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CST Test Preparation & Review

By- Jessica Rosales

About This Test

My goal for this test is to get proficient There are 5 categories on the test are: Far Below Basic Below Basic Basic Proficient Advance This test represent which classes you get for the next year and where you are. It will see if you are a smart as honor or you need help.

How Ive Prepared for the CST

I had reviewed questions similar to the ones on the CST. I have gotten gum to think a little bit better. We would do warm ups. Finally to always have enough sleep and eat a good break feast

How SFMS Teachers have prepared us for the CST

Teachers in SFMS have review questions that are similar to the ones on the test. Some teacher might have passed out gum or something . Many teachers have pushed us to do our best.

Test Taking Tip: The Night & Morning Before

You should review Prepare yourself

Get a lot of sleep

Eat a good meal in the morning

Test Taking Tips: During the Test

Go through the question before you read. Do the easy ones first. Make sure you have all your materials for the test. Dont cheat Take your time show work make predictions

Math Tips

Make a CST toolkit. Review everything Ask questions to the ones you dont know Dont cheat Take your time and make predictions


Dont cheat Take time

Read directions
Read questions before you read Follow directions always have #2 pencil

Place Value

This topic is important because its mostly on the test. You need to know it If you know this topic its easier Also you can get more correct answers

Simplifying Square Roots

Mostly comes out in test Have to know it by now

You can be better in Be prepare when you see it on a test

Place Value Example

Rounding Off: underline the place value which you are rounding. Identify the number. If it is 5 or higher, round your underlined place value up 1 and change all the other numbers to its right to zeros. EXAMPLE:Round off 345,678 to the nearest thousand. The number 34 5,678 is rounded up to 346,000.


A simile is a figure of speech in which two un like things are compared, using the words likeandas. Examples As alike as two peas in a pod, meaning identical or nearly so. As strong as an ox,meaning very strong and solid. She was like a turtle running a mile, meaning very slow. As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party,meaning not welcome at all

Good Luck SFMS Students

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