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Universit Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne Centre Pierre Mends France 90, rue de Tolbiac 75013 Paris

Practical information Free Wifi is available in the whole building login : political password: polecon2012 (through: Paris1 or Eduspot or Eduroam)

Coffee is served here :

Theatre L room B1205 room C1309

Plenaries :
Theatres N and J (ground level).

Panels/Sessions :
12th and 13th floors, use yellow lifts.

Associations internal meetings 5th July 18:30 | 21:00

AFEP Amphi K AHE Amphi J IIPPE Amphi N

Some panels have made their own arrangements for chairs of their sessions; otherwise the default position for each Panel is as follows: a) the last-named speaker on the Programme chairs the panel session b) when it is the last-named speakers turn to present, the first-named speaker on the Programme takes over as Chair c) each paper has 30 minutes in total for presentation and discussion d) each panel can take its own decision about whether it is more appropriate to have all papers presented followed by discussion on all papers, or whether to have a short period of discussion after each paper presentation e) Chairs should do their best to prevent speakers from running over time. For AFEP (FAPE) members and others: three roundtables will take place in theatre K on the afternoon of the 5th (Thursday) on the relationship between economists and economic power, on academic career rules, and on assessment. These roundtables will be in French, and all conference participants are welcome. More information on the FAPE website: article413

Friday, July 6th 7:00pm-1:00 am

Conference Dinner Les Pavillons de Bercy / Muse des Arts Forains 53, Avenue des Terroirs de France 75012 Paris Mtro Cour Saint-Emilion (M14) Please take your conference badge for admission. More information here: The conference dinner will take place at the Muse des Arts Forains (Fairground Arts Museum) with vintage carousels and old games from the 19th and early 20th Centuries. You will be able to enjoy a variety of buffets with delicious French traditional cuisine and fine wines. All participants are very welcome (we remind you that the conference dinner is included in the conference fees).

Les Tables Rondes AFEP 5 Juillet 2012 - 13h30-18h30

Amphi K En marge du Congrs "Political Economy and the Outlook for Capitalism", coorganis par lAFEP, lAHE et lIIPPE, lAFEP organise des tables rondes sur les thmatiques AFEP. Programme (provisoire au 28 juin 2012)

13h30-15H :

Le rapport des conomistes au pouvoir conomique : quelles rgles dontologiques ?

Laurent Mauduit, Frdric Lebaron, Frdric Lordon, Andr Orlan Anime par Christian Chavagneux

15h15 - 16h45 :

Pourquoi supprimer lAgrgation du Suprieur ? Regards disciplinaires

Sandrine Michel (conomiste), Agns Michelot (juriste), Jrme Valluy (sciences politiques), Roland Perez (gestion) Anime par David Flacher

17h00 - 18h30 :

Les enjeux de lvaluation

Alain Ayong Le Kama (Prsident du CNU), Philippe Askenazy (prsident Section 37) , Pierre Glaude (directeur section des units, Aeres), Hubert Kempf (prsident de lAFSE), Thomas Lamarche (AFEP) Anime par Nicolas Postel

Les tables rondes seront suivies, 19h, dune Assemble Gnrale de lAFEP


THURSDAY 5 JULY | 09:20-11:15 Plenar y 1A: The Future of Heterodox Economics and Political Economy Chair: Simon Mohun Ben Fine, SOAS, Univ. of London, Towards a Material Culture of Economics and Political Economy Tony Lawson, Univ. of Cambridge, The Future of Heterodox Economics and Political Economy Florence Jany-Catrice , Univ. Lille 1, The Political Economy of Wealth: New Wealth Indicators and Related Theoretical Challenges. Room: Theatre N Plenar y 1B: Political Economy and Heterodox Economics outside Western Europe and North America Chair: Lynne Chester Alexander Buzgalin and Andrey I. Kolganov , Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Terra Incognita: the Unknown Theoretical Contributions of Soviet and Post-Soviet Political Economy Xiaqin Ding , Shangai Univ., China, Enfu Cheng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), The Academic Directions of the Modernization of Marxian Political Economy and the Academic Principles of Promoting the Modernization of Chinese Economics Kako Nubukpo, Univ. of Lome, TOGO, African Association for Promoting Political Economy, Fifty Years of Monetary Union in West Africa: Lessons of yesterday, reflections for tomorrow Vanessa Petrelli Correa , Title TBA Room: Theatre J

