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Photo by Jeremy Bischoff

Andrew Putt and Becky Wanner, both EHS Yearbook Staff, hold the 2012-2011 yearbook. This year marks the beginning of a new technological advance for the staff as the yearbook program goes online.

Yearbook online at EHS

by Laura Miller Staff Writer

In this day and age, new technology seems to be used in just about everything we do, and this year,theyearbookstaffatEphrata HighSchoolwillbemakinganimportanttechnologicaljump. Theyearbookwillbethesame as ever, or perhaps even better as this years Cloisterette staff is full of new ideas. However, the processinwhichthemembersare creating the yearbook is changing drastically. Previously,thestudentshadto stayafterschoolendedtoworkon their pages using a program only found on the schools computers. Now yearbook staff members can use an online program so that the yearbook can be worked on at home,oranywherethathasinternet service. According to sports section editor,HannahYoder,Thechange allows for students to complete their pages more quickly since it fitsaroundtheirschedules. Jeremy Bischoff, the yearbook advisor and the communication technologyteacheratEphrataHigh School,explainedthatthebestpart ofthenewsystemisthatthewebsite,,has a special feature so that students, parents, faculty, and community members can upload photographs thatmaybeusedintheyearbook,as wellaspreviewsomeofthepictures thatwillappearintheyearbook. Withmorephotographsavailable at the yearbook staffs disposal, the 2011-2012 yearbook is

suretobeatruepieceofart.Kevin Trinh,coeditor-in-chief,announced thatthisyearsthemeisTheBig Picture.BothTrinhandtheother coeditor-in-chief, Andrew Putt, highly suggest that all should get involved in Ephratas yearbook, whether it be by becoming a staff member,contributingpicturesonline,orjustbybuyingtheyearbook itself. Alotofthetime,Ihearkids sayOh,Icouldneverforgetwhat highschoolislike,butassomeone who has been on yearbook staff sincefreshmanyearandhasalways purchasedayearbook,whenItake alookatthepicturesofyearspast, itoftentriggerspleasantmemories thatIwouldhaveforgottenotherwise.Imaginehowmuchyoucould forgetintenortwentyyears,says Putt. He then adds, Being on the yearbookstaffisafunexperience, not to mention that it teaches you computer and leadership skills as well. For example, over half of yearbook members are section editors. Recently, senior yearbook memberswentonafieldtriptotour the Jostens Plant in State Colleg where the yearbooks are printed, pickuplastyearsbooks,andlearn aboutthenewonlinesystem.This provestobejustonemorethingthat theyearbookoffers. The yearbook staff is always looking for ads from the local businesscommunity.Anyoneinterestedinadvertisingintheyearbook should contact advisers Jeremy Bischoff or Jessica Chinchock at 721-1478.

languageartsteacher. Withhersenioryearofcollegealreadystarted,Graybillmadetheswitch whenherfieldhockeycoachSteveJenForsomeanOlympicgoldmedal ningsreceivedane-mailaskingifhe isdrasticallyoutofreach,butfor2006 knewanyonewhomettherequirements CocalicoHighSchoolgraduateSavan- forthebobsledteam.Sheacceptedand nah Graybill it could be just around headedouttotrythisnewadventure. After training for bobsled for a short thecorner. For this young athlete, the only period of time, Graybill was told she thing that now separates her and a neededtogain20poundsandkeepit dream is making the National team on.Withnodesiretogaintheweight which will compete in the 2014 she made the switch to Skeleton and Olympicsforskeleton,asportwhere startedonanewkindoftraining. Shenowhasayearunderherbelt the rider slides down a long track headfirstonasledaboutthesizeof andislookingforwardtotheupcomingseasonwhereshewillgothrougha alunchtray. Graybillhasnowcommittedher- dailyroutineofexhaustingtraining. Afterstartingtheday,shewilltake selftothesportgivinguphercareer asabroadcastjournalist,butthiscom- onweightandsprinttrainingfollowed bysledtrainingintheafternoon.Bemitmentcomesataprice. Ive always known I wanted to causetheprocesstakessolongtogo gototheOlympicssaysGraybill.I through Graybill gets a maximum of three runs a day totaling about three thoughtitwouldbefieldhockey. Thegearnecessarytoraceisquite minutesofsledtraining. Without a lot of time to perfect expensivewithoneslednumberingin the ride, Graybill is forced to make thethousands. SoonSunday,Oct.2,herfamily the most out of every trip down the andfriendsarehostingaVeraBradley mountain. In skeleton, there is only a fists andLongabergerBasketBingoatthe EphrataAM Vets from 11:30-4:00. distancethatseparatestheriderschin There will be 50/50 drawings and fromtheicespeedingbybelowat65+ specials along with door prizes and mph,makingthisoneofthemostdangeroussportsyoulleverhearaboutand araffle. Thegoalistoraise$2,000-$2,500. amothersworsenightmare. Angela Graybill was literally In addition to helping with the expense of the equipment, the money shocked when she saw her daughter raised will defray Savannahs travel flyingdownthetrackforthefirsttime, butaftertheshockworeofftheexperiexpenses. Savannah needs to gain experi- enceseemedexciting. Sheisamazing,quick-witted,and ence on other tracks besides Lake Placid. She may be out West or go outgoing. I have no doubt that shell uptoCanadaortoEurope,saysher findherwayintheworld,itsjustamatmother, Angela Graybill, an EHS terofhowshelldoit,saysAngela
by Lindsay Zwally Staff Writer

