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Marketing communication in Switzerland

Florence, Bart, Philippe, Nicolas, & Maximilien

Table of content
S Introduction

S Channels
S Marketing organization S What is acceptable or not?

S Laws, policies, and authorities

S Information & resources system S Conclusion


The importance of certain factors in Swiss advertising

S Swiss geography

S Languages
S Demographics S Political system S Advertising in Switzerland

Advertising revenues

S 2008 - CHF 5796 Million

S Strong growth - Fairs & exhibitions (+9.7%)

S Outdoor advertising - (+3.2%)

S Press & television - from 3.3% to 1.4%


Traditional Medias

Printed Media

S Daily press 4 times a week

S Circulation: min. 20000 (cat 1) ex. to >50000ex (cat 1)

S Weekly regional press 2-4 times per weeks S Sunday papers S Financial and economic press

S Specialized press
S Private interests, tourism, events, sports, etc

S Business news
S General, agricultural, industry, services, science, etc

S Prices:
S Between CHF 6000. to CHF 29840.-- for B&W format. S Between CHF 9000. to CHF 50180. for colour format

Other traditional medias



Between CHF 550. to CHF 650. per second


CHF 630 mio 2010 advertising volume (29 channels)


Between CHF 2300. to CHF 4650. per month CHF 30 mio 2010 advertising volume (564 rooms)

Telecommunication / Teletext

Between CHF 6. to CHF 810. CHF 8 mio 2010 advertising volume

New medias

S Online promotion
S Between CHF 30. to CHF 2800. per day S Provided by advertising agencies or social networks

S Digital marketing
S Similar prices S Provided by newspapers companies (websites)

Other medias
S Poster S CHF 4300. to CHF 52500. per month S Public transports S CHF 1200. to CHF 75000. per month S Sports stadium S Exhibitions S CHF 100. to CHF 150. per m2 S 235 exhibitions 6940800 visitors in 2010

Media Organizations

Media Organisations
S News and promotion agencies
S SDA (Acquired AP in January 2010)---MONOPOLY S SDA provides information in all four languages S General advertising and promotion systems

S Trade unions
S Swiss-media, largest organisation in the Swiss media

S Tele-Suisse, organization of commercial TV stations S ASRP, largest private radio organisation S Comedia, largest union with over 13000 members

What is acceptable and not acceptable ???

S Reaction towards an ad differs according to:

S Age S Religion S Peoples background S Origin S Culture S Political view

S Value / Moral
S Sensitiveness


S Western Culture (Open? Laic?)

S "culture is used very broadly to refer to a heritage of

social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, religious beliefs, political systems, and specific artefacts.
S What is Right? Wrong? S Saudi Arabia / Switzerland (lingerie campaign?)

Example (Sloggi)

Controversy: Feminist Degrading. But: Big Buzz

UBS campaign


Chocolate: Swiss Superstar


Regulations & authorities

Marketing legislation

S Freedom of the press guaranteed by Law

S Broadcasters are obliged to respect the cultural diversity

of the country
S Supervising Bodies: UVEK, Bakom

S Quality ensuring authority, Ombudsman

Accountability systems

S Four interest groups in Switzerland

S Council of Europe
S In accordance with the European convention S UVEK, Bakom, UBI S Political parties S Is the supervision justified?

Regulatory authorities

S Federal Office of communication : Bakom

S Department for communication and Energy : UVEK

S Independent authority for program complaints: UBI S Ombudsmans Office S Complaints are mostly for tv, numbers increasing

Marketing resources

Learning and support

Different Universities offering Bachelors and Masters degrees in mass communication an media research No vocational training ZHAW offers Bachelor programs in journalism and organizational communication MAZ offers extra trainings for journalists with a diploma of Arts Journalism

S SAL and Medienschule are other ways to become a journalist S Switzerland does have many options to study in the media,

promotion and journalism section

S Trying their best to get the people in Switzerland as educated

and skilled as possible

Prime sources for detailed information

S Different institutions collecting data (WEMF)

S Data of cinema attendance and internet use

S TV and Radio S Publish magazines with some of these data

S Weekly newspapers with media and media technologies

S Makes useful information available for the people so they see

what is going on


S Main advertising - newspapers

S No private television stations on a national

level but several stations on a regional level with a small audience and little commercial success
S Huge market - newspapers (20minutes) -

1.94 million people ( 33% of Swiss readers)

In 20 years - 9% 75% of internet use..

S Increase in the use of new technologies- internet ads,

electronic ads, smart phones etc.

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