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Elements of Music Music and its elements were initially taken up by man from sounds in nature, like the

chirping of birds or blowing of the wind. Today, music has become an inclusive aspect.

Form/Musical Form The musical form is identification of the overall layout of music, and defines the genre of the physical characteristic it resonates.

Genres of Music
Metal Heavy Metal
Classical Wedding Music Orchestral Opera Hip-Hop/Rap

Alternative Punk Rock

Blues Acoustic



Timbre Timbre is a rather abstract concept that involves the differentiation and identification of the notations that are played on different instruments at the same time.

Melody A melody is often defined as a set of linear notations in the form of tunes, vocals, or even chords or grooves. The melody essentially forms the basic framework of a song, a combination of the rhythm and pitch.

Texture Many musicians consider texture to be the heart and soul of music. A texture is a set or pattern of rhythms and notations played together. It is often termed as a progression.

Dynamics The volume of the notation is known as the dynamics of the music. Nowadays, due to technical advancements in music, instruments like the electric guitar have electronic controls for volume. However, while playing the traditional instruments, musicians had to control the volume manually while playing the notations.

The term dynamics is more valid and applicable for written notations, and marks the changing patterns of the song. Commonly recognized dynamics include:

p = soft mp = moderately soft pp = very soft

f = loud mf = moderately loud ff = very loud

Impromptu changes introduced with forceful notes leaving the vocals intact and irregular patterns viceversa are known as the 'Sforzando'. The prefix for these changes are termed 'Subito' (Italian), and together are referred to as 'sfz', the 'subito forzando' notations.

The dynamics of the song feature plenty of phrases resonating to change like 'calmando: becoming calm', and 'crescendo: becoming strong'.

Harmony As the name suggests, this element is the Nelson Mandela or Mahatma Gandhi of music. Harmony coordinates the role of synchronization between progressions of all the chords.

In jazz, romantic and other similar genres, the chords often result at a point of 'tension'. Tension arises when dissonant (unstable) chords are struck in liaison with the bass line. This tension is settled by tuning the particular chord and its frequency, resolving it into a consonant chord.

Harmony, basically balances the unsteady parts of music. Distortion in its true sense is very unpleasant and a haywire string.

Rhythm A rhythm is a set of sequential, synchronized and uniform beats and notations. The concept of a 'pulse' or a repetitive beat is a very important element of rhythm. The concepts of texture and rhythm, when put together, form the concept of a 'bar'.

A bar is a set of rhythm that is accompanied by specific notations played in a uniform tempo. Rhythm assesses the complete feel of a track. Repetition and variation of sounds and silences compromise the rhythm of the track, and we feel the pulse of the track in a sequence of upbeats, downbeats or vocals.

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