FRIDAY 6 JULY | 16:30-18:30 Plenar y 2A: Economic Crisis and the Outlook for Capitalism Chair: Cedric Durand Grard Dumnil and Dominique Lv y, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, The Share of Wages and the Profit Rate in the Explanation of the Current Crisis Thomas Piketty, Paris School of Economics, Inequality, Capitalism and Crisis in the Long Run Molly Scott Cato , University of Roehampton, UK, A Green Paradox of Thrift Room: Theatre N Plenar y 2B: Economics Education and Pluralism Chair: Stphanie Lagurodie Edward Fullbrook , Univ. of the West of England, Two Kinds of Pluralism in Economics: Factional and Unity. Jack Reardon, Hamline Univ., USA, Radical Reformation of Economics Education: Pluralist and Heterodox Perspectives Fred Lee, Xuan Pham, Gyun Gu, Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City, The UK Research Assessment Exercise and the Narrowing of UK Economics Room: Theatre J

SATURDAY 7 JULY | 15:30-17:30 Plenar y 3A: Political Economy and Economic Crisis Chair: Bruce Philp Robert Boyer, Institut de Amrique, Paris, Some Steps towards a Political Economy of Financial Crises Marc Lavoie, Ottawa Univ., Canada, After the Crisis: Are we all Keynesians? Jayati Ghosh, Jawaharlal Nehru Univ., New Delhi, Developing Countries and the Global Crisis Room: Theatre N Plenar y 3B: Economics and Other Social Sciences Chair: Dimitris Milonakis Andr Orlan , CNRS, An Economic Fact is a Social Fact Like any Other Bob Jessop, Lancaster Univ., Making the Cultural Turn in the Critique of Political Economy Frdric Lebaron , Univ. Picardie Jules Verne, Economic sociology and political economy: towards more integrated research practices and conceptions ? Room: Theatre J