Going for the gold New additions to EHS

Photo by Jeremy Bischoff

New teachers at EHS, Michael Stull and Meredith Dombach, take time out of their already busy schedules to pose for a picture. by Sophia Fast Co-Editor-in-Chief Two new teachers joined the staff atEphrataHighSchoolforthe2011-12 schoolyear. MichaelStullisreplacingKenCislakwhoacceptedateachingpositionin BucksCountylateinthesummer.Stull isteachingAlgebra3/Trig,Geometry, Introduction to Statistics, and PSSA mathremediation. AfterattendingMuhlenbergCollege forhisundergraduatedegree,Stullthen wenttoArcadiaUniversitytoearnhis graduatedegree. I have always loved math, and I lovetobearoundpeople.Ienjoythe challengeofteachingsuchwide-ranging subjectsofmath,hesays. Another new face to the halls of EHSisMeredithDombach.Formerly ateacheratGardenSpotHighSchool, Dombach teaches 10th grade health and fitness. She is replacingAngela SpringbornwhoacceptedajobatCedar CrestHighSchool. Dombach graduated from East Stroudsburg University where she earnedherundergraduatedegree.She recently earned her graduate degree from the United States SportsAcademy. My career has been my lifelong dream,saysDombach.Ihavealways lovedgymclass,andIalwayswantedto helppeoplebehealthyandfitforlife. Otherpositionswerenotfilleddue toattrition.

Savannah Graybill, an Olympic hopeful, visits an EHS journalism class accompanied by her mother Angela Graybill, her biggest fan.

by Rachel Stauffer Staff Writer

Photo by Abby Miles

The Hobbit Review

Photo by Bing Images

We live in a world made up of an ever-changing, amorphous zeitgeistinwhichthesocialstigmaof yesteryearmayswiftlymovetothe vanguardofpopculturephenomena. With this generation, it seems that geekdomhasbeenthelatestsocial blemishtoascendtooutrightacceptance.Theexamplesofsucharise arevarious.Lookingatrecentfilms alone,youwillfindnerdproperties suchasSpider-Man,StarTrek,and LordoftheRingsamongstthetop tier. Coming to this conclusion, I

decided to embrace my inner-Halfling and pick up J.R.R. Tolkiens TheHobbit. Before I get into the meat of this review, I believe giving some context would be most beneficial. Duringthe1930s,Tolkienspenthis daysteachingcollegiateEnglishat Oxford University and his nights reading his children to sleep. All too often, these throw-away fairy tales were pieces taken straight fromTolkienspen.In1936,birthed fromalimitlessimaginationanda

