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OBSERVATION STAGE Name of student: Maria Jose Molina Vera. Name of School: Escuela Basica Paul Harris.

Number of students: 21 Date: March, 19th, 2012 Class: 4B

Paul Harris School it is located in Via del Mar, more specifically in Forestal area. The management team is formed by the principal, the sub director and the head of UTP. There are about 447 students in this school distributed in the 18 different classes from preschool to eighth grade. This school has several values that they want to transfer to its students, such as responsibility, honesty and tolerance. Its goal it is to be recognizing as a innovative educational community, academically and emotionally committed with its students and the entire community. Its mission can be summarized as giving quality learning and values in the students to strengthen their training as useful people, socially responsible, supported by his family positively. Among the two weeks of observation, I saw some of this values and quality learning in the three classes I could observe. Since this is a small class, the atmosphere of the room is good, despite the two or three students who cannot stay quiet and have behavioural problems. The first part of the class where the teacher show them a musical video, allows the teacher to catch their attention and depending on the activities, they remain like that until the end of the class. This classroom is a very good place to work. The classroom is well equipped; it has its own whiteboard and all the basic teaching needs. It is big enough for the 21 students, the light that hits the classroom it is appropriate to work and in case of strong sun light there are curtains to avoid that straight light and heat in both students and teacher. Students are distributed in three double lines and the teacher its free to make any change to their original seats, depending on their behaviour. As to the activities carried out in this class, they were all activities where the student has an important role. The first activity catches the students attention very quickly. The teacher show a musical video and the students have to pay attention to the lyrics in order to find new words. After listening and watching the video a few times, the teacher shows the video with it lyrics so the students sing along. In the second activity, the students have to draw a face in order to use the new vocabulary: parts of the face. The amount of time that both parts, the teacher and the students, spend doing things is proportional but more centred in students needs. The teacher explains the activities and then it is time for the students to be the focus.

The school has several resources available to use in the classroom. In this particular class, as in all the English classes, the teacher uses data, radio and laptop. This three things help in a big way to carry the class. The students feel attracted to these resources, so they are more willing to pay attention and eventually to learn. As students feel motivated to the use of this resources and to the kind of activities the teacher do, they tend to participate more by giving their opinion and by using their creativity even more than usual. The activities encourage them to use creativity and the way that the teacher uses to explain it, by using body language and giving instructions in a loud, joyful and practical way, keep them more interested and exited in doing the activity. Students like the teacher to give them good feedback while they are doing the activity. In any case they ask the teacher for help, they just ask for clarification of the instructions or if they can use this or that material. As I said before, they way that the teacher uses to give instructions is used during all the class as an effective method to encourage the students to participate in class. In this class, there are a few cases of misbehaviour and those are the students that are encouraged to participate even more than the rest of their classmates in order to keep them busy and sometimes to keep them quiet, because they now know that if they disturb the order of the class they will have to participate and answer things they dont know sometimes. Teacher uses English during all the class, from the beginning of the class until the very end of it. The use of body language allows the students to understand what the teacher is saying. Although it is difficult to them to understand, this amount of English used in the classroom help the students to habituate their ears to the language. All the students have a different disposition towards the class, related to that disposition three mains learning styles were observed in this class. Most of the students remain seated and quietly on their seat while the teacher explains the activities. These students write on their notebooks all the content shown on the class, they underline the titles, they write with colours and in general they are very concerned about the order of their notebooks. There are a group that writes all the contents just like the other classmates, but without the same concern. This particular group, once they have copied the contents, they lay down on their tables waiting for the teacher to give instructions. They are a passive group inside of the classroom. And there is one group of students, the badlybehaved ones, that dont really care about write down on their notebook. They remain talking during all the class even when the teacher makes them shush. They are always asking what to do even though the teacher already give instructions twice. They are the special cases that need more attention. This is the first class that I observed and it was very pleasant. Maybe the students were conditioned by the presence of a new person in the classroom or maybe that day the students just were on their best behaviour. Anyways, this observation leaves me wanting to interact and know more about the students and them perceptions of the English class as a useful feedback for futures groups of students.

TEAM TEACHING STAGE Name of student: Maria Jose Molina Vera. Name of School: Escuela Basica Paul Harris. Date: April, 4th, 2012.

One of the first times I was asked for help during this process, it was with the seventh grade. This is a 28 students class and because of their ages, they are more restless. According to the activities I saw the previous classes of observation, I perform a listening activity. I bring a catchy song for the students, were they have to listen and watch the song video and write down on their notebooks all the words that they recognize from it. Later, I will write the words on the board. It took me about 25 minutes to perform this activity. This was the first activity of the class, so the students were all seated but not entirely quiet. Students like songs, so they were quiet while the video was played. Once the video stopped, some of them start to chat with their seat partners but most of them accomplished the assignment (give the words that they recognize). During the second part of the class where the students worked on their textbooks, I was asked to help with order in general; keeping students in silence, make sure that students were working on their textbooks and not doing something unrelated to the English class.

Communication with my guide teacher was very good, so I ask him for help when I started to plan my lessons. We talked about all the contents that had to be performed during the semester and he suggest me some activities that students could like. He also gave me some tips regarding the time that every activity should take. The time of planning was different depending on the grade I was planning for. As to reading and writing activities, I use the textbook as a support and I also use extra activities related with the textbook content, such as worksheets or word puzzles. This activities wont take me much time to do them. In most of the classes I used a song as a warm up activity, so I had to find a video according to their ages and a lyric that was catchy and easy to understand. At first, it was difficult to find appropriate videos and lyrics together. If I found a good video, the lyrics were not clear enough or the lyrics were fine but the video was not appropriate for the students age. But with time, practice and the help and advices of my guide teacher I could manage this sort of problem.

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