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Quality INSPECTION (Sampling)

PROBLEM 1 : For determining statistically Adequate Sample Size for your quality inspection, you have inspected on ad-hoc basis a random sample of size 5, and measured a quality characteristic data as 35, 32, 34, 36 & 33 cm. What will be the Statistically Adequate Sample Size at Confidence Level of 97.7% for your acceptance-sampling inspection of that item, if your Precision Interval has been kept at + 3% to 1% .

Solution : N sample = Z2 . [ N. (Xi)2 ( Xi)2 ] h2 ( Xi)2

Here, Standard Normal Statistics, Z = 2 at Confidence Level 97.7%, h = x Precision Interval = 0.03 ( - 0.01) 2 Ad-hoc no. of sample preliminarily made, N = 5 Xi = 35 + 32 + 34 + 36 + 33 = 170 = 0.02

( Xi ) 2

= (170)2 = 28900

(Xi 2) = 1225+1024+1156+1296+1089 = 5790

N sample

22 . [ 5 x 5790 - 28900 ] = 10000 x 50 = 17.301038 = 18 0.022 28900 28900

Quality INSPECTION (Sampling)


(1) Single (stage) Sampling Plan : If specified Lot size = N, Sample size = n, Acceptance No. = C.
No. of defectives found in the sample = d

Inspect all items of the sample (of sample size n)

if, no. of defectives (noncompliance) d exceeds C (ie

if, no. of defectives (noncompliance) d does not exceed C (ie

d > C)

d C)

Reject the LOT (unacceptable)

Accept the LOT

[ Acceptance Number (C) is the maximum number of defectives found in a sample for which the lot can be accepted as Good Quality. (d C : accept the lot). Rejection Number (R) is the minimum number of defectives found in a sample for which the lot is rejected as Bad Quality. (d R : reject the lot)

Quality INSPECTION (Sampling Plan)

(2) Double (stage) Sampling Plan :

Select two sample-lots from the lot size (population) of N, having first sample size n1 and second sample size n2. Acceptance no. and Rejection no. for the first sample and for combined (first sample + second sample) are specified as C1 & C2 and R1 & R2 respectively, where R1 > (C1+1) but R2 = (C2+1), .
Steps : Inspect all items of first sample of sample size n1 If no. of defectives d1 If no. of defectives exceeds C1 , but d1 R1 below R1 (C1 < d1 < R1) Inspect items of second sample of sample size n2

If no. of defectives

d1 C1

Accept the LOT

Reject the LOT

If no. of defectives in combined first and second sample (n1 + n2), (d1 + d2) does not exceed C2

If no. of defectives in combined first and second sample (n1 + n2) R2

(d1 + d2) C2

(d1 + d2) R2

Accept the LOT

Reject the LOT

Quality INSPECTION (Double Sampling Plan)

Problem 2 : (Double Sampling Plan) State the steps and also the cases of acceptance of the Lot for Double stage Sampling Plan for inspecting an offered lot of 1000 items, if first sample size is 30 and the second sample size is 40. The Acceptance No. and the Rejection No. for first stage are 1 & 4 and Acceptance No. for second stage (combined sample) is 4.
Given, N=1000, n1= 30, C1= 1, R1= 4 & n2=40, C2=4, R2= R1 +1= 5 Steps : Inspect items of first sample of sample size 30, i) If no. of defectives is 0 or 1, Accept the lot ii) If no. of defectives is equal to or more than 4, Reject the lot iii) If no. of defectives is 2 or 3, Inspect items of second sample of sample size 40 and then, 1) If no. of defectives in combined sample of (30+40) does not exceed 4, Accept the lot 2) If no. of defectives in combined sample is equal to or more than 5 (ie exceeds 4), Reject the lot.

Cases of Acceptance of the Lot :

The lot is accepted when no. of defectives found,
0 or 1 in the first sample 2 in the first sample followed by 0, 1 or 2 in the second sample 3 in the first sample followed by 0 or 1 in the second sample

Quality INSPECTION (Sampling Plan)

C1 = 1, R1 = 4 .
Steps :

C2 = 4 R2 = (C2+1) = 4+1=5,

Inspect all items of first sample of sample size n1=30

If no. of defectives

d1 1

If no. of defectives d1 > 1 but d1 < 4

If no. of defectives

d1 4

Accept the LOT

Inspect items of second sample of sample size n2 =40

Reject the LOT

If no. of defectives in combined first and second sample (30 + 40), (d1 + d2) 4
Accept the LOT

If no. of defectives in combined first and second sample (30+40), (d1 + d2) 5
Reject the LOT

Quality INSPECTION (Sampling Plan)

First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Multiple-Stage / Sequential Sampling Plan :

Sample Size n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 Combined Sample Size n1 n1 + n2 n1 + n2 + n3 n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5 Acceptance No. C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Rejection No. R1 [R1 >(C1+ 1)] R2 [R2 >(C2+ 1)] R3 [R3>(C3+ 1)] R4 [R4 >(C4+ 1)] R5 =C5 + 1

[Rejection No. > Acceptance No. [ R1> (C1+1), R2> (C2+1) , R3> (C3+1) , R4> (C4+1 ), but at the Last Stage R5= (C5+1), and C5 > C4 > C3 >C2 >C1]

Steps :
(1) First Sample of n1 items are inspected. If no. of defectives C1 the Lot is Accepted, and if it R1 the lot is rejected. Otherwise, if C1 < d1 < R1, go to step 2. (2) Second Sample of n2 items are inspected. If no. of defectives in combined (n1 + n2) the Lot is Accepted, and if it R2 the lot is rejected. Otherwise, go to step 3.


