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Verification of programs (do program runs correctly Different roles within lifecycle
Developers testing Users testing

Different techniques
Blackbox Whitebox

Regression testing
does program works after a change?

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Testing Purpose
Developers testing
Done by developer during development (coding) Purpose: verify direction of development

Acceptance testing
Last phase before delivery of software

Program correctness
Algorithmically unsolvable problem Halting problem Testing is based on heuristics We solve a similar solvable problem

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Cost to Fix Faults

60* to 100*

1.5* to 6* Cost 1*

Definition 3 3/9/2013


Post Release

The V-model of Development

Requir ements specification

System specification

System design

Detailed design

Acceptance test plan

System integration test plan

Sub-system integration test plan

Module and unit code and tess


Acceptance test

System integration test

Sub-system integration test

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Testing Techniques
Testing in the small
testing of individual module

Testing in the large

address the issue of decomposing and organizing the testing activity according to the modular structure of complex program

How to choose the test case?

Convince ourselves and customers that system work correctly not only for test cases, but also for other input

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Testing Techniques
Number of test case does not necessarily contribute to the significance of the test set A fragment to compute the maximum of two numbers if x>y then max=x; else max =x; Test set {<x=3, y=2>, <x=2, y=3> } is able to detect the error, {<x=3, y=2>, <x=4,y=3>, <x=5, y=1> } is not

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Testing Techniques
Two approaches in testing in the small
White box testing (Glass Box testing, structural coverage testing)
use info about the internal structure implementation-based testing

black box testing (functional testing)

operates with no knowledge about design and coding test what the program is supposed to do specification-based testing 7 3/9/2013 7

Criteria for white-box testing

Statement coverage
every elementary statement is executed at least once

Branch coverage
each branch of the control graph is traversed at least once

Path coverage
all paths leading from the initial to the final node of ps control flow graph are traversed
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Statement coverage criterion

Select a test set T such that every statement in P is executed at least once by some t in T
an error cannot be discovered if the parts of the program containing the error are not executed an input datum executes many statements
try to minimize the number of test cases while preserving the desired coverage 9 3/9/2013 9

read (x); read (y); if x > 0 then write ("1"); else write ("2"); end if; if y > 0 then write ("3"); else write ("4"); end if;
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{<x = 2, y = 3>, <x = - 13, y = 51>, <x = 97, y = 17>, <x = - 1, y = - 1>} covers all statements {<x = - 13, y = 51>, <x = 2, y = - 3>} is minimal


Weakness of the criterion

if x < 0 then x := -x; end if; z := x; {<x=-3} covers all statements it does not exercise the case when x is positive

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Branch coverage criterion

Select a test set T such that every branch is exercised at least once by some d in T
nodes represent decisions in the program branches are sequences of statements (I/O, assignment, procedure call) can be empty!

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Weakness of branch coverage

if x 0 then y := 5; else z := z - x; end if; if z > 1 then z := z / x; else z := 0; end if;
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{<x = 0, z = 1>, <x = 1, z = 3>} causes the execution of all branches, but fails to expose the risk of a division by zero


Path-coverage criterion
Select a test set T which traverses all paths from the initial to the final node of Ps control flow
it is finer than previous kinds of coverage however, number of paths may be too large, or even infinite (while loops)
additional constraints must be provided

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Exhaustive testing

There are 520=1014 (approx.) possible paths!

loop < 20x

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The feasibility problem

The coverage is often impossible
unreachable code, etc.

Adequacy criteria
adequacy scores based on coverage
example: 95% statement coverage

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Further problem
What if the code omits the implementation of some part of the specification? White box test cases derived from the code will ignore that part of the specification!

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Black box testing

also called functional testing based on the definition of what a program is intended to do derives test cases from specifications rather than on program structure


Black box testing (Functional Testing)


The program receives as input a record describing an invoice. The invoice must be inserted into a file of invoices that is sorted by date. If other invoices exist in the file with the same date, then the invoice should be inserted after the last one.

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Test cases
An invoice whose date is the current date An invoice whose date is before the current date (This might be even forbidden by law) An invoice whose date is the same as that some existing invoice An invoice whose date does not exist in any previously recorded invoice Several incorrect invoices, checking different types of inconsistencies

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Systematic black-box techniques

decompose spec into a set of relevant features analyze behavior of the program in at least one case for each feature

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Testing boundary conditions

For both black box testing and white box testing Some typical programming errors are at the boundary between different classes of values
if x>y then S1 else S2 Coverage: just choose two test cases: one for x>y and one for x<= y Boundary: test for x>y, x<y, x=y 22 3/9/2013 22

Testing in the large

Module testing
testing a single module

Integration testing
integration of modules and subsystems

System testing
testing the entire system

Acceptance testing
performed by the customer
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Module testing
Verify: given module has been implemented correctly (it expected external behavior) Example
Mi uses Mh and Mk Mh and Mk not available how to test Mi in isolation? Provide temporary context that simulates the real context to be provided by Mh and Mk
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Module testing
In general, a module may
use an operation (calls a process) that does not belong to it access non-local data structure be used by another module

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Testing a functional module





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module activating the module under test simulates use of module being tested by others sets shared data as they would be set in the real application by other modules that are yet to be designed

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Example driver
procedures insertTable inserts an item in a table in a proper order initTable to initialize a table printTable to print out the content of the table procedure input to read values via suitable interactions with the user

a driver initTable; input (elm1); insertTable (elm1); printTable ; ---//check whether insertion is done properly input (elm2); insertTable (elm2); printTable ; ---//check whether insertion is done properly 28

