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Hamza Moatsim Billah

What is a Phobia?
The un-relenting fear of a situation,activity or a thing
Phobia sufferers find ways to avoid the situations of which they are phobic

Phobia types
Social phobia
Agoraphobia Specific phobias ( fear of particular items, situations)

Objectives of study
Impact of specific phobia with childhood, parental loss ,and stressful life events The coexistence of phobia and major depressive disorders Impact of phobia on health related quality of life

Research done before

National epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions(2001-2002), national
representative survey of the noninstitutionized US household population

8205 respondents aged 65 and above participated Psychiatric disorders, obesity, health service utilization were measured International research journal of arts& Humanities(IRJAH)Vol.37

Current and life time phobias were4.51% and 6.05%
Analysis showed specific phobia was more common in young groups who reported stressful life events

Major Depressive disorders (MDDs) were related to Lower health-related quality of life

Research conclusion

Study supports the notion that specific phobia has a strong impact on quality of life in old age

Following are the dependant and independent variables for research
Specific phobia (independent variable) , risk of psychopathology among young women (Dependant variable) Examination Phobia in students (Independent variable) , risk of bad papers (dependant variable) Snake fear (Independent variable) , Increase in blood pressure (Dependant variable)

Hypothesis on students
Null hypothesis: no problem faced by students at secondary level due to fear of examination
No causes related to fear of examination in students at secondary level
( research follows the theory of Mandler and Sarason 1952)

Theory for hypothesis

theory of Mandler and sarason (1952) Examination fear is debilitated and
performance of highly anxious person is lowered in the examination situation. The anxious individual worries during examinations and may even engage in Day dreaming to some extent. As a result concentration can be seriously affected.

(Mandler and sarason, 1953)

Delimitation of the study

Female students of secondary schools of public sectors Lahore city
Students were asked to give their view about the phobias they suffer

Questionnaire findings
if you have specific phobia, you feel humiliated in a social gathering Not able to work as constantly haunted by fear and tension Specific phobia is discerned in people of all ages. It is most seen occurring b/w 15 to 20 years of age often in childhood years

Observational finding
Phobia has hereditary source and is equally discerned both in men and women

Cannot be treated by the use of drugs Exposure Therapy (branch of cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is even not best option to manage Phobic conditions. This method involves a lot of mental pain Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI)

Side effects of treatments

Dry mouth Nausea Trouble sleeping Blurred vision More depressed persons try to suicide/homicide

Preventing phobias
Prevention programs involve educating people, their loved ones
Individuals like childrens teachers have been found to be effective to prevent phobias to occur in first place

How can people cope with phobias?

Talking about their fears Imagining themselves facing their fears (VISUALIZATION) Making positive statements like I will be OK Self help approaches combined with brief psychotherapy can help people to achieve improvement in symptoms

What do Psychology say?

Specific Psychological set up has been developed in Phobic persons

Psychological setup does not work well and can not help get rid of phobia Psychology says that changing our mental constructs and avoiding irritational fears help us fight it

Phobia are associated with anxiety disorders Mental health disorders like schizophrenia develop Panic disorders like (GAD) develops Anxiety disorders may be the side effect of various medications

from the articles of phobic responses to masked stimuli by Arne Ohman and Joaquim J.F Soares

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