(3) Third Sample of n3 items are inspected. If no. of defectives in combined (n1 + n2 + n3) C3 the Lot is Accepted, and if it R3 the lot is rejected. Otherwise, go to step 4. (4) . . . . . . . . . (5) Fifth Sample of n5 items are inspected. If no. of defectives in combined (n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5) C5 the Lot is Accepted, and if it is > C5 the lot is rejected.

Quality INSPECTION (Sampling Plan)

Problem 3 : (Multiple Sampling Plan)

State the steps and also the cases of acceptance of the Lot , in case you are adopting Multiple Stage Sampling Plan (with 3 stages) for inspecting a lot of 20,000 items and for 1st , 2nd and 3rd stage sample sizes are 25, 30 & 35. The Acceptance Nos for 1st , 2nd & 3rd stage are 1, 4 & 7 and the Rejection Nos for 1st & 2nd stage are 4 & 6 , respectively.

Quality INSPECTION (Sampling Plan)

Solution 3 :


N=20,000, n1= 25, C1= 1, R1= 4


n2= 30, C2= 4, R2= 6 defectives=d2

n3= 35, C3= 7, R3= C3 +1= 8 defectives=d3

Steps : i) ii) iii) iv)

Inspect items of first sample of size 25, If no. of defectives (d1) is 0 or 1, Accept the lot If no. of defectives (d1) is 4 or more, Reject the lot If no. of defectives (d1) is 2 or 3, Inspect items of second sample of size 30 and then, 1) If no. of defectives in the combined sample of size (25 + 30=55) ie (d1 + d2) does not exceed 4, Accept the lot 2) If no. of defectives in combined sample ie (d1 + d2) is 6 or more, Reject the lot. 3) If no. of defectives in the combined sample ie (d1 + d2) is 5, Inspect items of third sample of size 35, and then, (a) If no. of defectives in combined sample (25 + 30 + 35=90) ie (d1 + d2 +d3) does not exceed 7, Accept the lot (b) If no. of defectives in combined sample (25 + 30 + 35) ie (d1 + d2 +d3) is 8 or more, Reject the lot.

Quality INSPECTION (Sampling Plan) Solution to Problem 3 : (Multiple Sampling Plan) [contd..]

n1= 25, C1= 1, R1= 4

n2= 30, C2= 4, R2= 6

n3= 35, C3= 7, R3= 8

Cases of Acceptance of the Lot :

1) d1 = 0 or 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) d1 = 2 d2 = 0, 1 or 2 3) d1 = 3 d2 = 0 or 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) d1 = 2 d2 = 3 d3 = 0, 1 or 2 5) d1 = 3 d2 = 2 d3 = 0, 1 or 2

Quality INSPECTION (Sampling Plan)

Problem 4 : (Multiple Sampling Plan)

State the steps and also the cases of acceptance of the Lot , in case you are adopting Three Stage Sampling Plan for inspecting a lot of 10,000 items and for each stage sample size is 30. The Acceptance No. for 1st , 2nd & 3rd stages are 2, 6 & 9 and the Rejection No for 1st & 2nd are 6 & 8 , respectively.

Quality INSPECTION (Sampling Plan) Solution to Problem 4 : (Multiple Sampling Plan)

n1= 30, C1= 2, R1= 6

n2= 30, C2= 6, R2= 8

n3= 30, C3= 9, R3= 10

Cases of Acceptance of the Lot :

1) d1 = 0 2) d1 = 1 3) d1 = 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) d1 = 3 d2 = 0,1, 2 or 3 5) d1 = 4 d2 = 0, 1 or 2 6) d1 = 5 d2 = 0 or 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7) d1 = 3 d2 = 4 d3 = 0, 1 or 2 8) d1 = 4 d2 = 3 d3 = 0, 1 or 2 9) d1 = 5 d2 = 2 d3 = 0, 1 or 2

Quality INSPECTION (contd.)


AQL is the HIGHEST Fraction Defectives in the lot prescribed for accepting
the lot .

The whole lot with FRACTION DEFECTIVE EQUAL to or LOWER than AQL is quality-wise accepted. AQL is related to ACCEPTANCE NUMBER (C).

(C / n) x 100 % = AQL


C = n x (% AQL / 100)

AQL values usually lie between 0.1% and 3.0%.

Chance of REJECTION of a lot at AQL is PRODUCERS RISK.

It is the MINIMUM Fraction Defective in the lot prescribed for rejecting the lot .

(D) Rejectable Quality Level (RQL) :

The whole lot with FRACTION DEFECTIVE EQUAL to or MORE than RQL is quality-wise REJECTED. RQL is related to REJECTION NUMBER (R).

