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Planning Your Stories

Regina Layug Rosero, Project Coordinator Mulat Pinoy/KNN, Probe Media Foundation IYRS/KNN Sustainability Workshop, August 9, 2013, Quezon City

What makes a good story?

What articles do you like to read online? What stories do you look forward to on the news? What articles do you like to read in newspapers? Magazines? Why do you like these stories?

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What is the story you want to tell?

Who or what is your story about? Current events?
What do you want to say about it? Do you have something new or different to say? Do you think this story will affect other Pinoys? Other people in Lagawe? People in Ifugao province? Other teenagers? Teenagers in other countries?

What do you want people to do/think/feel afterwards?

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Who wants to know about this story?

Who wants to see or hear it? Who cares? Who do you think should see or hear about this story? What language do they speak? What kind of words will they understand? Do they listen to the radio? Read the newspaper? Surf the Internet? Read magazines? Watch free TV or cable?

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Do Your Research!
5 Ws: What, Who, When, Where, Why, + HOW

What have other people said about it?

What can you say thats different? How has this story been told before? Whats the history? Who will you interview? Why those people? Where will you look for information?

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What is the best way to tell this story?

Whats the best way to make them understand your story? Teleserye or documentary? Radio drama or interview?

Does it matter when people hear this story? Should you release the story at Christmas? In June? Morning show or evening news?
How long should your story be? Can the story be told in one episode, or should it be a series?

Tweet us! @mulatpinoy @kabataanxpress

Think about these:

How will you produce this story? What materials to do you need to produce this story? What equipment do you need? Stay tuned for Day 2!

Tweet us! @mulatpinoy @kabataanxpress

Thank you!
Regina Layug Rosero, Project Coordinator Mulat Pinoy/KNN, Probe Media Foundation IYRS/KNN Sustainability Workshop, August 9, 2013, Quezon City

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