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Nerium oleander
Family : Apocynaceae
Oleander (Nerium oleander), is an evergreen
shrub or small tree .
It is one of the most poisonous plants known. It
typically occurs around dry stream beds. It grows
to 2-6 m tall, with spreading to erect branches.
The leaves are in pairs or whorls of three, thick
and leathery, dark green .The flowers grow in
clusters at the end of each branch; they are
white, pink, red or yellow, 2.5-5 cm diameter, with
a deeply 5-lobed corolla with a fringe round the
central corolla tube.
Flower bud of a white-flowered cultivar
• 1 Cultivation and uses
• 2 Toxicity
o 2.1 poisoning
o 2.2 Medical treatment required
o 2.3 Trunk oil
• 3 Potential medical uses
• 4.Uses
• Oleander grows well in warm subtropical regions
• where it is extensively used as an ornamental plant in
landscapes, parks, and along roadsides.
• It is commonly used as a decorative .It is tolerant of a
variety of poor soils, and drought tolerant.
• It can also be grown in cooler climates in greenhouses
and conservatories, or as indoor plants that can be kept
outside in the summer.
• Oleander flowers are showy and fragrant and are grown
for these reasons.
• Over 400 cultivars -flower colours including red, purple,
pink and orange ,white and a variety of pinks are the
most common. Many cultivars also have double flowers.
• Toxicity

• Oleander is one of the most poisonous plants in the world .

• The toxicity of Oleander is considered extremely high and it has been reported that in
some cases only a small amount had lethal or near lethal effects

• The most significant of these toxins are oleandrin and neriine, which are cardiac

• They are present in all parts of the plant, but are most concentrated in the sap, which
can block out receptors in the skin causing numbness.

• The entire plant, including the milky white sap, is toxic, and any part can cause an
adverse reaction.

• There are innumerable reported suicidal cases of consuming mashed oleander seeds

in southern India.
• Uses
• Flower -temples,
• Trunk oil-shrubs, rancid scent
• Plant –landscaping ,ornamentals
• Medical - snakebite cure
• Miscellaneous pharmaceutical product .Other
therapeutic preparation
• Preparations containing the active principles were
used formerly as rodenticides, insecticides, and
as remedies for indigestion, fever, ringworm,
malaria, leprosy, venereal diseases and as

The name aster is known from ancient greek "astron"

And meaning is "star" referring to flower head.

Family :Asteraceae
Common Name: Alpine Aster
Scientific Name: Aster alpinus

Common Characteristics Aster. Dicot. ... Vegetative - flower white Color

Growth Details: soil 6-7.5 pH range spring,summer perennial. Blooms in

early summer with white flowers, brown fruit/seeds-summer fruit/seed
season.Considered a forb or herb in growth habit. Noted for fall colors.
Shade/Water: medium drought tolerance and being intermediate of
shade , with medium water use.
Brickellbush Aster
Common Name: Brickellbush Aster
Scientific Name: Eucephalus brickellioides

Common Characteristics Brickellbush Aster. Dicot. ..-Vegetative

Spread Rate, Flower purple Color.

Growth Details: 2’ when fully grown. 6-7.5 pH range. Known as a

spring, summer perennial. Blooms in late summer with purple flowers,
brown fruit/seeds and a summer-fall fruit/seed season. Considered a
forb or herb or subshrub in growth habit. Noted for fall colors.
Shade/Water: Known for high drought tolerance and being intolerant
of shade , with low water use.
• Common Characteristics Aster
• Plant Basics
• Dicot
• Forb/herb
• Growth Rate Slow
• Growth Period Spring, Summer
• Growth Duration Perennial
• Lifespan Long
• Plant Nativity Native to U.S.
• Commercial Availability Routinely Available
• Physical Characteristics
• Bloom Period Early Summer
• Drought Tolerance Medium(options)
• Shade Tolerance Intermediate(options)
• Height When Mature 0.3 foot
• Flower Color White ,various colour
• Fruit/Seed Color Brown
• Fruit/Seed Seasonality Summer–Summer
• Seed Spread Rate Slow
• Propagations - Seed
• Moisture Requirements Medium(options)
• Minimum Temperature -28°F
• Soil Depth for Roots 15 inches minimum
• Growth Requirements
• pH Range 6–7.5 pH
• Soil Textures Fine and Medium
• Minimum Frost-Free Days 90 days
• Salinity Tolerance Low
• Carbon:Nitrogen (C:N) Ratio Medium
• CaCO3 Tolerance Low
• Marketing
Since the pollen on open aster
flowers attracts bees, a large
number of insects on plants
with many open flowers might
discourage a customer from
picking up a plant.
• Also, aster flower
longevity is less than
that of garden mums in
general. So, plan to sell
plants when only a few
open flowers are present
(one-fourth open or so).
Plants with only a few open flowers
And use Show & Grow
picture stakes to help
with green plant sales.
Use Show & Grow picture stakes to help sales
of plants not in full flower. Consumer care
and handling tips are also available.