(R / n) x 100 % = RQL


R = n x (% RQL / 100)


# Chance of ACCEPTANCE of a lot at RQL is CONSUMERS RISK.

AQL & RQL values are prefixed and mutually accepted by both Buyer & Seller.

Quality INSPECTION (contd.)


( O.C. CURVE ) showing Producers Risk ( ) & Consumers Risk () Pa
89% Acceptance Probability 100%


Producers Risk () = 100% 89% = 11% (Rejection probability)

The O.C. Curve for a Sampling Plan is the graph of the Probability of Acceptance (Pa) against Fraction Defectives (Fd) in a lot . In any Sampling Plan, the O.C. Curve shows the Probability of Acceptance (Pa) of the lot [on Yaxis] varies depending on variation of Fraction Defective (Fd) [or Percentage Defective (100.Fd)] [on X-axis].


A lot with 3% defective has 35% chance of acceptance

100% Rejection Probability

90% Rejection Probability


Consumers Risk () = 10% Acceptance Probability Fraction 8% Defectives (% Defective)


0.01 (1%)

0.03 (3%)

0.05 (5%)

Quality INSPECTION (contd.)


It is actually average out going defectives ie the average percentage defectives in the outgoing products including all accepted lots and also all rejected lots which have been 100% inspected and all defectives have been replaced with non-defective ones. If, K = No. of lots, N = Lot size, n = Sample size,

Fd = Percent or Fraction Defectives,

Pa = Probability of Acceptance,

Total no. of items in outgoing lots = K.N (at Fraction Defective of Fd) Probable no. of accepted lots = K.Pa Total no. of items in (probable) acceptable lot = K.Pa.N Total no. of defectives in (probable) acceptable lots = K.N.Pa x Fd AOQ = K. N.Pa x Fd = Fd . Pa K.N.

AOQ = Fd . Pa

Where, Pa is a function of Fd ie

Pa = f(Fd)



It is the maximum AOQ. It is the max. average Fraction defectives in out going lots when all rejected lots are 100% inspected and all defectives are replaced by good ones. AOQ [= Fd x Pa] AOQL
AOQL occurs at a particular Fd.

Max. AOQ


Fd (Fraction Defective)

(vii) Producers Risk ( ) : It is the probability of rejecting a good quality lot (AQL quality) in the Sampling Plan. The risk of rejecting the lots of AQL quality in a sampling plan, should be smaller than the designated Producers Risk (). Rejecting a lot at AQL is AT PRODUCERS RISK. (viii) Consumers Risk () : It is the probability of accepting a bad quality lot (RQL quality) in the Sampling Plan. The risk of accepting the lots of RQL quality in the sampling plan, should be smaller than designated Consumer Risk(). Accepting a lot at RQL is AT CONSUMERS RISK.

Quality INSPECTION : AQL (contd.)

Problem 1 : In inspection of a lot comprising of 40,000 items with an AQL of 2%, the sample size is 1500. What is the Acceptance Number ? Explain the condition of acceptability of the lot. What will be your decision on acceptance of the lot of 40,000 items, if the no. of defectives found in the sample is 30 ?

Quality INSPECTION : AQL (contd.)

Solution - 1 : In inspection of a lot comprising of 40,000 items with an AQL of 2%, the sample size is 1500. What is the Acceptance Number ? Explain the condition of acceptability of the lot. What will be your decision on acceptance of the lot of 40,000 items, if the no. of defectives found in the sample is 30 ?
The sample size for inspection is 1500 pieces for the lot of 40,000. In inspection of 1500 items of the sample-size, if number of defective items found does not exceed the Acceptance Number (C) the whole lot is accepted.

AQL being 2%

of sample size,

The Acceptance Number, C = % AQL x (n /100) = 2 x (1500 /100) = 30 The whole lot of 40,000 items will be accepted, because number of defectives (found in the sample) 30, is not greater than the Acceptance Number 30.

AOQL on AOQ vs p curve

Problem 2 : Find the AOQL and show it on AOQ vs Percent Defectives curve,
based on the data given below, as available from OC Curve.

Fd (%)
1.0 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Pa (%)
82.7 71.8 66.3 61.0 55.8

2.5 3.0

44.1 34.3



AOQL on AOQ vs p curve

Solution 2 :
Given Solution:

Page 1

Fd (%)
0.4 1.0 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Pa (%)
96.3 82.7 71.8 66.3 61.0 55.8

0.4 1.0 1.4 1.6

0.963 0.827 0.718 0.663

% AOQ (Fd x Pa)

0.385 0.827 1.005 1.061










Max Value


3.5 4.0

26.2 19.9

3.5 4.0

0.262 0.199

0.917 0.796

Solution 2 :
Page 2

Average Outgoing Quality Limit (AOQL) :


AOQ curve
(Drawn on given data given in the example, next page)

1.116 1.029 0.827

Max. AOQ

AOQ = Fd x Pa

(with rectification)


Fd (Fraction Defective)
0.004 0.01 0.02 0.022 0.03 0.04

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