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Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311


To develop software for Student mark analyzing system with various functional and non functional part of design namely, PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS. USE CASE DOCUMENTATION UML DIAGRAMS TEST PLAN

The student mark analyzing system is a system used for conducting the exam, analyzing the answers, calculating the grade and displaying the result. In this system the student details were present already in the database. The student appears for the exam and enters the answers as required. During the course of the exam, the supervisor monitors the student who writes the exam. The analyzer checks the paper and assigns the marks. Then the system is used for analyzing the percentage and the grade of the student. The administrator and students can view their results by logging into the system.


The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a database to integrate the process of the writing of the exam and assigning the scores to the student and also a way of displaying the result.

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311


The significance of the project includes the following key features The examination can be conducted in a secure environment. Once the papers have been submitted the analyzer can enter the marks into the The system assigns the grade automatically based on the marks secured by the The marks can be easily updated. The students can easily check their scores.

database. student.

Access to database can be setup on username / password basis with multiple users and privileges


Verifying details Answering Evaluation Calculating grade Store the results Display the results

Supervisor verifies the student details before the exam. The students should answer the questions within the given time limit. The analyzer evaluates the answers and awards marks for the correct answers. The system generates the grade for the students based on the percentage they have scored. The administrator stores the results in the database The students view their result by logging into the system.

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

Use Case ID: Use Case Name: Created By: Date Created: Actors: Description: Trigger Preconditions: Post conditions: 1 Conducting exam Kumarasamy.K September 21, 2009 Last Updated By: Date Last Updated: Kumarasamy.K September 21, 2009

Supervisor, Student, Database Admin This usecase describes how an examination is conducted. Student wants to write the exam. For a student to write the exam, he must have valid details. If the usecase was successful, then the system,. Allows the student to write exam. Stores the student answers into the database.

Normal Flow


The student gives the details. The System verifies the details and supervisor gives the questions. Student writes the exam and submits the answers. Admin stores it into the database.

Alternative Flows: Exceptions:

If the student gives invalid details, the system will display an error to the supervisor. Then the student will not be allowed to attend the exam. None High Approximately 300 Students at one usage per day. None This usecase requires a valid database. Student details were already present in the database. None

Includes: Priority: Frequency of Use: Business Rules: Special Requirements: Assumptions: Notes and Issues:

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

Use Case ID: Use Case Name: Created By:

2 Evaluation usecase Kumarasamy.K Last By: Updated Kumarasamy.K

Date Created:

September 21, 2009

Date Updated:


September 21, 2009

Actors: Description: Trigger Preconditions: Post conditions: Normal Flow

Analyzer, Database Admin This usecase describes how the analyzer calculates the grade for a student Analyzer has to calculate the grade. In this case there is no precondition. Based on the percentage secured by the student, the grade will be awarded. Analyzer first logs into the system. The analyzer then corrects the papers and awards marks. Then he calculates the total and percentage. System determines the grade based on the percentage. Admin stores the details along with the student information.

Alternative Flows: Exceptions: Includes: Priority: Frequency of Use: Business Rules: Special Requirements: Assumptions: Notes and Issues:

None Invalid login detail provided by the analyzer. None High Analyzer can use anytime. None Requires valid authentication from the analyzer. None None

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

Use Case ID: Use Case Name: Created By:

3 Display result usecase Kumarasamy.K Last By: Updated Kumarasamy.K

Date Created:

September 21, 2009

Date Updated:


September 21, 2009

Actors: Description: Trigger Preconditions: Post conditions: Normal Flow

Student, Database Admin The student can view his examination result by providing his details to the system. To display result Check whether the student detail is valid or not. If the usecase was successful then the result of the student is displayed.

Alternative Flows: Exceptions: Includes: Priority: Frequency of Use: Business Rules: Special Requirements: Assumptions: Notes and Issues: None

Student provides his to the system. The system searches the database for the given. System displays the result of the student.