Market asters with garden mums. They are a

wonderful companion plant for summer and
fall sales.
Enjoy as indoor potted plants, then move
outdoors to enjoy in the garden or on the
• Plant or stick your cuttings promptly into
moist root media. Never plant or stick into dry
root media.

• Water the freshly planted, or stuck cuttings

immediately with a fertilizer solution
containing 300 to 400 ppm of nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium.

• Keep the media moist and use constant liquid

fertilization through the crop. Use a balanced
fertilizer at a nitrogen rate of 200 to 300 ppm
throughout the growing season, until the
buds are almost ready to show color.

• Provide adequate spacing to allow proper

plant development and to avoid upright
• Make sure you spray to prevent powdery
mildew and rust.
• Family :Amaranthaceae "Purple Globe

• Gomphrena globosa
• Tamil – Vadamalli

• Gomphrena globosa is commonly known as
globe amaranth. It is an annual plant that grows up
to 24 inches in height.

• The true species has magenta bracts, and cultivars

have colors such as purple, red, white, pink, and

• Its native range is in Brazil, Panama and


• In Hawaii, it is commonly used in long-lasting leis

since it retains its shape and color after drying.

• This flower is used to make a garland for Brother's

Day in Nepal. The garland is put around the
brother's neck by their sister for Protection.
• Species include:
• Gomphrena globosa - Globe amaranth
• Gomphrena haageana - Strawberry globe amaranth

• Gomphrena perennis – Glyphosate resistant

Strawberry Fields Globe

• Gomphrena haageana is a herbaceous
perennial that acts as an annual in
temperate climates. The most common
cultivar is known as Strawberry Fields
globe amaranth. It has a red flower
reminiscent of a strawberry. It can grow up
to 18 inches in height.
Globe amaranth is an annual bedding plant that grows 1-2 ft (0.3-0.6- m) tall with a spread of
about 1 ft (0.3 m). The branched stems are erect and stiff and the plant has a bushy appearance.
The leaves are opposite, oblong, 4-6 in (10-15 cm) long, and wooly-white when young, becoming
sparsely white-hairy as they age. Cloverlike flowerheads, 1.5 in (3.8 cm) long, are borne on upright
spikes from summer until frost. The individual flowers within the flowerheads are inconspicuous,
but the stiff, papery bracts that form the bulk of the structure are colorful and showy and come in
shades of white, pink and purple.

'Buddy' is smaller, to 9 in (23 cm) high, and has bright

intensely purple flowerheads. 'Cissy' also is smaller and
has white flowerheads. Gomphrena 'Strawberry Fields' is a
hybrid with bright red flowerheads to 2 in (5 cm) long.

here's a beautiful bed of butterfly plants featuring

the gomphrena hybrid 'Strawberry Fields'.
• Location
Globe amaranth is native to Panama and Guatemala in Central
• Culture
Pinch back the tips of young plants to encourage branching. Globe
amaranth benefits from mulching in hot, dry weather.
Light: Full sun.
Moisture: Globe amaranth will survive drought, but performs best
with regular watering, especially during hot weather.
Hardiness: Globe amaranth is an annual grown as a summer
bedding plant. It cannot tolerate frost, but it is quite tolerant of
summer heat.
Propagation: Plant globe amaranth seeds in spring after all danger
of frost has past. Many gardeners set out 6-8 week old seedlings for
a head start on the season. Seeds should be soaked in water for a
day or two before planting and will take about a week or two to
germinate at 70ºF (21 ºC).
• Usage
Gophrenas are used in annual beds and borders. In
masses, the round flowerheads produce an interesting
texture, and their bright colors last late into the season.
Their low stature makes them well suited for edging
around taller plantings. Globe amaranth is often grown in
containers on the porch or deck. The conelike
flowerheads are beautiful in dried arrangements and will
hold their shape and color indefinitely. To grow
gomphrena for cut flowers or dried arrangements, plant
closely together to force longer stems. Cut the stems just
as the heads are beginning to open and hang upside
down in a warm, dark place to dry.
• Sellers Reach qualified buyers that
traditional marketing misses. Sell your
Annuals - Gomphrena, Crops today!
Buyers Get new way to buy and the best
• Annuals - Gomphrena area reduces your
time, effort and marketing expense
required to reach buyers. New Markets
and Thousands of Buyers!
Plant Type: Annual

Description: Upright plants about two feet (60cm) tall with flowers in spheres above the leaves. The
species has purple flowers, but a new variety ,Strawberry Fieldsö with strawberry color
spheres is becoming very popular.

