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All Americans Must Make A Stand Before It's To Late It's time for the people of the United

States to make a stand against the govern ment tyranny before it's to late. You need to get to the internet and do some re search on the issues that I will talk about in this article, we need people to g et involved. Issue 1: The federal government is working very hard to remove the second amendm ent from our constitution. If your don't know what the second amendment is you r eally do need to do some research. The second amendment gives us the right to ba re arms to defend our natural rights as US citizens. Thomas Jefferson said when the people fear the government there is tyranny, when government fears the people there is liberty. Jefferson was speaking words of t ruth when he said that. The government is making new laws all of the time that a re crushing our rights and liberties. Issue 2: There are constantly attacks on the freedom of speech, this means that at some point in time you could be thrown in jail for saying something that offe nds another person. Their is already a small town police chief on the east cost that wants to fine people for swearing in public. If the freedom of speech is important to you then you should already be up in ar ms over what they are doing to it on a daily basis. Issue 3: UN Agenda 21: Allow me to explain this turd to you it is one of the mos t horrible things if you like the right to privacy, and the right to own your pr operty and your home. Agenda 21 puts trees, plants, and nature above people, it seeks to move all of t he people to small areas designated by the feds to be for human populous. UN agenda 21 allows the federal government to come an snatch up your property at their will agenda 21 is a nice name for the sustainable development act. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Issue 4: Military drones to monitor the people of the United States; the governm ent wants to watch you from 30,000 feet above, they want to know what you are do ing all of the time. These drones are the same machines that fly over war zones and kill people every day. Issue 5: The TSA this is another one of those huge government over reaches. Now these TSA goons that the airport can grope as they please. They constantly grope Republican congressmen, and if they can grope them, just imagine what they can do to you. But they are just there for your safety right? The democrats would have you beli eve this to be true. The international airport in Israel has fewer problems then the airports in our country, and they don't have to get groped just to board an airplane. The TSA is nothing but a bunch of control freaks trying to make up for being bul lied in high school. Now they can do the torching of normal American citizens tr ying to board an airplane. If you like the above ideas then you should be first in line to have the governm ent remove you from your land and put you in a human populous area. You should a lso hand you guns and ammo over like a good little boy or girl.

Get ready for the agenda 21 green monster to take you over. Never mind that our constitution is being stomped in to the ground at a high rate of speed. Soon the y will be watching you in your car via little black box. Oh no it's not like the ones that you have heard of in airplanes; this is purely a spy tool. They want to know where you are going, what you are doing, and they will have a camera, and audio device in the box. Yes that means that they can s ee you, and hear you. Soon they will be watching you in the bathroom, like the perverts that we know t hey are. They are looking for nothing short of total control over the the land, and the people in it, and this doesn't just affect this country its death grip r eaches far and wide.

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