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Measurements used in Mechanical Services Measurement (The S.I. Metric system)





The S.I. system is the system that has been adopted for the U.K. from existing metric systems. S.I. Stands for Systeme Internationale. The construction industry uses Sub units milli but NOT the centi. i.e. millimetres, but not centimetres. However, since the introduction of metrication, the centi is becoming increasingly popular.


1 Metre = 1000 millimetres (mm) 1 Bar = 1000 millibars (mb) 1 Bar also equals 100 kilo pascal (Kpa) 1 kilo pascal (Kpa) = 1 kilo Newton per meter squared (1kN/m2) 1 Kilogram = 1000 grams (g) 1 sq. metre = 1,000,000 sq. millimetres 1 Bar = 10 meters of head NB Milli = one thousandth of Kilo = one thousand times


TIME IS MEASURED IN; Hours, Minutes and Seconds (s) 1hr = 60mins 1min = 60 seconds 3600 seconds = 1hr (60x60 = 3600) Seconds (s) are the preferred method


Heat and Temperature

Measuring Temperature
Latent Heat Thermal expansion


Heat and Temperature

The main difference between heat and temperature is that heat is

recognised as a unit of energy, measured in joules.

temperature is the degree of hotness of a substance heat is the amount of heat energy (j) that is contained within a substance.

An example of this which is shown in a number of text books is a short length of Steel wire heated until it is red hot and a bucket of hot water. The temperature of the wire is 350C The water has a temperature of 70C

The wire is far hotter, but actually contains less

heat energy.

Heat and Temperature

The S.I. unit of temperature measurement is the degree Kelvin, the most common unit used in plumbing is degrees Celsius (centigrade) written as C An other unit used is Fahrenheit, it is some times necessary to convert from one scale to an other.

Heat and Temperature


Temperature scale
The difference between two fixed points is divided

into 100 equal parts, each called a degree. The ice

point is 0C and the steam point 100C. This method

was devised by a Swedish astronomer named Celsius,

and is now called the Celsius scale.


Heat and Temperature

The Kelvin scale like Celsius uses single degree increments but the freezing point is 273.15k and the boiling point 100 degrees higher at 373.15k


Heat and Temperature

Absolute zero is theoretically the lowest possible temperature that can ever be reached. To convert from C to k add 273.15 and to convert from k to C subtract 273.15. no temperature in Kelvin is negative but Celsius is negative when it drops below 0C


Heat and Temperature

Converting to Fahrenheit
Celsius 0 4 20 36.8 43.3 60 65 85 100 Location Freezing point of (water) Maximum density (water) Average room temperature Blood temperature Bath water Washing-up water Primary return Primary flow Boiling point (water) Fahrenheit 32 39.2 68 98.4 110 140 149 185 212

Heat and Temperature

Converting to Fahrenheit using mathematics

Fahrenheit has 180 divisions and starts at 32

Celsius has 100 divisions and starts at 0


Heat and Temperature

This means that 9 divisions in Fahrenheit are equal

to 5 divisions Celsius
To put it an other way 1 degree Celsius is 95 times greater than 1 degree Fahrenheit

Heat and Temperature

As Fahrenheit starts at 32. Therefore the formula for converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius is Degrees Celsius = Degrees Fahrenheit 32 x 5 9

The formula for converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit

is Degrees Fahrenheit = Degrees Celsius x 9 + 32 5

Heat and Temperature

Convert 212 Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius

Degrees Celsius = degrees Fahrenheit 32 x 5 9 Degree Celsius = 212 32 x 5 9 20 Degree Celsius = 180 x 5 9

Degree Celsius =100C 212F = 100 C


Heat and Temperature

Worked example Convert 20 Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit Degrees Fahrenheit = degrees Celsius x 9 + 32 5 4 Degrees Fahrenheit = 20 x 9 + 32 5

