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The New Year didnt really start off well. The Nation still rues the tragic incident at Delhi and mourns HER death. Mass protests were held and debates raged on. Questions were posed; Who should be held accountable for HER death? What should be the just punishment for HER murderers? But, by and large, the primary question that arose was this; Are our women safe? Why do such crimes happen in our society? No doubt, ours is a sexually repressed society. We consider it a taboo to speak of sex in public. However, sex offences are on the rise. Even back home in Kerala, we read about child molestations and such shocking crimes, almost every day. This indicates a deterioration in our values and are but reflections of the changes in our society. Though we dont speak or debate about sex as such, one can still watch pornography at the click of a mouse or watch sex clips on the mobile. Our adolescents appear directionless and with pent up frustrations. Many ask, where do you and how do you channelize all this pent up energy? I recall that in many foreign countries, even prostitution is legally recognized. Though I dont really advocate the same, you may decide whether to accept it at as a social reality or perhaps, as a lesser evil.

I dont intend to state that such offences never occurred in the earlier days. It did, but they were isolated instances. But, back then, we always did try to instill the right values and cultivate respect for women, even at home and school. These days, we teach our children to be competitive and drive them to seize what they want. But fail to tell them that it isnt all. Theres more to life such as being sensitive, being a self-disciplined member of the society and respecting the life, dignity and privacy of another. As parents, teachers and elders, it is our responsibility to impart such values. I have heard that in other countries, particularly in the Middle East, the punishment, particularly for sexual offences, is much more severe. I have always held the view that the punishment, at least in such cases, should act as a deterrent and be commensurate with the offence. Justice is more often delayed and denied. We are guided by the notion that Even if a thousand offenders go scot free, an innocent shouldnt be punished. And in our quest for fairness for the accused, we have built so many safeguards into our criminal justice delivery system. I feel that we need to be equally, if not, be more sensitive to the victim. Dont they deserve fairness? Unlike any other crime, the trauma and stigma attached to a rape victim follows her throughout life. Rape trials drag on for many years. At the end of it all, in many cases, exploring the weaknesses in the system, the accused are acquitted. And the victim recedes from public memory, to lead a life of despair and gloom.

All said and done, we owe a lot to HER. We need to constantly remind ourselves that we live in a country which has a great tradition of respecting and upholding the honor of our women. But, the fact is that when we hear such news, we may express regret and sorrow and then relieved that it hasnt happened to our mother, sister or daughter and we move on with our lives. Well, SHE could be our mother, sister or daughter. Lets shed a tear and pray for HER. And promise HER that it wouldnt be repeated. May HER soul rest in peace!


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