powerhouseinspiration,whatwould becomeTolkiensmostgrandfairy talewascarelesslyscribbledonan insignificantscrapofpaper.Itwas thisveryscrapthatwouldeventually berefinedintoTheHobbit,usheringinthefantasygenrealongwith its sequels The Lord of the Rings Trilogyasweknowit. Letus,now,moveontothebook itself.Quitefrankly,itisafairytale. ImentionedaboveTolkienscrafting of little narratives that would soothe his children to sleep, and it is clear that The Hobbit serves, moreorless,thissamepurpose:the narratorisomniscientandwry,the charactersaresillyandwhimsical, andthelanguageissimple.Thevery opening line of the story, perhaps, represents this playful tone most effectively,Inaholeintheground livedahobbit.Notanasty,dirty,wet hole,filledwiththeendsofworms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare,sandyholewithnothinginit tositdownonoreat:itwasahobbit-hole,andthatmeanscomfort. Just rereading this introduction, I cannothelpbuttoimagineagroup ofyoungchildrengatheredarounda respectedelderwho,inanentertainingthunderofavoice,readsfrom anoversizedleather-boundbook.I willadmitsomemayfindthisstyle ofwritingatadplain(dontbeon the lookout for a mass of variety in sentence structure, or thoughtprovoking rhetorical devices); in

all honesty, I, myself, got a little boredhalfwaythrough.Ifoundthat this was not a novel I could plow through in afternoon, stopping to appreciate the superior form of each passage; it was simply not Tolkiensdesiretoproduceawork suchasthat. Regardless,thegargantuanscale of the plot, the sweetness of the character relationships are truly charming.Itsbigideaswriting,and manypeople(mebeingoneofthem) hostaconsiderableappreciationfor that. Tolkien is not going to blow yourmindwithhisuseofsentential adverborleaveyouspeechlesswith hisexcessivepleonasm;hesgoing totellyouastoryandanentertainingoneatthat.Therearedragons, there are volcanoes, and, in the midstofthemall,isalackadaisical littlehobbitjusttryingtoreturnto hiscomfyhole. Thenovelisafuntriptotakeif youdontmindmorebasicstylistic components.Intheworldofliterature, it is comparable to a Disney production: youll enjoy the ride butyouarentgoingtopraiseitas an artistic masterpiece. If you are looking for something much more multifaceted, however, I would recommendTheLordoftheRings Trilogyasitisclearthatwiththat seriesTolkienhasbecomefarmore comfortableinMiddleEarthand,as aresultofwhich,isnotafraidtoadd moreintricateandadultelements.

will need little attention as far as maintenance is concerned. From thebrandFieldTurfRevolution, this new turf (and only one existHempfield. Penn Manor. War- ing in the state of Pennsylvania) wick. Manheim Township. These is made to last longer, hold the Lancaster-Lebanon Section One coloredlineslonger,andjustgenerschoolshaveonethingincommon. allybeastrongertypeoffieldturf. And for the first time ever, Eph- Inpreviousyears,thebaseball rataAreaSchoolDistrictjoinsthem field at the War Memorial Field with the similarity of a turf field. was the only facility at Ephrata ThelatestadditiontotheMoun- usableforpostseasonplay.Yes,it taineer athletic program is most isonlythebeginningoftheschool beneficialtothefieldhockeyteam, year, but playoffs are not too far boys and girls soccer teams, and around the corner and realistiboth lacrosse teams. Fortunately, cally not out of reach for some of beingplayedinthefallseason,the the Mountaineer athletic teams field hockey team and male soccer looking to go above and beyond. players get to start off their year Theenergyofpostseasonplay with a bang in the new facility. isunlikeregularseasongivenmore Girlssoccerandbothlacrosseteams intensity and having more at risk wait anxiously for their seasons from the players point of view. to start during the spring of 2012. Generally, unless traveling, this Goingbackandforthforawhile isnt experienced by most Ephdebatingwhetherornotthisexpensive rata students and hosting playoff fieldisactuallyworththemoney,it games here at Ephrata will be an hasfinallybeendecidedandexecuted. interesting excursion for some. After all the carwashes and With no bumps, ditches, spaghetti dinners, it is definitely or complications due to rain it rewardingbeingabletoplaymylast does make the game move along seasononthenewfield,saidsenior smoothly. The ball moves quickly field hockey player, Erica Brown. andatafasterpace Accordingtojuniorsoccerplay Help from the school district, sportteamfundraisersandthecom- er,CodyRhinier,Itreallychanges munity made it all possible. Being thethepaceofthegame.Itisfaster the newest turf on the market, it andmuchmorecompetitive. Senior Rachel Stauffer battles a Solanco player in first game on the new turf.

Athletes utilize new field

Photo by Jeremy Bischoff

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