Degrees Fahrenheit = 4 x 9 + 32 Degrees Fahrenheit = 36 + 32 Degrees Fahrenheit = 68 C 20 C = 68 F


Heat and Temperature

We have looked at the complicated method, lets now

look at the simpler method,

Celsius to Fahrenheit = (C x 1.8) + 32 = F Fahrenheit to Celsius = (F 32) x 0.56 = C


Heat and Temperature

Convert 212 Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius Degrees Celsius = (F 32) x 0.56 = C Degrees Celsius = (212-32) x 0.56

Degrees Celsius = 100.8 C


Heat and Temperature

Convert 20 Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit Celsius to Fahrenheit = (C x 1.8) + 32 Degrees Fahrenheit = (20 x 1.8) + 32 Degrees Fahrenheit = 68 F


Heat and Temperature

Devices used to measure temperature

Now see SmartScreen Worksheet 8 Temperature measurement


Heat and Temperature

There are three forms of state in which a substance can exist,
Solid Liquid Gas

Heat and Temperature

Water exits in three states ice (solid), water (liquid),

gas (steam).

The change of state from solid to liquid or vice versa is

termed the lower change of state and the change from a liquid to a gas is termed the upper change of state

Heat and Temperature

Heat that brings about a change in state with no change in temperature is called latent (hidden) heat. When a substance changes state the temperature stays the same. It is the addition or removal of the heat that produces the change of state.


Heat and Temperature

Heat which causes a change in temperature in a substance is called sensible heat. When ice turns to water it is changing state from a solid to a liquid. In order to achieve this the ice requires

additional heat energy. The heat being applied to the ice

is used to change state. During this period there is no increase in temperature, although the heat is still being applied.

Heat and Temperature

When the ice has completely turned to water, the

temperature will begin to rise again. When the ice has completely turned to water, the temperature will begin to rise again.


Heat and Temperature

When the reverse happens I.e. water turns to ice, the

change of state being liquid to solid, there is a surplus

of energy I.e. heat energy is given off. This counteracts

the cooling effect and there is no drop in temperature

until all the water has turned to ice, the temperature

then continues to drop.


Heat and Temperature

This happens whenever a substance changes state, so

it will also happen when water turns to steam. I.e. the

temperature of the water will reach 100 C, but will not increase until the water has turned to steam.


Heat and Temperature

In reverse, the steam will turn to water and during

this time, the temperature will not fall until all the

steam has turned to water. During this time latent

heat is given off.

Heat and Temperature

Temperature C


Water to steam
Ice to water


Heat input joules

Heat and Temperature

Now in your own words on the note page provided sum up the following terms,

Heat and Temperature

From point A to point B the temperature is rising steadily. The heat being absorbed during this period is called sensible heat because it can be sensed by the thermometer. From B to C it is apparent that heat is still being absorbed but it is not visible on the thermometer

Heat and Temperature

From B to C it is apparent that heat is still being absorbed but not visible on the thermometer, so it is called latent heat because it cannot be seen. From C to D the thermometer shows the second increase in sensible heat and from D to E shows

latent heat again.


Heat and Power

Recovery Rate

This is the amount of time required to heat up a quantity of water to a specific temperature

Heat and Power

Heat Recovery Period

This time will vary depending upon the heat source

power rating.
It is possible to calculate the heat recovery period.


Measurement (RECAP)
TIME IS MEASURED IN; Hours, Minutes and Seconds (s) 1hr = 60mins 1min = 60 seconds 3600 seconds = 1hr (60x60 = 3600) Seconds (s) are the preferred method

Heat and Power

Using this formula:

SH x Kg x temperature rise Available time in seconds

= Power Required

SH = the specific heat of water (the amount of energy required to heat 1kg of water by 1C) Kg = the weight of water to be heated

Heat and Power

Example: Find the power required to heat a cylinder


100 litres of water to 60C

Incoming water supply temperature = 4C

Customer requires water, to be at 60C, in 1 hours

SH x Kg x temperature rise Available time in seconds 4.2 x 100 x 56 = 23520 90 x 60 5400 = Power Required