Invalid provided by the student. None High Approximately 300 users, more than one usage per day None Requires the student database to be ready to display the result. None None

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311



conduct exam

write exam

<<extend>> student


total and grade <<extend>>

calculates mark

display result

database administrator

maintains database

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311


ente r the s tudent deta ils

w rite the ans w ers


reg the stu.details

give quest

conduct the exam

write the exam


verify the details check


compute the m arks & percentage calculate

award the marks

correct the answers

enter th e m arks

update the changes

add to db

store it in db


display the result

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311


S u pe rv is o r

S tud e nt

D a ta b a s e a d m in

S tart


Get s tudent details

V alid

Give ques tion

W rite ans wers

S ubm it

S tore details

E x it

Update dB

N ew S tate

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311



Database admin



Correcting answers

Award marks

Calculate Total and percent



Grade A


Grade B

Grade C

Grade D

Storing details

Update dB


Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311



Database admin




Search dB

Display result Exit

Print result

Update dB

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311




:Database admin

1:Gets the student details

2:Check details

3:Give the questions 4:Write the answers


6:Store details

7:Exam is conducted successfully

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311



:Database admin 1:Login

2:Correct the answers

3:Calculates the total and percentage

4:Check the percentage

5:Determines the grade

6:Evaluation completed successfully

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311


:Student 1:Login

:Database admin

:Database system

2:Enter the details

3:Verifies the details

4:Search the given detail

5:Display the details

6:Result is displayed successfully

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311


2: 2:Check details

1: 1:Gets the student details 3: 3:Give the questions

:Supervi sor


6: 6:Store details 7: 7:Exam is conducted successfully 4: 4:Write the answers 5: 5:Submit

:Database admin


4: 4:Check the percentage 1: 1:Login 2: 2:Correct the answers 3: 3:Calculates the total and percentage

:Analyze r
5: 5:Determines the grade 6: 6:Evaluation completed successfully

:Database admin

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311


3: 3:Verifies the details

1: 1:Login 2: 2:Enter the details


:Database admin

6: 6:Result is displayed successfully 5: 5:Display the details

4: 4:Search the given detail

:Database system

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311


Supervis or Id. no. Supervis ing()

Student Write exam () Get res ult()

Conducting exam Preparing question Syllabus Books Find questions() Print in paper()
Tim e Place Date Provide papers () Provide ques tions () Collect papers ()

Analyzer Correct paper() Calculate percentage()

Databas e adm in Us er id. Pas s word Enter percentage() Prepare report()

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311








Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311


Main server

Regional server


Mark analyzer



Db Manager Student1

Student 2


Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

ADMIN.H: #ifndef Admin_h #define Admin_h 1 #include "Student.h" class Admin { public: Admin(); Admin(const Admin &right); ~Admin(); Admin & operator=(const Admin &right); int operator==(const Admin &right) const; int operator!=(const Admin &right) const; void Enter_percentage (); void Prepare_report (); const UnboundedSetByReference<Student> get_the_Student () const; void set_the_Student (UnboundedSetByReference<Student> value); public: protected: private: const void get_User_id () const; void set_User_id (void value); const void get_Password () const; void set_Password (void value); private: void User_id; void Password; UnboundedSetByReference<Student> the_Student; }; inline const void Admin::get_User_id () const { return User_id; } inline void Admin::set_User_id (void value) { User_id = value; } inline const void Admin::get_Password () const { return Password; }

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

inline void Admin::set_Password (void value) { Password = value; }

inline const UnboundedSetByReference<Student> Admin::get_the_Student () const { return the_Student; } inline void Admin::set_the_Student (UnboundedSetByReference<Student> value) { the_Student = value; } #endif

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

#ifndef Student_h #define Student_h 1 #include "Analyser.h" class Student { public: Student(); Student(const Student &right); ~Student(); Student & operator=(const Student &right); int operator==(const Student &right) const; int operator!=(const Student &right) const; void Write_exam (); void Get_result (); const Analyser * get_the_Analyser () const; void set_the_Analyser (Analyser * value); protected: private: const void get_RegXno () const; void set_RegXno (void value); private: void RegXno; Analyser *the_Analyser; }; inline const void Student::get_RegXno () const { return RegXno; } inline void Student::set_RegXno (void value) { RegXno = value; } inline const Analyser * Student::get_the_Analyser () const { return the_Analyser; inline void Student::set_the_Analyser (Analyser * value) { the_Analyser = value; } #endif

