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Lailatul Muniroh,SKM.,M.Kes Department of Nutritional Health School of Public Health, The University of Airlangga

The Trace Minerals

O An essential mineral nutrient

found in the human body in amounts less than 5 grams, also known as micro minerals

O Excess of one may cause a deficiency of

another (a slight of manganese overload, may aggravate iron deficiency) O A deficiency of one may interfere with the work of another (a selenium deficiency halts the activation of the iodine-containing thyroid hormones) O A deficiency of a trace mineral may even open the way for the contaminant mineral to cause a toxic reaction (iron deficiency makes the body vulnerable to lead poisoning)

A. Iron
OBoth too little and too much in the body can be


Ferrous iron (reduced): Fe ++ Ferric iron (oxidized): Fe +++ Iron as a Cofactor to enzymes involved in oxidation-reduction reaction

O Hemoglobin formation

O The iron-containing protein in red

blood cells that carries oxygen O Part of myoglobin O Carries oxygen in the body O Energy utilization

Iron Absorption

Iron Recycled in the Body

Iron deficiency
O The Most Common Nutrient Deficiency O Affecting 1.2 billion people O 50% of School Children and Pregnant

Women Suffer from Iron Deficiency Anemia (Developing Country) O High Risk : Women in their reproductive year, Pregnant Women, Infants and Young Children, Teenagers

Anemia Kurang Zat Besi

Anemia Pucat

Tidak Anemia Tidak pucat

Tidak Anemia
Tidak pucat

Anemia Pucat

Toxicity Symptoms
OIron overload O Infections O Liver injury O Acidosis O Shock

Heme & Nonheme Iron

Food Sources

Beef Clams Spinach Green leafy veggies Beans Fortified grains

RDA of Iron

Men = Women 51+ = 8 mg/day Women 19-50 = 18 mg/day Vegetarian RDA = RDA x 1.8 UL for Adults = 45 mg/day Young children, 200 mg/day = deadly

B. Zinc
O Functions:
O Needed for protein & enzyme

function O Immunity & wound healing O Vitamin A transport O Taste O Fetal development

Enteropancreatic Circulation of Zinc

Deficiency Symptoms
O Growth failure in children
O Loss of taste O Poor wound healing O Poor appetite



Kulit mengelupas

Toxicity Symptoms
O Loss of appetite,

impaired immunity, low HDL, copper and iron deficiency

Food Sources
O Protein-containing foods: O Meat O Fish & shellfish O Poultry O Grains O Vegetables

RDA of Zinc
O Men = 11 mg/day O Women = 8 mg/day O UL for Adults = 40 mg/day

C. Iodine
O Amount of iodine in food is

reflected in the soil O Functions: O Part of thyroxine, which regulates metabolism

Deficiency symptoms
O Goiter: an enlargement of the thyroid

gland due to an iodine deficiency, malfunction of the gland, or over consumption of a goitrogen. O Cretinism: severe mental & physical retardation of an infant caused by severe iodine deficiency in the mother during pregnancy




Toxicity Symptoms:
O Under active thyroid gland, elevated

TSH, goiter
O RDA of Iodine :

O Adults = 150 g/day

O Adults = 1100 g/day


D. Fluoride
O Functions:
O Formation of bones & teeth O Helps make teeth resistant to decay O Helps make bones resistant to

mineral loss

Deficiency & Toxicity Symptoms

O Deficiency Symptoms:
O Tooth decay

O Toxicity Symptoms: (rare in humans)

O Fluorosis: discoloration of teeth O The first symptom of excess fluoride O Nausea O Vomiting O Diarrhea

Food Sources
ODrinking water, Tea, Seafood ORDA of Fluoride :
OMen = 3.8 mg/day

OWomen = 3.1 mg/day

OUL for Adults = 10 mg/day

E. Copper
O Functions: O Helps make hemoglobin O Part of several enzymes O Food Sources: O Legumes O Whole grains O Seafood O Nuts

Deficiency & Toxicity Symptoms

O Deficiency Symptoms: (rare in

humans) O Anemia O Bone changes (abnormalities) O Toxicity Symptoms: O Nausea O Vomiting O Diarrhea O Liver damage

RDA of Copper
O Adults = 900 g/day O UL for Adults = 10 mg/day or equal to 10,000


F. Manganese
O Functions:
O Along with enzymes, facilitates many

cell processes O Involved in bone formation O Food Sources: O Widely distributed in plant foods

Deficiency & Toxicity Symptoms

O Deficiency Symptoms:

O Poor growth
O Nervous system disorders O Abnormal reproduction O Toxicity Symptoms: O Poisoning

O Nervous system disorders

RDA of Manganese
O Men = 2.3 mg/day O Women = 1.8 mg/day

O UL for Adults = 11 mg/day

G. Chromium
O Functions:

O Enhances insulins action

O Required for release of energy from

glucose O Food Sources: O Meat (especially liver) O Unrefined foods O Brewers yeast O Whole grains

Deficiency & Toxicity Symptoms

O Deficiency symptoms: O Abnormal glucose metabolism

(Diabetes-like condition) O Toxicity symptoms: O Occupational exposures damage skin & kidneys

RDA of Chromium
O Men = 35 g/day O Women = 25 g/day

O UL for Adults = not yet established

H. Selenium
O Functions:
O Protects body from oxidation (antioxidant) O Works with vitamin E

O Food Sources:
O Seafood
O Meats O Grains O Vegetables (depends on soil conditions)

Deficiency Symptoms
O Fragile red blood cells
O Cataracts O Growth failure O Heart damage (cardiac tissue

becoming fibrous, Keshan Disease)

Toxicity Symptoms
ONausea, Abdominal pain, Nail & hair

changes, Liver & nerve damage

ORDA of Selenium :

OAdults = 55 g/day
OUL for Adults = 400 g/day

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