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Integration testing
Incremental approach
modules are progressively integrated and tested Advantages
Easy to discover errors at early stages easy to localize errors incrementally
integration of n modules, then n+1

reduce the need for stubs or drivers

can proceed both top-down and bottom-up according to the USES relation
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System Testing
A series of tests to verify that all system elements have been properly integrated. Purpose of System Testing: to ensure that the system does what the customer wants
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Function Testing
Check whether integrated system performs functions as specified in requirements Example: A bank account package enter a withdrawal, calculate interest Example: A word processing system
document creation document modification document deletion 31 3/9/2013 31

Performance Testing:
stress Testing:
Executes the system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal quantity, frequency or volume. If requirements state that a system is to handle a specified number of devices or users, activate all those devices or users simultaneously

configuration testing
analyze various s/w, h/w configurations

robustness testing
test sunder unexpected conditions, like erroneous user commands, power failure

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Performance Testing
Recovery Testing:
addresses response to 1) presence of faults 2) loss of data, devices, service loss system resources and see if it recovers properly

Overload testing
evaluate when goes beyond limit ex. A transaction system is required to execute 20 tran. Per second. Test when 30 tran. Required in a second

Quality testing
evaluate systems reliability, maint. Availability include calculation of mean time to failure and mean time to repair

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Installation testing

Users exercise system functions and document problems that result from being the actual site Example: A system designed to work aboard a ship must demonstrate that it is not affected by severe weather, ships motion

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Acceptance testing

assures customers that they are getting the system they requested testing is done by the customers according to their understanding of requirements

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Alpha & Beta test

Alpha test

software developer site

Beta test

customer tests

customer site

developer reviews

customer tests

software customer site

developer site
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regression testing
identifies new faults that may have been introduced as current ones are being corrected

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Team of 4-6 members, chaired by SQA (why?) spec writer & manager, client, designers, SQA more experienced & senior better why? Distribute info in advance, each reviewer creates list of confusing items list of items in error Process detect suspected faults, dont correct (why?) document-driven & interactive, not participant-driven verbalization leads to fault finding spontaneously by presenter no performance appraisal

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Software inspections
Involve people examining the source representation with the aim of discovering anomalies and defects Do not require execution of a system so may be used before implementation May be applied to any representation of the system (requirements, design, test data, etc.) Very effective technique for discovering errors

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Inspection success
Many different defects may be discovered in a single inspection. In testing, one defect ,may mask another so several executions are required The reuse domain and programming knowledge so reviewers are likely to have seen the types of error that commonly arise
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Inspections and testing

Inspections and testing are complementary and not opposing verification techniques Inspections can check conformance with a specification but not conformance with the customers real requirements Inspections cannot check non-functional characteristics such as performance, usability, etc.
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Inspection pre-conditions
A precise specification must be available Team members must be familiar with the organisation standards Syntactically correct code must be available An error checklist should be prepared Management must accept that inspection will increase costs early in the software process Management must not use inspections for staff appraisal

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Five stage process oral overview document distributed afterwards preparation participants try to understand in detail aided by statistics of fault types from recent inspections inspection one participants walks through the document thoroughly fault finding moderator must produce a report within one day rework responsible individuals resolve all faults follow-up moderator ensures document corrected if more than 5% reworked, reconvene a 100% reinspection

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The inspection process

Planning Overview Individual preparation Rework Inspection meeting Follow-up

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Inspection procedure
System overview presented to inspection team Code and associated documents are distributed to inspection team in advance Inspection takes place and discovered errors are noted Modifications are made to repair discovered errors Re-inspection may or may not be required

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Inspection teams
Made up of at least 4 members Author of the code being inspected Inspector who finds errors, omissions and inconsistencies Reader who reads the code to the team Moderator who chairs the meeting and notes discovered errors Other roles are Scribe and Chief moderator

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Inspection checklists
Checklist of common errors should be used to drive the inspection Error checklist is programming language dependent The 'weaker' the type checking, the larger the checklist Examples: Initialisation, Constant naming, loop termination, array bounds, etc.

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Inspection rate
500 statements/hour during overview 125 source statement/hour during individual preparation 90-125 statements/hour can be inspected Inspection is therefore an expensive process Inspecting 500 lines costs about 40 man/hours effort

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Fault Statistics
Recorded by severity & fault type Metrics
fault density (faults / page or faults / KLOC)
by severity (major vs. minor) or phase

fault detection rate (faults detected / hour)

Several uses
help inspectors focus their inspections help warn of problems
compare to previous products at same stage disproportionate # of faults in particular module disproportionate # of faults of certain type

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Success of Inspections
Inspections can find many of the faults
82%, 70%, 93% of all detected faults (IBM, 76, 78, 86)

Inspections decrease the cost of finding faults

90% decrease in cost of detecting (Switching system, 86) 4 major faults, 14 minor faults per 2 hours (JPL, 1990)
savings of $25,000 per inspection

Inspections can decrease cost of fixing

# of faults decreased exponentially by phase (JPL, 1992)

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Strengths & Weaknesses of Reviews

effective way of detecting a fault faults are detected early in the process

if system has poor architecture, unwieldy to review
OO paradigm makes this easier small, independent modules

must have updated documentation from previous phase

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