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Educational Process
Education is a complex process which may be viewed from a number of perspectives; the philosopher looks at the purpose and the essential nature of education.

Components of the Educational Process

The 4 dimensions can be identified in the educative process. These will referred to as: (1) the substantive dimension (2) the procedural dimension (3) the environmental dimension (4) the human relations dimension.

Objectives for Education

The Educative Process

Substanti ve Dimensio n Procedur al Dimensio n Human Relations Dimensio n

Environm ental dimensio n

Outcomes of the Educational Process


The substantive dimension in the educative process for nursing education pertains to the what is taught and what is learned. This is commonly referred to as the curriculum. It can be defined as knowledge that can be rationally transmitted, namely, information, facts, principles, scientific laws and theories relevant to nursing.

Curriculum content drawn from other disciplines should not merely an accumulation of substantive materials but a unified body of knowledge arranged in a hierarchy according to the order of the sciences from which it is taken and the degree to which it is relevant to nursing.

This dimension refers to the way in which the teacher helps the student to learn. Therefore, it includes (1) the learner, (2) groups of learners (the class) and (3) the teacher. Learner activities may range from those planned by the teacher to those self-initiated by the student in her quest for knowledge.

The physical and social factors in the teaching-learning situation constitute the environmental dimension. The physical factors which influence the environment for learning include not only the classroom and the laboratory settings common to all educational institutions but all of the settings which may be used for learning experiences

The development of favorable environment for learning is influenced even more by human factors than by physical factors. Since most of the educative process is carried on in groups, the group climate is an important factor in learning.

In addition to the environment of the school itself is the psychosocial environment within the various settings used to provide learning experiences for the nursing student.


The human relations dimension in nursing education can be described in reference to (1) the learner, (2) the teacher, (3) the administrator, (4) the group of learners, (5) the patients, (6) the nursing service personnel and (7) the allied health personnel and their interaction with each other.

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