= 4.36 kW


Heat and Power

This example does not allow for heat loss and the heating-up of the HWSC. It is advisable to add 10% which will allow for this loss. 4.36 + 0.43 4.79 kW

e.g. 4.36 + 10% =


Heat and Power

Example: Find the power required to heat a cylinder containing 125 litres of water to 60C Incoming water supply temperature = 18C Customer requires water, to be at 60C, in hour

SH x Kg x temperature rise Available time in seconds 4.2 x 125 x 4 2 = 22050 30 x 60 1800

= Power Required = 12.25 kW + 1.22 10% 13.47 kW


Heat and Power

Often the house owner will want to know how long it

should take to heat a cylinder of water.

This can also be found using the same formula with a

bit of transposition:
SH x Kg x temperature rise Available time in Seconds Power (kW) Power Required = time in seconds


Heat and Power

Often the house owner will want to know how long it

should take to heat a cylinder of water.

This can also be found using the same formula with a bit of transposition:
SH x Kg x temperature rise Available time in seconds
SH x Kg x temperature rise Power Required

= Power Required
= time in seconds


Heat and Power

Example: Find out how long it will take to heat a cylinder containing 136 litres of water to 60C, using the 3kW immersion heater. Incoming water supply temperature = 4C

SH x Kg x temperature rise Power (kW)

4.2 x 136 x 56

= time in seconds

= 10662 seconds

10662 60 = 177 minutes = 2 hrs 57mins

Heat and Power

Example: Find out how long it will take to heat a cylinder containing 150 litres of water to 60C, using the 27kW gas boiler.

Incoming water supply temperature = 13C

SH x Kg x temperature rise Power (kW)

4.2 x 150 x 47

= time in seconds

= 1097 seconds

1097 = 18 minutes 60


Heat and Power

Example: Find the power required to heat a cylinder containing 130 litres of water to 60C. Incoming water supply temperature = 12C Customer requires water to be at 60C, in 1 hour Example: Find out how long it will take to heat a cylinder containing 115 litres of water to 60C, using the 23kW gas boiler. Incoming water supply temperature = 5C

Example: Find out how long it will take to heat a cylinder containing 120 litres of water to 60C, using the 3kW immersion heater. Incoming water supply temperature = 14C

Heat and Power

Example: Find the power required to heat a cylinder containing 130 litres of water to 60C. Incoming water supply temperature = 12C Customer requires water, to be at 60C, in 1 hour

SH x Kg x temperature rise Available time in seconds

4.2 x 130 x 48 1 x 60 x 60 26208 = 3600

= Power Required = 7.28 kW + 0.72 10% 8.00 kW


Heat and Power

Example: Find out how long it will take to heat a cylinder containing 115 litres of water to 60C, using the 23kW gas boiler. Incoming water supply temperature = 5C

SH x Kg x temperature rise Power (kW)

4.2 x 115 x 55

= time in seconds

= 1155 seconds

1155 = 19 minutes 60

Heat and Power

Example: Find out how long it will take to heat a cylinder containing 120 litres of water to 60C, using the 3kW immersion heater.

Incoming water supply temperature = 14C

SH x Kg x temperature rise Power (kW)

4.2 x 120 x 46

= time in seconds

= 7728 seconds

7728 60

= 129 minutes = 2 hrs 9mins

Heat and Power


The specific heat capacity of a substance or material is
the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1kg of the material by 1C. the heat required varies depending on the material.


Heat and Power

E.g. the heat required to raise 1kg of water by 1C is 4.186kJ and 0.125kJ would be required to raise 1kg of lead by 1C


Heat and Power

Specific Heat Capacity Values

Material Water Aluminium Cast Iron Zinc Lead Copper Mercury kJ/kgC 4.186 0.887 0.554 0.397 0.125 0.385 0.125

Heat and Power



Heat and Power

There are three methods of heat transfer : Conduction Convection Radiation


Heat and Power


Conduction is the transfer of heat energy through a material. This happens because of the increased vibration of molecules, which occurs when materials are heated.
The vibrations from the heated material are then passed on to the adjoining material, which then heats up in turn.

