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Evaluation of Music Video Questionnaire.

Question 1: What is your gender?

Male Female

Our target audience are mainly males, however, females also. Our hypothesis is that the male audience members will appreciate the drug content, scenes of violence and destruction, where as the females will greater appreciate the themes of friendship and youth more so- as well as the raving elements. This is why when distributing our questionnaire we purposely chose four boys and four girls, from which we can analyse the data.

Question 2: What age group best describes you? We can see from this pie chart that the majority of our questionnaire participants ranged within that of the teen age group (17 or younger or 18-20). Due to the majority being asked in and around our 6th form block we can assume that the three participants that ticked the 17 or younger box are towards the higher end, i.e. 17. Teenagers and people in their early to mid twenty's of both genders are our target audience and we believe our music video would not only be appreciated most by them, but indeed, be far more relatable to themselves and their lifestyles. This is why our questionnaire was distributed to people of such an age.

17 or younger

21-29 30-39 40-49 50 or older

Question 3: What aspects of a Drum & Bass Music Video do you like most?
It was important to add such a question here ( one that was not restricted to ticking of boxes or yes or no answers) as it allows our questionnaire participants far more freedom to answer how they please. The majority of the answers however, in summary, revolved around three key points that our audience likes most in drum & bass videos: Firstly, this notion of controversial ideas appealing to the audience was mentioned by more than three participants. I shal l be implemented, or at least touching upon controversial themes in my music video with this whole idea of drug use. It is controversial to an extent some may argue as I will be using sweets and tainting such a child like thing with drug use. Also, the build up to the fight scene may be seen as controversial as the balaclava being placed on and the suggestion towards the robbing of the sweet shop is clear. Secondly, many stated how what they like most is the fast paced narratives or interesting and engaging story lines. My mu sic video will be exemplifying this notion of fast paced narratives as it will be taking us through the lives, in the time frame of a day or two, of two teenag e best friends journey into drug use and how they cope with the problems caused by drugs such as depression, isolation and anger. And finally the depiction of raves is seen as an aspect liked a lot by our target audience. My music video will consist of a rave scene as this questionnaire has shown me that it will indeed be appealing to my target audience. Question 4: Of the four technical codes, which do you think holds the most importance to a Drum & Bass music video? We can clearly see through this bar chart that mise-en-scene is regarded as the most important of the four technical codes to my target audience. Perhaps this is because this is a genre that depicts such controversial themes and has such engaging narratives, and that the only way for the narratives to truly be engaging is to have the correct lighting, costumes and props to create this drum & bass atmosphere. For my mis-en-scene I will look closer into lighting (particularly the use of strobe lighting for my rave scene). The character outfits must be in keeping with drum & bass culture and their fashion.
Mis-en-scene Camera Angles, Shots & Movement Editing Special effects

6 5

3 2 1 0 Series1

Two people voted for editing as being the most important technical code. Camera angles shots and movement received one vote and special effects seems to not be of an importance to my target audience.

Question 5: What do you find to be iconic images associated with the drum & bass musical genre? Again, question five required the participants to answer with far less restriction as it required a few sentences. What came up as most prominent in this question is that Drugs are an iconic image to the genre. 5 our of the 8 participants either mentioned briefly or wrote an entire sentence on the prominence of drugs to the genre. I will be adhering to this with the drug use in my music video however subverting from it slightly by using sweets as opposed to what resembles the actual substances. Interestingly also, weed was mentioned as being the most associated drug with the genre and then ecstasy and cocaine. I will attempt to depict all three of these in my music video. Furthermore, raves and teenagers came up frequently in the responses to question 5. I again shall be adhering to these iconic images with my rave scene, and also the fact that my two protagonists are teenagers and best friends, with that, I can express many themes such as friendship, violence, isolation etc. Note: I believe this question could have been worded a little bit better. This is because it is somewhat similar to question 3 in my questionnaire. I could have asked the audience to give examples of where these have been used and in what videos; then, I could have studied such videos to further my research. Question 6: What editing style should be used most frequently in a Drum & Bass music video? We can clearly see from this pie chart that our audience believe that the editing style of jump cutting should be used most frequently. 6 participants chose this.

