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Thank you for your time to read this!!! There are many reasons why I am supporting Domingo Garcia for the new U.S. Congressional seat. But the number one reason is that he is by far the best qualified candidate. And number two is the fact that he is Latino and the district was created to enhance the potential of a Latino being elected to the position. Number three is that he comes from the best known and proven Latino political husband and wife team in the Dallas area by virtue of the fact that he is married to what is arguably the most popular office holder in Dallas County, the Honorable County Commissioner Dr. Elba Garcia. Besides being one of the most prominent Latino lawyers in the Dallas area, Domingo has put to good use the skills and talents that the Good Lord has blessed him with. His record speaks for itself: an advocate for all members of the community, especially for Latinos; his record in the area of voting rights where he championed the City of Dallas single member district way of electing folks to the city council and efforts to change how officials are elected to city councils and school boards in the outlying communities of Dallas; his efforts in organizing demonstrations against racial profiling and immigration issues such as the Mega March where over 500,000 people participated in, and those in Irving and Farmers Branch which resulted in great victories for us; the generous contributions to students that have gone on to finish high school and pursued a college education; the pro-bono legal assistance that he has provided to hundreds of our people that could not otherwise afford a lawyer; the many times that he has provided buses for Latinos to go to Austin, Phoenix and Washington D.C. to get their voices heard on such topics and the Dream Act, racial profiling, police brutality, etc., etc I do not want to sound like I am giving a sermon to anyone. I just want to do my part in this most important election. It may be the last opportunity that I have in my life time. I consider those of you that may read these comments my friends and want to ask you to think of joining me and my friends if you have not already done so, in supporting Domingo. You may do that by any or all of the following: Volunteer to help by showing up at the Doming Garcia Campaign Headquarters on Jefferson where you can ask for volunteer coordinator Maria Cristina Romero.. Join others and Domingo door to door to encourage folks to vote. Assist with telephoning people from the headquarters or your home to encourage them to go vote. Donate to the campaign by writing a check and mailing it to Again, thank you for your time and consideration to this invitation. Richard Sambrano

Richard Sambrano cell 214-601-8681 home 972-481-1443

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