Uses: Border, Container, Massing, Seashore

Origin: India

Environment: Suitable for the home or a greenhouse

Temperature: 50-75°F, 10-24°C , Medium humidity

Soil Type: A GOOD general purpose potting soil (a soil that retains water yet drains well) will suffice.
Check purchased soil to see that it is well aerated and add sand or perlite and peat moss if it
seems to pack too tightly. Give the plants a chance to settle in before going back to whatever
fertilization program has been successful for you. If you want to mix your own take: 1 part
garden soil, 1 part coarse sand or perlite, 1 part moist peat or humus (leaf mold) and a light
dusting of lime. Always use a pot with a hole.
Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist and if you use rainwater, be careful as it could be acidic. Use warm water.

Fertilizer: Feed every two weeks with a water soluble fertilizer. An alternative is a granular slow release fertilizer if
applied annually in the early spring.

Plant Pests: Prone to none Always inspect any new plant for pests before introducing it to your home or greenhouse.

Propagation: Seeds in the spring. Early summer, Early fall, Late summer, Late spring, Mid summer It is best to
propagate seeds in a mixture of moist peat and perlite. Cover the pot and plant with a plastic bag
secured by a rubber band to prevent the moisture from escaping. Place in indirect sunlight or under a
fluorescent light. Repot in its regular mix after it has been growing for a while.

Gardening Tips & CareIf you are intending to use the dried flowers for flower arrangements, cut and dry them before they mature.

Flower Color: Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow

Scientific Name: Dahlia
Family: Compositeae
Common names: Dahlia, Dalia
Flowering Season: July- OctoberColour:

Varied species, 20,000 cultivars


• The origin of Dahlia is Mexico. It came in India around the year

of 1860.
• Dahlia is a genus of bushy, tuberous, perennial plants native to
Mexico, Central America, and Colombia. There are at least 36
species of Dahlia. Dahlia hybrids are commonly grown as garden
plants. The Aztecs gathered and cultivated the dahlia for food,
ceremony, as well as decorative purposes , and the long woody
stem of one variety was used for small pipes.
• Dahlia plants range in height from as low as
30cm to as tall as 6-8 feet (180-240cm). The
flowers can be as small as 5 cm in diameter or
up to a foot (30 cm) "dinner plate". The great
variety results from Dahlias being octoploids .
• Propagation and Planting
• propagate or multiply from seeds, root division or cuttings.
• Single-flowered dahlias produce lots of seed.

• Seeds can be sown 1/2 inch deep in a well drained medium in a container,
indoors or outdoors (in warm regions) usually during March/April.

• They need moist soil and indirect light. The seeds will sprout in 7-21 days.
When the sprouts have two or more sets of true leaves (about five weeks)
transplant them to three-inch pots and plant them outdoors. 

• To obtain a same variety of a particular dahlia, propagation should be done

by cuttings or tuberous roots.

• Perennial dahlias are generally  purchased as tuberous roots.

• The tubers can be planted horizontally with the eye upward (the new
growth bud) 3 to 4 inches deep in light soil or sand and should be spaced 6
to 36 inches apart depending on the ultimate size of the plant.
• Dahlias like well drained porous soil, which is rich in organic matter.
Prepare the soil by mixing two parts of sandy loam with two parts of
farm yard manure and one part of leaf mould. Add 100 grams bone
dust, 10 grams super phosphate, 5 grams sulfate of potash and a
spoonful of dolomite lime per square feet of flowerbed. two weeks
after planting the sapling give a side feed of 50 grams per plant.
Prepare this side feed by mixing 3 parts of mustard extract with 2
parts of sterameal. Again after 2 weeks give a top dressing of 50
grams per plant, consist of, 10 parts sterameal, 3 parts super
phosphate and 2 parts sulfate of potash. After the budding starts,
give light liquid feed once in every week. Dahlias like water very
much, so water them deeply and thoroughly, once in every two
days. But make sure, the plants should not be water logged.
• Dahlia is a tender perennial
garden flower that is often
grown as an annual.

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