Jump-Cutting Continuity Editing Rythmical Editing Fast Cuts Fast & Slow Motion

I will be using jump cutting to a great extent in my music video. The song chosen has many firm kick sounds that I will be cutting the shots directly on those beats, and the jump cutting will be used to show my characters anxiety and as he descends further into isolation this editing style will hopefully become more prominent.
Rhythmical editing and slow & fast motion both received one tick. These are also two editing styles that will be used in my music video.

Question 7: is the use of slow & fast motion conventional to the Drum & Bass genre? All Questionnaire participants answered yes to this question. Clearly then the use of slow motion and increasing the speed of shots is highly conventional to the genre. I believe it will appeal to the audience because it will make the music video far more unique and engaging. Also, as an editor, the use of fast motion will allow me to uses longer shots in a shorter period of time. This will become very useful when I want to use a variety of shots but feel that I do not have enough time before I have to cut to the next scene. Also, slow motion allows the audience to, in a sense, connect more with their main characters. It will capture their emotions far more, to which the audience can relate to., feelings of sadness, happiness, the whole spectrum of emotions. We can see from this pie chart that the majority of Questionnaire participants chose drugs as being the genres most conventional theme. Raves and music each received one. The depiction of drugs in a music video is an interesting matter. It must be suggested, we are not allowed to view the entire preparation process and furthermore the music video must be played after 9 o'clock. However as I am using sweets, I believe these rules fail to apply. This was a good question I believe as I stated all the conventional themes to the genre, and it is an easy form of data to analyze as it requires a tick answer and is easily grouped.

Yes No

Question 8: What theme is most conventional to a drum & bass music genre?

Drugs Sex Raves Music Aliens War

Question 9:Do you think the narrative should be in chronological order? From this pie chart we can clearly see that the majority of participants( 5 to 3) voted that the narrative should be in chronological order.


As this is most appealing to our target audience it is a narrative structure that will be implemented in our music video. In this way, we will be able to see the degeneration of our protagonists sanity as the narrative develops. A non chronological order would not exemplify this with clarity. Question 10: Do you believe it is important to identify with the artist through the music video?

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Yes No Series1

Of the 8 questionnaire participants 6 voted that it is not important to identify with the artist and two voted that it is. It is indeed very conventional to the drum & bass genre to consist of music videos where the artist is not visible. They tend to depict storylines that are unrelated to the song and artist entirely. This seems to be appealing to our audience, therefore, I will not be showing the artist in my music video (I may choose to have a brief, perhaps one shot of the artist at the end or beginning however).

This question could have to a certain extent been improved by asking the participants to elaborate on why they believe it is not important to identify with the artist, if they ticked the No box and why they believe it is important if they ticked the yes box.

Question 11: What camera shot do you believe is the most conventional to a Drum & Bass Music video?
This pie chart shows us that half the participants voted for other as the most conventional camera shot. This question was possibly the most under developed question.
Close Up

Three people chose Hand-held shots as being heir other when asked to specify and the other participant chose a canted shot. It will suffice to say that these shots, Extreame Close Up as they are regarded as being highly conventional to the genre ( especially handheld) should have been their own options with a tick box.
Mid Shot
Low Angle High Angle

However, these shots will be used in my music video as will a great deal of close ups as three participants regarded close ups as being the most conventional shots. There will be a great deal of close ups of the drugs and the characters expressions to which the audience can identify with. One person chose long shots. My music video will to consist of long shots, most probably towards the end of the video when Andy runs away from Jake after their argument. The long shots will help convey his isolation from his friend and the world.

Question 12: Do you think it is an appealing idea to parallel scenes of conventional drug use in films in the narrative of a Drum & Bass music video?

This question divided the participants equally. This is also something that if I choose to do I must research even more to see weather it will work well. An example scene will be that of layer cake at the movies opening where Daniel Craig and tom Hardy are cutting up cocaine in their place of work. I could parallel this scene with the drug dealers house, when the boys go and pick up the drugs, the two dealers could be wearing white gas masks and aprons and gloves. It is an interesting idea that I may choose to implement. I believe it will be appealing to my audience, as if they have seen these films (which they most probably would have), they would appreciate my own unique illustration of it.

Yes No

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