Heat and Power


Heat and Power

Some materials are better conductors than others

Metals tend to be good conductors

Wood is a poor conductor of heat


Heat and Power

Copper is a better conductor of heat than steel, iron

and lead. Wood plastics which are poor conductors of

heat are known as thermal insulators


Heat and Power

Convection is the transfer of heat by means of movement of a

locally heated fluid substance (usually air or water). As fluid is

heated the process causes expansion which in turn causes a

lowering of its density. The less dense warm flue begins to

rise and is replaced by cooler, denser fluid from below. Eventually convection currents are set up which allow for a continuous flow upwards from the source.

Heat and Power


Heat and Power


Radiation is the transfer of heat from a hot body to a

cooler one. It does not need a material medium to do this. It needs only air and uses heat waves.


Heat and Power

Radiation can be sensed on a sunny by the heat of the

sun. Some materials absorb heat radiation better

than others. Colour often plays apart, dull matt

surfaces will absorb radiation heat better than shiny

polished surfaces.

Heat and Power


Heat and Power

Now in your own words on the note page provided sum up the following terms,



Heat and Temperature



Heat and Temperature

Most materials will expand when heated. This because the molecules in a substance move about more vigorously when heated. The molecules will then move further apart from each other, this will mean that the materials taking up more volume.


Heat and Temperature

When a material cools the molecules slow down and move closer together, thus the material gets smaller or contracts. The amount a material expands in length can be calculated using the following formula. Length (m) x temp rise (C) x coefficient of linear


Heat and Temperature

Material Plastic

Coefficient C 0.00018

Zinc Lead Aluminium Tin Copper Cast iron Mild Steel Invar

0.000029 0.000029 0.000026 0.000021 0.000016 0.000011 0.000011 0.00000009

Now look at SmartScreen hand-out 1 & 2 Properties of materials


Heat and Temperature

Worked Example Calculate the amount a 4m long plastic discharge stack will expanded

due to a temperature rise of 24C.

Amount of Expansion = 4 x 24 x 0.00018* Amount of Expansion = 0.0172m or 17.28mm *Figure take from chart Now look at SmartScreen hand-out 9 Expansion of liquids and work sheet 4 Heat and power

What are we going to look at?
Classification of water Corrosion Specific heat capacity Heat transfer

Capillary attraction


Properties of Water

Water is a chemical compound which is made up of Hydrogen and

Oxygen (H2O). An important property of water is its solvent power.

It has the ability to dissolve some gases and solids to form solutions.

Properties of Water

The purest form of water is rain water which is collected on the open countryside. It contains dissolved gases such as nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide, this doesnt affect its potability

(suitability for drinking)

Water may be classified as having varying degrees of

hardness or softness

Properties of Water

Water Hardness Water hardness can be described as temporary or permanent.

Permanent hardness occurs as a result of the natural solvency

of pure water. It will dissolve sulphates of limestone. A symptom of hard water is the difficulty in forming a lather with soap. Temporary hardness is responsible for the hard scale which can accumulate on the inside of boilers, pipework and cylinders. It will

restrict the flow of water, reduce the efficiency of appliances which

can lead to system failure.

Properties of Water

Water that is Soft will enable a lather to be produced soap easily.

This is because of the absence of dissolved salts such as Calcium

Carbonates and Calcium sulphates. pH Value The term pH value refers to the level of acidity or alkalinity of a substance. Pure water has a pH of 7.0. If water dissolves acidic

materials, the pH falls and if it dissolves alkaline materials the pH


Properties of Water

Acidic and alkaline water can both damage the materials used in plumbing systems, by causing corrosion. Metals are particularly at risk from corrosive effects of acids and alkalis.

