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Text Animation Graphic Audio Video

Basic media for many multimedia systems. Texts in the form of words, sentences and paragraphs is used to communicate thoughts, ideas and facts in nearly every aspect of our lives. Words and symbols in any form, spoken or written, are the most common means of communication. Text is a vital element of multimedia menus, navigation systems, and content.

Factors affecting legibility of text:

Size. Background and foreground color.

Kerning and Leading.

This example shows the Times New Roman font Ascender an upstroke on a character Capital Height x-Height

FD xhp
Point size Serif p -Height Descender The down stroke below the baseline of a character

A typeface is a family of graphic characters that usually includes many type sizes and styles. A font is a collection of characters of a single size and style belonging to a particular typeface family.

Arial Typefaces Family

The study of fonts and typefaces includes the following: Font styles.

Font sizes. Cases. Serif versus Sans Serif.

Font Styles Font styles include: Boldface Italic Underlining

Font Sizes
Font size is measured in points. Character metrics are the general measurements applied to individual characters. Kerning is the spacing between character pairs. Leading is the space between lines.


A capitalized letter is referred to as 'uppercase',

MULTIMEDIA APPLICATION multimedia application

while a small letter is referred to as 'lowercase.

Placing an uppercase letter in the middle of a word is referred to as intercap. EveryWhere, AirWorks, PhotoDics

Serif vs San Serif

The commonly used convention for printed work is to use a serif font for the body of the work. A sans-serif font is often used for headings and captions.

Research has found that the difference in readability of serif vs. sans serif fonts is negligible in print sources. However, in electronic or virtual contexts, sans-serif is a little easier to read. Consider the rhetorical situation (purpose, audience, context of use) of your communication when you choose your fonts.

By using font style and size, how to improve the text above?

Decorative Font
Sometimes called script, novelty, or ornamental, decorative fonts stand out for their unique shapes and personalities. These tend to have a stronger personality or character than traditional serif or sans-serif fonts.

Text applying guidelines:

Be concise (brief but comprehensive) Use appropriate fonts Make it readable Consider type styles and colors Use restraint and be consistent

Usage of Text in multimedia

The text elements used in multimedia are: 1. Menus for navigation 2.Interactive buttons 3. Fields for reading 4.Titles/headlines 5.Captions

The Purpose of Headline

to get people interested enough to read further

The Purpose of Subheading

to keep the attention your headline creates

Headlines and subheadings are very important text on your page. Theyre the primary and secondary levels of communication for your text.


Write your name with:

San Serif font Serif font Big kerning Uppercase Lowercase


Suggest THREE (3) ways to differentiate between headline and subheading

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