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Topic: Organizational change in our complex world


Organizational change
Organizational change as planned alteration of organizational components to improve the effectiveness of organizations. by organizational components we mean the organizational mission, & vision, strategy, goals, structure ,process or system, technology & people in an organization.

Forces that drive change today

Social forces Demographic forces Economic forces Political forces Technological forces


Four change roles found in organizations

1) change initiators 2) change implementers 3) change facilitators 4) change recepients

Change initiators
Get things moving, take action & stimulate

the system to react.

They are the ones constantly seeking change

to make things better.

Change initiators will learn to take more

effective actions to lever their change programs.


Change implementers
Effectiveness doesnt come from making the critical decision but rather managing the consequences of decisions & creating the desired results . if change going to be easy , it would already have happened . The change implementer role is important & is needed in our organizations.

Change facilitators
Change facilitators understand change processes & assist the organization to work through change issues. they have high levels of self awareness & emotional maturity & are skilled in the behavioral arts- using their interpersonal skills to work with teams or groups.

Change recipients
Change recipients are those who find

themselves on the receiving end of change. Change recipients will understand what is happening to them & will learn how to respond positively.


Types of organizational change

Tuning Adapting Redirecting / reorienting Overhauling / recreating

Incremental change made in anticipation of

failure events.

Need is for internal alignment . Focuses on individual components or

Middle mgmt role. Implementation is the major task. E.g.. Quality improvement from an employee


Incremental changes made in response to

environmental changes.

Need is for internal alignment. Focuses on individual components or


Middle mgmt role.


Redirecting or reorienting
to a new reality.

Need is for positioning the whole organization Focuses on all organizational components. Senior mgmt. creates sense of urgency &

motivates the change .

E.g. , a major change in product or service

offering , in response to opportunities identified.


Overhauling / re-creating
Response to a significant performance crisis. Need to re evaluate the whole organization

including its core value. optimism.

Senior mgmt creates vision & motivates Focuses on all organizational components to

achieve rapid system wide change.


Characteristics of a successful leader

enabling change.

They are involved in both driving change &

They recognize that resistance to change is

both a problem and an opportunity.

Good change leadership focuses on

outcomes but is careful about process.

Change leaders recognize the tension

Thank you.


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