Slightly acidic water will break down materials in plumbing

systems, resulting in the build up of silt and other debris in the system. Rainwater is naturally slightly acidic, due to small amounts of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere dissolved into it, forming very weak carbonic and sulphuric acids.

Properties of Water

Properties of Water

There are four main causes of corrosion The effects of air

The effects of water

The direct effects of acid, alkalis and chemicals.

(from environmental sources)

Electrolytic action

Properties of Water

Atmospheric Corrosion Pure air and water have little corrosive effects, but together in the form of moist air (oxygen + water vapour) they can attack ferrous*

metals such as steel and iron very quickly to form iron oxide or
rust. * Metal that contains iron

Properties of Water

The corrosive effects of rusting can completely destroy metal

Properties of Water

Gases such as Carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and sulphur

trioxide which can be found in our atmosphere, will also increase the corrosive effects air has on certain metals, especially iron, steel and Zinc.

These gases are often found near industrial areas as these gases
are often waste products from various industrial processes.

Properties of Water

Coastal areas also suffer from increased atmospheric corrosion

due to the amount of sodium chloride (salt) from the sea which
become dissolved into the local atmosphere.

Non- ferrous metals such as copper, aluminium and lead, have significant protection against atmospheric corrosion. Protective barriers usually sulphates form on these metals to prevent further corrosion. This protection is called a patina

Properties of Water

Corrosion by Water Ferrous metals are particularly vulnerable to the effects of corrosion caused by water. The effects of this corrosion are commonly seen in central heating systems as black ferrous oxide

and red rust (Haematite and Magnetite) build up in radiators.

A by-product formed from this action is hydrogen gas which

accumulates in the radiators. The build up can be released by

bleeding the radiators.

Properties of Water

Properties of Water

If the water in an area has a high acidity (soft water ) the internal wall of the copper may become slightly discoloured. This will not affect the safety or quality of the drinking water.

If there is lead pipework within a building there is a risk of the

water dissolving minute quantities of lead, this contaminating the water. This may have toxic effect especially for children.

Properties of Water

The Direct Effects of Acid, Alkalis and Chemicals.

(From environmental sources)

Some types of wood (such as oak) have a corrosive effect on lead, latex cement and formed concrete will adversely affect copper.

Properties of Water

Heavy clay soils may contain sulphates which can corrode lead, steel and copper. Grounds containing ash and cinders are also very corrosive as they are strongly alkaline, if pipes are to be laid in such ground they should be wrapped in protective material

Properties of Water

Electrolytic action is caused when two very dissimilar metals come into contact with each other. The process involves the flow of

electrically charged ions from an anode to a cathode through a

medium known as the electrolyte (this is usually water)

Properties of Water

This process is called electrolysis. It will lead to the destruction of the anode. The time that it takes to destroy the anode will depend on :

The properties of the water that acts as the electrolyte, if the

water is hot or acidic the rate of the corrosion will increase The position of the metals that make up the anode and cathode in the electromotive series

Properties of Water

The list on the next slide shows the common elements used in the

plumbing industry. The order in which they appear indicates their

electromotive properties.

Properties of Water

Copper Tin Lead Nickel Cadmium Iron Chromium Zinc Aluminium Magnesium



Properties of Water

The elements higher up the list will destroy those lower down through electrolytic corrosion. The further the elements are to each other the faster the corrosion takes place.

Properties of Water

This problem needs to be recognised by plumbers, especially if metal such as copper and galvanised tube and copper fitting are

in direct metallic contact. If these metallic elements are

surrounded by water or damp ground, a basic electrical cell is created and electrolytic corrosion can take place.

Properties of Water

Properties of Water

Capillary attraction is when a liquid is drawn up through a small gap between the surfaces of two materials.

Capillary attraction occurs due to two characteristics of most liquids.