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

ANALYSER.H #ifndef Analyser_h #define Analyser_h 1 #include "Admin.h" class Analyser { public: Analyser(); Analyser(const Analyser &right); ~Analyser(); Analyser & operator=(const Analyser &right); int operator==(const Analyser &right) const; int operator!=(const Analyser &right) const; void Correct_paper (); void Calculate_percentage (); const Admin * get_the_Admin () const; void set_the_Admin (Admin * value); protected: private: const void get_IdXno () const; void set_IdXno (void value); private: void IdXno; Admin *the_Admin; }; inline const void Analyser::get_IdXno () const { return IdXno; } inline void Analyser::set_IdXno (void value) { IdXno = value; } inline const Admin * Analyser::get_the_Admin () const { return the_Admin; } inline void Analyser::set_the_Admin (Admin * value) { the_Admin = value; }#endif

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

SUPERVISOR.H #ifndef Supervisor_h #define Supervisor_h 1 #include "Student.h" class Supervisor { public: Supervisor(); Supervisor(const Supervisor &right); ~Supervisor(); Supervisor & operator=(const Supervisor &right); int operator==(const Supervisor &right) const; int operator!=(const Supervisor &right) const; void Supervising (); const UnboundedSetByReference<Student> get_the_Student () const; void set_the_Student (UnboundedSetByReference<Student> value); protected: private: const void get_Id_no () const; void set_Id_no (void value); private: void Id_no; Student {1 -> 1..nRHN} UnboundedSetByReference<Student> the_Student; }; inline const void Supervisor::get_Id_no () const { return Id_no; } inline void Supervisor::set_Id_no (void value) { Id_no = value; } inline const UnboundedSetByReference<Student> Supervisor::get_the_Student () const { return the_Student; } inline void Supervisor::set_the_Student (UnboundedSetByReference<Student> value) { the_Student = value; } #endif

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

CONDUCTING EXAM.H #ifndef Conducting_exam_h #define Conducting_exam_h 1 #include "Supervisor.h" class Conducting_exam : public Supervisor //## Inherits: <unnamed>%4AB9E79501F4 { public: Conducting_exam(); Conducting_exam(const Conducting_exam &right); ~Conducting_exam(); Conducting_exam & operator=(const Conducting_exam &right); int operator==(const Conducting_exam &right) const; int operator!=(const Conducting_exam &right) const; void Provide_papers (); void Provide_questions (); void Collect_papers (); const void get_Time () const; void set_Time (void value); const void get_Place () const; void set_Place (void value); const void get_Date () const; void set_Date (void value); protected: private: private: void Time; void Place; void Date; }; inline const void Conducting_exam::get_Time () const { return Time; } inline void Conducting_exam::set_Time (void value) { Time = value; } inline const void Conducting_exam::get_Place () const { return Place; } inline void Conducting_exam::set_Place (void value) { Place = value; } #endif

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

PREPARING QUESTION.H #ifndef Preparing_question_h #define Preparing_question_h 1 #include "Supervisor.h" class Preparing_question : public Supervisor //## Inherits: <unnamed>%4AB9E76C0000 { public: Preparing_question(); Preparing_question(const Preparing_question &right); ~Preparing_question(); Preparing_question & operator=(const Preparing_question &right); int operator==(const Preparing_question &right) const; int operator!=(const Preparing_question &right) const; void Find_questions (); void Print_in_paper (); const void get_Syllabus () const; void set_Syllabus (void value); const void get_Books () const; void set_Books (void value); protected: private: private: void Syllabus; void Books; }; inline const void Preparing_question::get_Syllabus () const { return Syllabus; } inline void Preparing_question::set_Syllabus (void value) { Syllabus = value; } inline const void Preparing_question::get_Books () const { return Books; } inline void Preparing_question::set_Books (void value) { Books = value; } #endif

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

Overview Test plan objectives

To ensure that the Student mark analyzing system will: - Function consistently and reliably in accordance with current business operations. - Meet or exceed user requirements and technical specifications. - Not adversely impact other systems or the existing technology environment. Testing Assumptions - The student details which have to be verified were already present in the database. - It is assumed that student can view the results using the system which is already tested. Risks & Contingencies The following risks apply to the testing process and may impact either the proposed date of readiness for the deployment of online reservation system, or the comprehensive level of testing that can be performed in each of the Functional Units: - The actual deployment of student mark analyzing system may take longer to perform than anticipated, as the conventional mark analyzing system is also using the same database.

Student Mark Analyzing System

Reg.No.: 30306104311

Thus the Problem analysis & Requirement Analysis and various Use case scenarios ,UML diagrams, Test plans has been studied successfully.

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