro Harlem Brundtland first introduced the concept of sustainable development in 1987. He was then the Prime Minister of Norway and chairman of the World Commission on Environment and Development.

Sustainable Development

Sustainability is concerned with these "3 Es".

Equity Environmental Integrity and Economic Efficiency

Sustainable development offers the world a plan for saving the Earth. Although the idea is simple, the task is substantial.
It means meeting four objectives at the same time. Social progress which recognizes the needs of everyone Effective protection of the environment Prudent use of natural resource and Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment

The principles of a sustainable society are

Respect and care for the community of life. Improve the quality of human life. Conserve the Earth's vitality and diversity. Minimize the depletion of non-renewable resources. Keep within the Earth's carrying capacity. Change attitudes and practices. Enable communities to care for their own environments. Provide a national framework for integrating development and conservation. Create a global alliance.

Five related aspects to the concept of sustainability.

Economic sustainability Social sustainability Cultural sustainability Political sustainability and Environmental sustainability

Sustainability issues are to be analyzed at various levels

Global level - Ozone depletion;
Climate change; and Air pollution

Regional, National or Area-level

Water pollution -Water depletion - Deforestation- Fisheries depletion -Biodiversity- Desertification and Erosion.

-Local level - a plot, a farm or a village Soil losses - Loss of soil quality (chemical or physical) Loss of farm income

The international economy should provide a supportive international climate for achieving environment and development goals by:
Promoting sustainable development through trade liberalization Making trade and environment mutually supportive Providing adequate financial resources to developing countries and dealing with international debt Encouraging macroeconomic policies conducive to environment and development.

For sustainable development to take place there must be

Interaction and coordination among all of the agents in a locality, region, or country; A redistribution of wealth; A redefinition of the relationship between human beings and nature; Intergenerational equity; A redistribution of global wealth and opportunities; Nature's capacity for regeneration must be respected; Communities must be self-sufficient; and There must be a dialectical uniting of theory and practice

Thank You

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