Properties of Water

Adhesion is the ability to stick to a surface. Water in a smal tube such as a U gauge (manometer), has a curved surface where the water adheres to the sides of the tube. This is called the meniscus

Properties of Water


Properties of Water


Properties of Water

Cohesion is the ability of a liquid to pull itself into a ball. This is also called surface tension. A simple illustration of this is rainwater laying on a well-polished car

Properties of Water


Properties of Water

When planning the installation of sheet lead weathering, the affect

of capillary attraction needs to be taken into account. Water can

penetrate a building via a lapped joint, as the materials are closed together.

Properties of Water

Properties of Water

This can be avoided by installing an anti-capillarity groove, this will prevent water entering the building

Properties of Water

Capillary attraction can also take place within an S trap often found under sinks, if a piece of dish cloth becomes lodged in to

the in the trap. Capillary attraction could take place. This can lead
to the loss of the trap seal and smells filtering back into the home from the drains

Properties of Water

Properties of Water

Principles of Siphonage Atmospheric pressure is the key to siphonage. Siphonage works when atmospheric pressure is able to force water through a tube i.e. a length of hose pipe. It may appear that it is going against

the force of gravity.

For siphonage to work the air pressure in the tube must be

reduced below that of atmospheric pressure.

Properties of Water

Properties of Water

Common uses of symphonic action are found on Wcs

Siphonic Wcs

Properties of Water

Properties of liquids and gases

Liquids used in Mechanical services consist of:

Water Refrigerant Anti- freeze- glycol mixes Fuel oils Lubricants / Greases

Properties of liquids and gases


Widely used in the industry.

IE Cold water, Hot water, Heating, Etc. H20- Hydrogen 2 parts and oxygen 1 part.

Properties of liquids and gases


Used in Air conditioning, freezers and fridge units and heat pumps. Mixture of chemicals and gasses in order to perform at extreme temperatures Data sheets for refrigerants

Properties of liquids and gases

ANTI- FREEZE / GLYCOL MIXES Used in solar thermal panels, combustion engines, Etc. Mixture of chemicals in order to perform at extreme temperatures Product data sheet

Properties of liquids and gases

FUEL OILS & Lubricants / Greases

Fuel oils are mainly used for heating purposes, however majority of mechanical moving parts require an oil or grease as a lubricant.
Carbon Based non renewable taken from the earth and refined into the above products at various levels

Properties of liquids and gases

Gases used in Mechanical services consist of:

Air and steam LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas Natural Gas Carbon Dioxide Refrigerant Gasses

Properties of liquids and gases

Air and Steam

These are mainly used for producing pressure in order to drive industrial machinery.

Properties of liquids and gases

LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas

A gas that is used to heat homes and for cooking in rural areas not on mains gas. You use this gas for soldering, camping and caravan, boats etc.
Factories may use this for localised heating.

Properties of liquids and gases

Natural Gas

Supplied from the gas mains, and currently the most common gas used for heating buildings, both domestic and industrial.

Properties of liquids and gases

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide in solid and in liquid form is used for refrigeration and cooling. It is used as an inert gas in chemical processes, in the storage of carbon powder and in fire extinguishers.
Pipe freezing kits may use this gas.

Properties of liquids and gases

Refrigerant Gases

Used in Air condition, freeze and fridge units and heat pumps.

Plumbing science
What are we going to look at?
Mass and weight
Density liquids and gases

Relative density

Properties of gasses

Temperature of Gases.
Properties of Gases
(Typical Values)


Natural Methane



Chemical Formula Boiling Point Relative Density (Liquid) Relative Density ( Gas) Gross Calorific Value Gas Family Flammability Limits Air/Gas Ratio Oxygen/Gas Ratio Flame Speed Ignition Temperature Maximum Flame Temp. System Operating Pressure

CH4 -1620C 0.58 38.5MJ/m3 2nd 5-15% 9.81:1 2:1 0.36m/s 7040C 10000C 21mb (+/- 2)

