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Group II Michelle Ramos Lila Mara Katie

C- Increases the volume and reduces the viscosity of secretions in respiratory tract H- absence of cough & thinner respiratory tract secretion E- DO NOT break, crush, chew ext rel tabs. Take it with food or an empty stomach. Drink plenty of water C- Avoid smoking smoked-filled room perfumes dust environmental pollutants and cleansers

K- (Guaifenesin is frequently combined with alcohol to form cough syrup , and can cause alcohol poisoning. )do not include this. Pls add in health teaching that do not combine with alcohol

Make sure to monitor pt Breathing level of consciousness keep pt hydrated


C- bactericidal interference with lipid, nucleic acid biosynthesis, Tx prevention of TB. H- (6-9 mos. regimen) decrease in symptoms such as cough fever, fatigue, night sweats and increase in appetite E- (IM or PO with meals to decrease GI symptoms)dont include it is better taken on an empty stomach; better to take on empty stomach 1 hr a.c and 2 hr p.c. It may be given alone, or in combination with other medicines

C- DO NOT skip or double dose compliance with schedule and duration is necessary avoid alcohol if diabetic use glucose monitor to obtain correct result report weakness vomiting jaundice numbness of hands/feet. Vitamin B6 (example of foods rich in Vit B6) is needed to combat the peripheral neuropathy(signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy) K- may cause severe fatal liver problem may interact with food containing tyramine/histamine Monitor vital sign for HTN & tachycardia Tx for overdose pyridoxine

C- used to prevent and Tx for TB and other infections H- weight gain, decrease in symptoms such as cough, weakness and night sweats, culture negative result. E- IV/PO 1hr a.c. and 2 hr p.c., it may be given alone, or in combination with other medication C- DO NOT skip or double dose urine, feces, saliva, sputum, sweats and tears may be colored red-orange; soft contact lenses may be permanently stained

K- Monitor for hepatotoxicity such as jaundice unusual bleeding diarrhea with pus sore throat anorexia

C- used with other medications to treat TB and works by stopping the growth of bacteria H- decrease symptoms of TB, decrease in acid fast bacteria E- PO with meals to decrease GI symptoms antiemetic if vomiting occurs 2 hr before antacid

C- avoid alcohol products schedule appointments must be kept or relapse may occur report to prescriber any visual changes rash hot and swollen painful joints numbness and tingling of the extremities K- Monitor for symptoms of visual status such a s altered color perception serious skin reaction or toxic epidermal necrolysis.

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