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R.Krittika P.Ramya V.Purvaja

One of the most scariest thing about nuclear power is when something goes wrong or an accident occurs.Radiation is released into the environment and all living things get afeected.This kind of nuclear disaster is often termed as nuclear explosion.


It is impossible for a PWR or LWR nuclear reactor to explode like an atomic bomb.For a nuclear reactor to explode,the uranium fuel must be extremely enriched,much more than 4% of Ur(135) that is regularly used as a fuel in nuclear reactor.SO,the word nuclear explosion doesnt litrally mean the explosin of a nuclear reactor.


What happens really is that the nuslear eactor melts down.that is,the temperature rises in the core so much that the fuel rods actually turn down into a complete reactor melt down,the molten uranium fuel rods would melt through the bottom of the reactor and start travelling 50 feet into the earth beneath the reactor.this molten r will react with ground water and produce radioactive

steams and debris that would affect nearby towns and population centres.In genral,this meltdown occurs if the reactor losses its coolant. Without coolant the temperature will rise like anything resulting in the meltdown scenario as explained above.

Recent nuclear disasters

6TH April,1993 June,1999 30TH Sept,1999 10TH April,2003 19TH April,2005 November,2005 6TH March,2006 11TH March,2011 12th March,2011

Tomsk,Russia. Ishikawa prefecture,Japan. Ibaraki prefecture,Japan. Paks,Hungary. Sellafield,UK. Braidwood,USA. Erwin,USA. Fukushima 1,Japan. Fukushima 2,Japan.


The kudankulam nuclear reactors are built with russina technology. They use third generation reactors meeting all international requirements of nuclear stations Currently,two 1000MWe VVER reactors are built in kudankulam. The agreement with Russia allows India to reprocess the spent fuel.

Russia has supported life-time supply of low enriched uranium for kudankulam nuclear project. Both the planned reactors are expected to have a device for picking up cooling,and localizing the core melt that is located under the body of the reactor,the so called molten core reactor


Thermo siphon effect

A special feature of the Kudankulam design is the passive cooling system for the nuclear reactor core. The water cooling the reactor transfers its heat to the water in the steam generators. After driving the turbine, steam condenses into water in the condenser and is pumped back to the steam generator. In an abnormal situation, when no power is available to drive these pumps, the hot water in the steam generator flows to an air-cooled heat exchanger located at a height outside the reactor building. Owing to the difference in height, the hot water rises up on its own due to its lower density and cold water flows down to the steam generator. This is called the thermo siphon effect and it does not need any pump to move the water.

The Kudankulam design has another important feature a core catcher. In the event of an extreme accident and were the molten nuclear fuel to breach the reactor pressure vessel, it falls on to a matrix containing a large amount of neutron-absorbing substances (such as boron). Once mixed with this material, the nuclear fuel is rendered incapable of starting a nuclear chain reaction. Only the latest design of nuclear power units have this safety back-up system.


Homi jehangir bhabha,was an Indian nuclear physicist and the chief of Indian atomic energy program.As a scientist he is remembered for deriving a correct expression for the probability of scattering positrons by electrons,known as Bhabha scattering.For his significant contributions to the development of atomic energy in India,he is called as the father of Indias nuclear program.

Go indoors.Stay inside. Switch on TV/radio and look out for public announcemaents from your local authority. Close doors/windows. Cover all food,water and consume only such covered items. If in open,cover your face with wet hanky,dhothi or saree.

On returning home,change clothes.Take bath and use fresh clothing only. Obey the instructions of local authorities and other civil service men let it be for medication,evacuation,etc.

Do not panic Do not believe in rumours passed on by word of mouth from one person to the other. Do not stay outside/or go outside. As far as possible-AVOID water from open wells or ponds,exposed crops and vegetables,water or milk from outside.

Do not disobey any instructions of district or civil defence authorities who would be doing their best to ensure the safety of yourself,your family and your property.

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