C3H8 -420C 0.5 1.78 95MJ/m3 3rd 2.3-9.5% 23.8:1 5:1 0.46m/s 5300C 19800C 37mb (+/-5)

C4H10 -20C 0.57 2.0 121MJ/m3 3rd 1.9-8.5% 30.9:1 6.5:1 0.38m/s 5000C 19960C 28mb (+/- 5)

Properties of gasses

Gas Laws: Charless Law

At constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of an ideal gas increases or decreases by the same factor as its temperature on the absolute temperature scale (i.e. the gas expands as the temperature increases).[1]

Boyles Law Boyle's law (sometimes referred to as the BoyleMariotte

law) states that the absolute pressure and volume of a given mass of confined gas are inversely proportional, if the temperature remains unchanged within a closed system.[1][2]

Boyles Law 2

Properties of gasses

Heat pump / Refrigeration cycle

Drawing and stages

Plumbing Science MASS

Mass in its simplest terms is the amount of matter in an object. It is

measured in grams or kilogram's. An objects mass will stay the same unless parts are removed from it.

A basin tap will have the same mass, if it is on a work bench or on the

Plumbing Science

The weight of an object is the force exerted by its mass, due to the acceleration owing to force of gravity.

On the earth all objects are being accelerated towards centre of the
planet. This is due to the earths gravitational pull.

Plumbing Science

Pull exerted by gravity on mass of an object is known as its weight . We measure weight in Newton's. A Newton is equivalent to 1 metre per second (m/s2) per 1kg of mass.

Plumbing Science

weight in Newton's = mass x acceleration due to gravity

To really appreciate the relationship between mass and weight. The

moon is a good example way of doing this.

Plumbing Science

On the Earth

The gravitational pull of the earth is 9.8m/s2

Therefore, an object with a mass of 1kg on earth

would weigh 9.8 newtons

Plumbing Science

On the moon
The gravitational pull of the moon is approximately 1.633m/s. An object with a mass of 1kg on the moon - would weigh 1.633 newtons.

Plumbing Science

Mass of the object does not change whether it is on earth or on the moon, but weight of an object changes immensely due to the reduced gravitational pull of the moon.

Solid materials which have the same shape, can frequently have a
completely different mass. This is know as is density. The density of an

item is measured by its mass compared to its volume

Plumbing Science

To calculate this the following formula is used Density = mass volume Liquids and gases also have different densities, dependent on the number of molecules present within a particular volume of a Substance.

Plumbing Science

It is also very important to understand that the density of water changes when temperature of water changes. Water is less dense when heated. 1m3 of water at 4C has a mass of 1000Kg 1m3 of water at 82 C has a mass of 967Kg

Plumbing Science



Mass of all cubes are the same but volumes are different. Lead will occupy a smaller volume than both air and the polystyrene, due to its molecules being more tightly packed


Plumbing Science

A mass that is concentrated in a smaller volume has a greater density

than a substance of equal mass that occupies a larger space.

Thus, gases have the smallest densities when compared to solids and liquids. Gas molecules contain mostly empty space, while molecules in liquids, are again more tightly packed together.

Plumbing Science


Relative density (also known as specific gravity), is an effective way of

measuring the density of a substance or object and comparing its weight per volume to an equal volume of water.

Plumbing Science

1m3 of water has a mass of 1000kg at 4C whereas 1m3 of lead weighs

about 11300kg. From this it can be seen that lead is 11.3 times heavier.

Knowing this, we can calculate weight of any substance by dividing density of a substance by the density of water. Water is always shown as 1.0

Plumbing Science

Using this information, we know that any material with a higher number
than 1.0 will sink in water and any number lower will float.

