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UT Korea Wilayah Utara Fall 2012 Frida Ferdani Putri

Part 1 Present perfect VS Simple Past Menulis Pengalaman

Part 2 Transitivity Melengkapi Cerita

Part 3 Ability Menulis Cerita Naratif

Part 1
Present perfect VS Simple Past Menulis Pengalaman

Present Perfect VS Simple Past (1)

Present Perfect Tidak diikuti keterangan waktu, yang dipentingkan adalah hasil Menyatakan kegiatan di waktu lampau yang tidak spesifik waktunya Bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan suatu kegiatan yang terus berlangsung dari dulu hingga sekarang, misal dengan menggunakan kata, today, this week, since Simple Past Biasanya diikuti keterangan waktu Menyatakan kegiatan yang dimulai dan diakhiri pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau, walaupun pembicara tidak menyebutkan waktunya

Misal: Misal: I have seen that movie twenty times I saw a movie yesterday I have traveled to Korea about these? (True/False) to Korea last year I traveled How
I have been to France 2 years ago I visited Gyeongbokgung Palace yesterday I have visited Gyeongbokgung Palace

Present Perfect VS Simple Past (2)

Can you differentiate the meaning? Present Perfect Simple Past

It has not rained this week. Selama satu minggu ini belum hujan I have never played golf. Saya tidak pernah main golf seumur hidup saya

It did not rain yesterday. Kemarin hujan, hari-hari sebelumnya mungkin hujan turun I did not play golf last summer. Saya tidak bermain golf musim panas lalu, tapi di lain waktu saya bermain gollf


pas t

futur e

pas t

futur e

Present Perfect

Positive Sentence:
S + have/has + past participle (V3) They have returned my book S + have/has + been + adv/adj/noun He has been sick

Negative Sentence:
S + have/has + not + past participle (V3) I have not submitted my paper S + have/has + not + been + adv/adj/noun I have not been to Jerussalem

Interrogative Sentence:
Have/Has + S + Past participle (V3)? Have you signed the form? Have/Has + S + been + adv/adj/noun? Have you been away for a long time?

Simple past

Positive Sentence:
S + past tense (V2) They returned my book yesterday. S + was/were+ adv/adj/noun He was sick last week

Negative Sentence:
S +did not + Infinitive (V1) I did not submit my paper yesterday S + was/were+ not + adv/adj/noun I was not in Jerussalem at that time

Interrogative Sentence:
Did+ S + Infinitive (V1)? Did you sign the form this morning? Was/were + S + adv/adj/noun? Were you away from your home last month?

Jangan Lupa
When to use have or has, were or was? Verb1,Verb2, Verb3: regular and irregular verbs Check out following link ularverbs.html

Menulis Pengalaman

Ceritakan pengalaman pertama kali datang ke Korea Misal : pergi kemana, apa yang dilakukan, apa yang dirasakan, dll Minimal 10 kalimat, disarankan lebih :D Dikirimkan paling lambat 22 September 2012 jam 23:59 ke dengan subject Writing 2-Tugas

Part 2
Transitivity Melengkapi Cerita



Intransitive Verb Transitive Verb Verb with or without object

Berkaitan dengan apakah kata kerja perlu diikuti oleh objek

Intransitive Verb

Kata kerja yang tidak membutuhkan obyek


Menyatakan / Berhubungan dengan Keberadaan

Appear, die, disappear, exist, happen, live, occur, remain, vanish e.g: They disappeared in the dark Ache, bleed, blush, faint, shiver, smile e.g: She fainted when she met SuJu at the first time Cough, cry, scream, sight, snore, yawn, speak e.g: She keeps yawning in the class

Tubuh Manusia Suara Manusia

Cahaya, wewangian, Gleam, glow, shine, sparkle, stink, throb, vibrate getaran e.g: His eyes gleamed with happiness Posisi, gerakan Arrive, come, depart, fall, flow, go, jump, kneel, run, sit, sleep, stand, swim, wait, walk, work e.g: The baby is sleeping peacefully.

Transitive Verb

Kata kerja yang membutuhkan obyek


Menyatakan / Berhubungan dengan Obyek fisik

Build, buy, carry, cover, cut, damage, destroy, fill, hit, own, remove, rent, see, waste, wear e.g: I need to rent a car tomorrow Hear, feel, see, smell, taste, touch e.g: I heard their conversation Admire, dislike, enjoy, fear, frighten, hate, interest, like, love, need, prefer, surprise, trust, want e.g: I trust you! Accept, believe, consider, correct, discuss, expect, express, forget, include, know, mean, remember, report e.g: Dont you remember me? Address, blame, comfort, contact, convince, defy, kill, persuade, please, tease, thank, warn

Penginderaan Perasaan

Fakta, gagasan


Verb with or without objek

Kata kerja yang objeknya dapat tidak disertakan dengan catatan bahwa obyek kalimat tersebut sudah disebutkan sebelumnya atau lawan bicara sudah mengetahui sudah mengetahui objek yang dimaksud
accept change ride steal draw eat

























Verbs with Two Objects

Beberapa kata memiliki dua obyek, yaitu direct object dan indirect object (distransitive verbs) Misal:

I gave my daughter a doll

Apabila indirect object (obyek tidak langsung) adalah pronoun atau kata benda yang terdiri dari dua kata, seperti kata benda dengan awalan the, maka indirect object diletakkan sebelum direct object Misal:

The clowns gave the lions a bucket of fresh meat

Preposisi To dan For

Preposisi to dan for dapat pula dipakai untuk menunjukkan indirect object Preposisi dan indirect object diletakkan setelah direct object. Kata kerja yang hanya dapat diikuti preposisi for untuk menyatakan indirect object: Book, cook, cut, keep, make, pour, prepare, win, buy, find, paint, save

I have booked a room for you I booked you a room

Kata kerja yang hanya dapat diikuti preposisi fto untuk menyatakan indirect object: Give, pay, read, show, lend, post, sell, teach, offer, promise,send, sell, pass

She sent me a letter She sent a letter to me

Part 3
Ability Menulis Cerita Naratif

Ability (1)
Ability Menyatakan kemampuan 1. Can Can not (Cant)

Menyatakan kemampuan pada saat sekarang atau masa yang akan datang S + Can/Can not + V1
I can reach the top of the mountain. She can not play guitar.


Could Could not (Couldnt)

Menyatakan kemampuan pada masa lampau S + Could/Could not + V1

When I was child, I could speak Japanesse I could not work yesterday because I was sick.

Ability (2)

Be able to not be able to/ unable to

Menyatakan kemampuan (tidak seumum can dan could) S + to be (am/are/is) + able/unable/not able + to S + to be (was/were) + able/unable/not able + to

I am able to speak four languages. He was unable to attend the class


Could have + past participle (V3)

Menyatakan kemampuan di masa lampau tapi tidak dilakukan Makna: sebenarnya pada saat itu saya (seseorang) bisa, tapi saya (seseorang) tidak lakukan
I could have learned Korean, but I didnt have time. (I didnt learn Korean) I could not have gone with my friends because I was sick. (I went with them anyway)

Permission Mengizinkan atau meminta izin
Jenis Can / be allowed to Penjelasan Kurang formal Can/can not (cant) + V1 To be (am,are,is) / to be not + allowed to Contoh You can leave now. You are not allowed to smoke in this room. Can I use your phone?


Lebih formal, lebih sopan Biasanya dipakai untuk meminta izin Could + V1
Paling formal di antara can dan could May / May not + V1

Could I move your bag, sir? Could we put your name here?


They may do exactly as they like May I sit next to you? You may not see interrupt the meeting.

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