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Nausea and vomiting

*Definition of nausea and vomiting *Causes nausea and vomiting *Herbal treatment nausea and vomiting *Summary of medicinal plants used in treatment of nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of an underlying disease and not a specific illness.
Nausea is the sensation that the stomach wants to empty itself. vomiting (emesis) or throwing up, is the act of forcible emptying of the stomach.

What causes of nausea and vomiting?

There are numerous causes of nausea and vomiting. These symptoms may be due to the following: acute gastritis

central causes (signals from CTZ of the brain) association with other remote from the stomach medications and illnesses medical treatments.

Acute gastritis

Acute gastritis (inflammation of stomach) is often caused by the following;

Infections: Infections may be by common virus (noroviruses, rotavirus) or an infection that is contracted from travel or Parasitic infections or Infection by bacteria in the Helicobacter family (like H. Pylori)

Stomach flu: Stomach flu is a non-specific term used to describe vomiting and diarrhea associated with a viral infection. Food poisoning: Food poisoning may cause significant vomiting and usually is caused by a bacterial toxin. Symptoms begin within a couple hours of eating contaminated or poorly prepared food and may last for 1-2 days. Sources of food poisoning include Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, E. coli, Listeria, or Clostridium botulinum (botulism).

Other stomach irritants: alcohol, smoking, and non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen may irritate the stomach lining. Peptic ulcer disease: Peptic ulcer disease can range from mild irritation of the stomach lining to the formation of a defect in the protective lining of the stomach called an ulcer. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, reflux esophagitis): Nausea or vomiting is also associated with irritation of the lining of the esophagu

Central causes (signals from the brain that cause nausea and vomiting) Headache: especially migraine, is commonly associated with nausea and vomiting. Inner ear: Motion sickness, labyrinthitis, benign postural vertigo, or Meniere's disease Head injury: Any illness or injury that increases the pressure inside the skull can cause vomiting. This rise in intracranial pressure may be due to brain swelling from trauma (for example, concussion or head trauma), infection (meningitis or encephalitis), tumor, or abnormal electrolyte and water balance in the bloodstream.

Noxious stimulus: Certain smells or sounds can cause centrally mediated nausea and vomiting.
Heat related illness: For example heat exhaustion, extreme sunburn, or dehydration

Association with illness

for example:, hepatitis, gallbladder disease, pancreatitis inflammatory bowel disease kidney diseases (for example, kidney stones, infection, kidney failure) some forms of cancer.

3-Herbal treatment of nausea and vomiting

Fennel Seed Foeniculum vulgare (Parsley Family)

This herb has antispasmodic. It is used to stimulate the appetite, ease indigestion, and reduce intestinal spasms. and when taken by the mother the volatile oils will pass to the baby to soothe digestive troubles.


History of ginger
The Greek physician Dioscorides praised ginger root because it gently stimulates the gut and is profitable for the stomach . During the 16th century, the physician Lonicerus similarly wrote, Ginger does good for a bad stomach. Ginger has long medicinal roots in both India and China and is still used in those countries as a remedy for nausea and vomiting. In the United States today, patients with abdominal complaints often report self-medicating with ginger ale at home.

Even at Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Institute, chemotherapy patients recline in their rooms with multiple antiemetics by the bedside, including metoclopramide, compazine, ondansetron, and usually a can of ginger ale as well.Several active ingredients in ginger have been hypothesized to relieve nausea and vomiting. Potent compounds, known as gingerols, and their dehydrated derivatives, shoagols, simultaneously enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis and suppress gastric contraction).

Galanolactose produces an anti-emetic effect by interfering with serotonin signaling via competitive inhibition of 5-HT3 receptors and also by acting as an antioxidant that neutralizes the free radicals responsible for emesis . Some speculation exists that ginger may also exert a central nervous system effect through an unknown mechanism

Studies on ginger
a randomized-controlled trial found ginger powder to be as successful as metoclopramide for the control of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting .More results favoring the use of ginger come from Borrelli et al., who conducted a systematic review of 33 studies examining the use of ginger as an anti-emetic in pregnant women

They found ginger comparable to vitamin B6, which in previous studies has demonstrated efficacy in pregnancy-induced nausea .

Dose of ginger

What about the anti-emetic properties of a drink made from ginger extract? Studies have found effective doses anywhere from 250-mg to 1-g taken one to four times a day.


Peppermint, from the mint family Lamiaceae, genus Mentha xpiperita,

Uses of peppermint
Morning sickness Nausea Gallbladder and bile ducts Dyspepsia Flatulence Colic Gastritis Enteritis Vomiting Indigestion Stomach cramps Ulcers Spastic colon Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

It helps to ease the spasms of digestive tract and cure intestinal cramping. This herbal tea works best when taken empty stomach.

Other herbs
Chamomile tea: This tea is very effective in soothing the patient suffering from nausea. This drink should be taken twice in a day.

Galangalanti anti-nauseant: Gas in the intestinal tract relieved by it thus helps to cure nausea. It is good to cure ailment of morning sickness and motion sickness

Cloves, cardamom and cinnamon: Mix one teaspoon of clove, half teaspoon of cinnamon, and pinch of cardamom in a cup of water and boil this mixture to make a herbal tea. Drink this tea to get relief from nausea and vomiting.

Lavender: Put one teaspoon of dried lavender powder in cup of hot tea, honey can be added to sweeten. In Germany it is a approved for use to relieve nausea and migraine headache

Vinegar with honey: One table spoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with one table spoon of honey should be taken to alleviate nausea and vomiting.
Red Raspberry Tea: It is always better to drink this tea to get rid of morning sickness and to help with pregnancy related nausea and vomiting.

Coconut water: It is an excellent remedy for the stomach and causes no side effects. Taking this two to three times a day helps to check nausea and vomiting.

Basil leaves with Honey: Take one tea spoon of basil leaves juice and mix it with one teaspoon of honey, take this relieve nausea and vomiting. Tea of ginger with basil leaves also cures nausea.

Mint and Clove Tea: It is a very good combination to fight nausea and vomiting. Use a teaspoon of clove powder and one tea spoon of dried mint leaves to make a cup of tea.Drink this tea to get relief from this ailment.
Slippery Elm: It works well on gastrointestinal system by normalizing digestive system, relieves nausea and vomiting. Try to take this drink once in a week to strengthen the stomach to cure the problem of nausea.

Summary of herbal treatment of nausea and vomiting

Ginger:. Chamomile tea:

Peppermint tea or oil:

Galangalanti anti-nauseant:


Loquat tea:

Peach Tea:
Cloves, cardamom

and cinnamon:

Vinegar with honey:

Fennel and dill seeds:

Red Raspberry Tea:

Slippery Elm:

Mint and Clove Tea:

Basil leaves with Honey:
Coconut water:


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