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Name: Sachin Nilesh Bhatia Class: 10F Roll Number: 10623

Lets face it - India isnt utopia, nor is any other country in the world. The problems that plague the land of India are numerous but one of them seems to have been inflicted on to the grassroots level, with the capability of toppling India from any power it commands. Equality forms the base of any modern society that seeks to develop. In India, equality goes reminiscent with the word taboo. Its the girl child that demands a free and fair society. It is the womenfolk of India that are forced to hide beneath their domestic spheres. These problems are just products of flawed methodology and conservative mindsets. History tells us, that in most cases the Conservatives face defeat. History shall repeat itself. The womenfolk in India exist within a degressive part of society, present in the rural areas but also found in pockets in urban areas, where they are denied basic rights to education, equality and a right to live, all because of their gender. Women are not represented as individuals but rather as liabilities that are inflicted upon a family until they find a suitor, where again the loss money is involved in the form of dowry. In situations of this sort, many people go to the extent of forced abortion in cases where tests determine the presence of a girl. They fail to realize that women when provided with an education can become self independent and supplement income, a boon not a bane. FACTS - effective literacy rates (age 7 and above) in 2011 were 82.14% for men and 65.46% for women. The 2011 census, estimates that there are only 940 females for every 1000 males in the country Since ancient times, women have been portrayed as faithful and loyal companions that has given rise to their portrayal as meek and weak individuals. Society has failed to recognize women as individuals and has rather aided in their objectification. There can be no better indicator of the harassment women face in the public sphere than the rising number of cases regarding sexual harassment and domestic violence. Women lack a support system to fall back upon when they have been done wrong. In urban areas, the situation is not much different. Barring a few, almost all top posts in most Indian companies are held by men. In the Parliament, women only represent only 11 percent of the total strength.



Four of the main processes that could lead to women's empowerment: changes in women's mobility and social interaction; changes in women's labour patterns; changes in women's access to and control over resources; and changes in women's control over decision-making.

CHANGES IN WOMEN MOBILITY AND INTERACTION Women are an integral part of our society and have to adhere to the same laws that any other citizen would have to follow. Therefore, women have constitutionally granted freedom to move around and be a part of the community without discrimination. Though granted, rigid mindsets oppose to the unrestricted movement of women. The government has to break these backward mindsets with the aid of reasoning and they must do it as amiably as possible, in the name of national interest. Compromises have to be made and change has to be bought about gradually.

Though Delhi is the capital of India and an urban center, it has come under media scrutiny, as it has failed to provide adequate security to womenfolk of the city.

changes in women's labour patterns Generally in the Indian society, women are made to handle the domestic sphere while the men are the sole breadwinners. A change in this dynamic could bring about the blurring of the lines between a man and a woman as both are able to understand the hard work each one undertakes Also, women should have adequate representation and should not be denied any opportunity, especially the right to education, on account of their gender. At present, in India reservation of one - third of all seats for women is practiced at the local and municipal level on the belief that the empowerment of women at the local level will result in a corresponding empowerment on the national level. The present signs are very encouraging and gives promising signs for the formation of a homogeneous society.


changes in women's access to and control over resources A woman is also an individual. From childhood as women are denied an education of any sort, it reduces any possibility of them becoming self dependent in the near future. Therefore, an education would provide a woman a basic support system to fall back upon and would allow them to exist with freedom. Also, in a family the woman should have equal access to the available resources and should not be denied the opportunity to avail these resources. The Government must launch awareness campaigns with a personal touch so as to connect with the people and enlighten them upon the important role a woman plays in a family and her rights.

The Organization plays a leading role in empowering women all over India.

changes in women's control over decision-making A woman, or anyone else, cannot be forced to do anything they do not want to do. A woman has to be given the power to decide the path her life takes, by deciding when and who to marry, independent to the choice of her parents among various other decision. Campaigns such as the No dowry campaign can successfully counter the negativity present in the society and empower women. Help lines and woman support networks have to be set up or at least encouraged by the government so as to provide support to women during times of distress. The Government must back the women and send out a strong message to the women critics.

The Organisation is among the many groups that denounce dowry, provide support to women and aid them during distress.

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