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Propulsion System Analysis Research - Answers

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Propulsion System Analysis Answers

1. Why do different aircraft have different types of propulsion systems? Different propulsion systems produce thrust in different ways. Some ways are more fuel efficient than others. Depending on the mission of the aircraft, a certain propulsion system is better suited for a given aircraft. High thrust aircraft typically have worse fuel economy than low thrust (cruise) aircraft. 2. When would you use a ramjet on an airplane? For very high speed aircraft, access to space, or hypersonic cruise. 3. Find the Mach number for a subsonic airplane flying at 650 mph. M = Mach M = V/A M =.85 V = Air Velocity A = 762 mph (speed of sound) V = 650 mph 4. Find the Mach number for a subsonic airplane flying at 525 mph. M = 525 mph/762 mph = .69 5. Find the Mach number for a suubsonic airplane flying at 725 mph. M = 725 mph/762 mph = .95 6. Find the velocity of a subsonic airplane flying at Mach number of .65. M =V/A .65 = V/762 V = 495.3 mph M = Mach V = Air Velocity A = 762 mph. (speed of sound)

7. Find the velocity of a subsonic airplane flying at Mach number of .80.

M = V/A .8 = V/762 V = 609.6 mph 8. Find the velocity of a supersonic airplane flying at Mach number of 1.5. 1/6


Propulsion System Analysis Research - Answers

M = V/A V = M * A = 1.5 * 762 V = 1143 mph 9. Using the interactive Atmosphere Calculator, find the speed of sound, pressure and temperature at the following altitudes using English Units.
ALTITUDE 1,000 ft. 5,000 ft. 10,000 ft. 20,000 ft. 25,000 ft. 30,000 ft. SOUND SPEED PRESSURE TEMPERATURE

1113 1097 1077 1037 1016 995

14.17 12.23 10.11 6.76 5.46 4.37

55 41 23 -12 -30 -47

10. Produce three graphs from the data recorded above, showing speed of sound, pressure, and temperature versus altitude.



Propulsion System Analysis Research - Answers



Propulsion System Analysis Research - Answers

11. What effect does altitude have on the speed of sound? The speed of sound decreases with increasing altitude. 12. What effect does altitude have on pressure? The atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude. 13. What effect does altitude have on temperature? The atmospheric temperature decreases with increasing altitude. 14. Flying at a constant speed of 600 feet per second, find the speed of sound and the Mach number at the following altitudes.
ALTITUDE 1,000 ft. 10,000 ft. 20,000 ft. 30,000 ft. SOUND SPEED MACH NUMBER

1113 1077 1037 995

.539 .556 .578 .602

15. Graph the changes in Mach Number at the different altitudes.



Propulsion System Analysis Research - Answers

16. How does the change in altitude affect Mach Number when flying at a constant speed? The Mach number increases with increasing altitude for the same speed. 17. The thrust of a jet engine is also affected by changes in altitude. Calculate the thrust of a Pratt & Whitney JT8D-17 jet engine (17,000 pounds at sea level) at different altitudes using the temperature and pressure results from Question 9, and the following equation:
F = thrust at altitude F sl = sea level static thrust at takeoff (17,000 pounds) P = static pressure at altitude P sl = sea level static pressure (14.7 psi) F = F sl x P/P sl x sqrt(T sl/T) T = absolute temp(temp + 460) at altitude T sl = sea level absolute temperature (520 R)

ALTITUDE 1000 ft. 10,000 ft. 20,000 ft. 30,000 ft.




THRUST (psi)

14.17 10.11 6.76 4.37

515 483 448 413

.97 .71 .49 .33

16490 12070 8330 5610

18. Graph the change in thrust with altitude for the Pratt & Whitney JT8D-17 jet engine.

19. Give your conclusions on thrust and flying at different altitudes. 5/6


Propulsion System Analysis Research - Answers

Thrust will decrease with the change in higher altitude.

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Editor: Tom Be nson NASA O fficial: Tom Be nson Last Update d: W e d, Mar 10 09:14:56 AM EST 2010 + C ontact Gle nn


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