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Presented by : Krunal Soni (PG - 10 - 114)

Utilitarianism is the moral theory that an action is morally right if and only if it is productive of the most utility (happiness, pleasure) for the greatest number of persons. Bentham believed the right act is the act which

of all those open to the agent, will actually or probably produce the greatest
amount of pleasure in the world-at-large. Pleasure and pain form the basis of the standard of right and wrong.

The name derives from the Greek word for delight (hdon) which means pleasure.

Hedonism is a school of thought which argues that pleasure is the only intrinsic

A hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure (pleasure minus pain). Hedonistic Calculus is a method of working out the sum total of pleasure and pain produced by an act, and thus the total value of its consequences.

Pleasure will here be understood broadly, to include all pleasant feeling or experience, such as elation, ecstacy, delight, joy, and enjoyment.

Pain will be taken to include all unpleasant feeling or experience: aches, throbs, irritations, anxiety, anguish, chagrin, discomfort, despair, grief, depression, guilt and remorse.









philosopher Jeremy Bentham in his Introduction to the Principles of

Morals and Legislation (1789) for calculating the degree or amount of pleasure that a specific action is likely to cause.

Bentham believed the moral rightness or wrongness of an action to be a function of the amount of pleasure or pain that it produced.

According to this calculus, it determines the moral status of any considered act.

The algorithm is also known as the Utility Calculus, the Felicific Calculus, the Hedonistic Calculus and the Hedonic Calculus.

When determining what action is right in a given situation, we should consider the elements or dimensions :
Intensity (I) Duration (D) Certainty (C)
How intense is the pleasure or pain? How long does the pleasure or pain last? What is the probability that the pleasure or pain will occur?

Propinquity (N) Fecundity (F) Purity (P) Extent (E)

How far off in the future is the pleasure or pain?

What is the probability that the pleasure will lead to other pleasures? What is the probability that the pain will lead to other pains? How many persons are affected by the pleasure?

The first four variables (intensity, duration, certainty, and propinquity) show the value of the pleasure or the pain considered by itself. This phrase implies Bentham did not see pleasure and pain as polar concepts or contraries. The next two variables (fecundity and purity) are properties of the event or action produced by the pleasure or pain- not properties of the pleasure or pain, itself.

The units of measurements used in the felicific calculus may be termed as thev hedons and dolors. They may be regarded as similar to the utilitarian posends and negends. We should next consider the alternative courses of action: ideally, this method will determine which act has the best tendency, and therefore is right. Bentham envisaged the calculus could be used for criminal law reform: given a crime of a certain kind it would be possible to work out the minimum penalty necessary for its prevention." 6

To analyse the proposition of putting forward 25 million for supplying

canes and reintroducing discipline instead of helping the elderly.

Intensity The improved discipline would lead to a 15% increase in grades which would result in a pretty intense happiness. Also the improved discipline would make you work harder, making the feeling of achieving better grades more intense than if you just got better grades making for a more intense happiness. The intenseness of the happiness of the elderly would likely be less than that of the students as they would probably take the improved health care for granted. For example if you got better lunches you would just take the improved meals for granted and the intensity of happiness is unlikely to be that high. Duration The duration of the happiness of the school children could last for the rest of their non-schooling life as the good grades could lead to a greater career and therefore a longer amount of happiness. If the money went to the elderly then the happiness would last for a decent amount of time, ultimately depending on the length of their life left to live.

Certainty We are not certain that better grades would lead to happiness as not everyone will be happy about achieving better grades. For example if you wanted to become a professional footballer, better grades are not needed and would probably not generate much happiness if any at all. The happiness of improved care for the elderly is more certain as improved care is very likely going to be beneficial for them. Propinquity The happiness generated from the higher discipline in schools will result in higher grades and maybe happiness later on in life. These good grades could get them a good job which would lead to happiness in later life and not at their time at school which they probably wouldnt enjoy as much. If the money went to the elderly the happiness would take an immediate effect as if you were treated better now you would most likely feel better now then at a later date.

Fecundity The improved exam results would mean that there would be more highly educated people leading to an increase in better skilled and unskilled workers. This would result in a better economy for the country which could mean that this change in schooling could affect the happiness of the whole nation. The happiness of the elderly would probably just lead to the happiness of their friends of family, which know that they are better cared for. Purity There could be side effects to the improved discipline in schools. It could lead to a psychological effect on the students which might cause more cautious people and less risk takers as risks could lead to punishment. There should not be any side effects to the improved care of the elderly except for maybe causing a higher population due to longer life-spans leading to a higher percentage of dependent people possibly resulting in food shortages damaging the economy.

Extent As a result of reintroducing canes there is not likely going to be many happy students due to the introduction of the cane. Most children will initially think that introducing the cane is bad due to the fact that it hurts. It is unlikely that they will immediately think that the introduction of the cane is in fact a good idea as in the future it will cause better exam grades and then possibly better universities and jobs. If the money was given to help the elderly instead then there would be a lot more immediate happiness due to the improved health care



Intensity: If the IVF procedure is successful, this will lead to intense pleasure for the couple who were unable to conceive naturally. They will be able to have a child who is biologically related. Through IVF, a mother who is not fortunate enough to conceive naturally is offered the opportunity to have her baby to grow inside her own body and to become a part of her. This opportunity will provide the mother intense pleasure and satisfaction. Surrogacy will also lead to intense pleasure for the doctor when he/ she receive the money. Duration: The pleasure of having a biologically related child could last lifelong for the couple. Certainty: You cannot be certain that pleasure will result from IVF because the success rate of IVF is very low. For women under the age of 35, the success rate is lower than 35%. In addition, the babies born through IVF are twice as likely to be born with some form of disease and sickness such as cleft lips, abnormal brain etc... Therefore, there is the possibility that instead of bringing pleasure, the baby could bring pain to the couple.


Propinquity : The pleasure is quite distant because the duration of pregnancy is 37 to 42 weeks. Fecundity: The babys birth produces pleasure for the couple. Seeing the babys transformation into a child and then into an adult produces even more pleasure. However, you cannot be sure that the baby will produce happiness and pleasure in the future. For example, the baby could grow up to be a rapist or a serial killer and cause immense amounts of pain not only for the parents but also for the society. Purity: The pleasure of having a biologically related baby through IVF is mixed with many pains. For example, hyper stimulation syndrome could result as a result of the IVF procedure and this will lead to swollen, painful ovaries. In addition, a negative pregnancy test after IVF could lead to stress for couples who would have viewed IVF as their last hope of having a baby. Extent: The couples pleasure when a biologically related child is born will spread to the couples relatives and friends. The doctors pleasure when receiving the money for carrying out the IVF procedure will spread to the doctors relatives and friends.


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