The relative density of gases can also be measured by comparing the specific gravity of air, which is also expressed as 1.0

Material Solids and Liquids Water Class C fuel oil Linseed oil Aluminium Zinc Cast iron Tin

Relative density

1.0 0.79 0.95 2.7 7.1 7.2 7.3

Mild steel
Copper Lead (Milled) Mercury Gases

8.9 11.3 13.6

Methane ( Natural Gas) Propane Butane

0.6 1.5 2.0

Plumbing Science





Maximum density of water 4C

Plumbing Science

Relative Density of Materials

Plumbing Science

As water is heated, the process causes expansion, in - turn causes a

lowering density. The less dense warm water begins to rise, replaced by cooler, denser fluid from below.

Eventually convection currents are set up, allowing a continuous flow of heat upwards from its source.

Principles of mechanical advantage and velocity ratios.

Levers: What is a lever? In Basic form of a lever is a steel rod known as a crowbar. Wheel and axle: What is this? In basic form a good example would be a car steering wheel.

Principles of mechanical advantage and velocity ratios.

Pulleys: What is this? A pulley is an arrangement of wheels with a rope passed through them to enable the movement of heavier objects. (block and tackle)

Principles of mechanical advantage and velocity ratios.

Screws: What is this? A screw is used to lift an item under tension, an example of this could be a acro .prop

Principles of basic mechanics

Theory of moments. Action and reaction. Centre of gravity.

Using the Pcs Reach the above.

Plumbing Science


Force will try to move an object

We cannot see force, however its effects can be seen in the next slide

Plumbing Science


Force is the cause of a change in shape


The unit of measurement for force is the Newton (N)

An object weighing 1 kg, dropped from a height, will travel at an acceleration of 9.81 metres/second squared (m/s2) due to the earths gravitational pull (gravity)

Plumbing Science

Force (N) = Mass (kg) x Acceleration (m/s)

What effect does force have, acting upon a water storage cistern?
If a cistern holds 50 litres of water. What is the gravitational force acting

downwards on the base of the cistern?

Plumbing Science

Force = Mass x acceleration Force = 50kg* x 9.81m/s2 Force = 490.5N * 1Litre of water weighs 1kg 50kg

Plumbing Science


Pressure can be defined as force acting over a specified area

Pressure is to act upon a wide variety of liquids and gasses in plumbing applications e.g. air, water and oil. Pressure is involved in the delivery of water that affects us most in plumbing.

Plumbing Science

Water that flows from our taps is fed from reservoirs, water towers or
cold water storage cisterns within a building.

It is usual for water to be delivered under the force of gravity, providing there is necessary pressure required in allowing water to flow to each out-let tap.

Plumbing Science

Pressure is measured in newtons per square metre (N/m2) It is also known as Pascal (Pa) You may have come across other terms used to identify pressure they include (Bar or Pounds per square inch (ibs/in2)

Plumbing Science

Static Pressure

Water will find its own level when exposed to atmosphere and with no
flow (static).

This occurs, what ever shape of the vessel in which water is placed, and
a result of gravitational force acting downwards on the water. 1 bar = 100,000N/m2 1lbs/in2 = 6894N/m2

Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 101,325N/m2

Plumbing Science

Plumbing Science

Pressure is exerted by solid objects in downwards direction only, however, liquids exert pressure downwards and sideways.

Plumbing Science

There are basically two ways of creating pressure in plumbing systems: 1. By connecting a pump into the system pipe-work; or

2. By using the weight of the water itself.

Plumbing Science

The higher the column of water (plumbers call this head of water) the greater pressure exerted at its lowest point.

Now look at SmartScreen hand-out 3 Water Pressure and Work

sheet 6 & 7.

Plumbing Science

Intensity of pressure or static pressure can be defined as force (KPa) created by the weight of a given mass of water acting upon one unit area (1m2). Example: Intensity of pressure = head x 9.18 KPa (gravitational force)

Plumbing Science

Total Pressure is the intensity of pressure multiplied by the area acted on.


Total pressure = intensity of pressure x area of base

Now look at SmartScreen worksheet 3 Plumbing Materials

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