Provisory program 28 of June 2012 5th July 11:30 - 13:00
Room B1201

Greening Capitalism? Josef Baum, Paths To Sustainability Under The Context Of Climate Change Deadlines Florian Hartmann, Environmental Rehabilitation And Flexicurity Growth - From Dissent-Driven To Consent-Driven Capitalism Steven Knauss, The Subsistence Perspective: A Marxian Counter-critique Inequality, Unemployment and Gender Siobhan Austen, Different Economic Perspectives on the Gender Wage Gap: Ideology or Method? Tania Toffanin, The Reproduction of Gender Inequality in Italy in Neoliberal Times Berna Safak Zlfikar and Harun Yakk, Feminization of Poverty: Evaluation of The Women's Experinece and Governmental Policies In Cankiri History of Economic Thought 1: Contrasting Marx With Other Thinkers Fabrice Dannequin and Fabien Tarrit, Marx, Schumpeter et les classes sociales Rmulo Lima, conomie, politique et lorigine de ltat: lontologie marxienne en dbat avec Pierre Clastres Remy Herrera and Nakatani, Keynes (et Marx) face la crise Knowledge, Contemporary Capitalism and Value Theory 1 Marco Boffo, Reflections on Commons-Based Peer Production, Prosumption, and the Socialisation of the Labour Process Harry Kitsikopoulos, Why did England Invent the Steam Engine? The Role of Science, Economic Incentives, Institutions, and Technical Skills Cyrus Bina and Chuck Davis, Technological Change and Skill Formation in Capitalism The Crisis in the Eurozone Alberto Botta, Fiscal Policy, Eurobonds and Economic Recovery: Some Heterodox Policy Recipes against Financial Instability and Sovereign Debt Crisis. Domenica Tropeano, Debt Deflation Theory and Reality in the 2010s Nina Eichacker, Financial Underpinnings of the European Crisis Growth regimes, external vulnerability and macroeconomic policies in Latin America Claudio Amitrano, Economic Growth in Latina America in the first decade of XXI Century: a post Keynesian approach Vanessa Petrelli Corra, The instability of the financial flows for the peripheral countries the continuity of the financial dependence Vanessa Petrelli Corra, Julia de Medeiros Braga, Renata Carvalho Silva and Roberto Pires Messenberg, Instability of Capital Inflows and Financial Assets Returns in the Brazilian economy Jurassic Park of Russian Capitalism 1 Irina Soboleva, Dimensions of Inequality in the Post-Soviet Russia Maya Toksanbaeva, Labour Force Reproduction in Russia: Does It Conform with Global Trends Rimma Soldatova, The Revenge of the USSR upon World Capitalism Post-Keynes ian Perspectives on Capital and L abour Gregory Nowell, A Sudden Collapse in the Marginal Efficiency of Capital Jean-Luc Bailly, De la pertinence de la thorie montaire de production pour expliquer les crises du capital Max Maurin, Usure du capital fixe et dynamique conomique dans la thorie du circuit Crisis system or Cris is of the Sys tem? The Surprising Resiliency of Deregulated Finance 2 [AFEP: R&RN4] Robert Boyer What social political compromises could put an end to finance-led growth regimes:Revisiting US trajectory since 1971 Marie-Sophie Gauvin, Philippe Gilles and Nicolas Huchet, Politique Montaire, Choix de Portefeuille du Secteur Bancaire et Canal de la Prise de Risque Renaud Dutertre, Finance de march et rentabilit des entreprises Stock-Flow Consistent Modeling 1: Perspectives on F inancialisation and the Financial Cris is [Chair: Marc Lavoie; Fr] Michael Clvenot, Jacques Mazier and Yann Guy, Estimation et simulation d'un rgime de croissance financiarise avec un modle SFC Edwin Le Heron and Toussaint Bakala, Generalized liquidity preference theory in a SFC model and financial crisis Amine Marouane, La rvolution tunisienne: enjeux et perspectives partir d'un modle SFC Professional Economic Ethics in Academia, and the Public and Private Sectors Randall Holcombe, Make Economics Policy-Relevant: Depose the Omniscient Benevolent Dictator David Colander, Creating Humble Economists: A Code of Ethics for Economists Robert Nelson, Ethical Dilemmas Facing Economic Professionals Inside Government Theories of Financialisation 1 [IIPPE Financialisation WG] Sam Ashman, Marxist Political Economy and Financialisation Sergio Izquierdo and Marina Flores, The Role of Financialisation in the Current Crisis: A Marxist Approach Hasan Cmert and Emre zelik, Understanding Financial Innovations Marxism and Development [WAPE/AESA] Gareth Dale, J.S. Mill's stationary state: Its contemporary standing, and a Marxist critique Ric McIntyre, What can we learn from the New Deal that is relevant to Capital-Labor struggles today? Robert Biel, The Political Economy of Food towards an entropy-based systems analysis of the current crisis and its solution Neoliberalism and Inequality Andreas Exenberger, Inequality Trends, Financial Crisis and Wealth Taxation Sofia Manzano, Inequality: Marxist criticism on the liberalism approach Cem Oyvat, Agrarian structures, urbanization and inequality Understanding Modern Monetary Theory and its relevance in addressing the Global Financial Crisis James Juniper, Modern Money Theory (MM) and Minsky: Towards a Stock-flow-Consistent (SFC) Synthesis Timothy Sharpe, Beyond a Tipping Point? A Modern Money Perspective on Public Debt Threshold Limits Martin Watts, Debt Management in the UK and Australia: Breaking the Nexus between Fiscal and Monetary Policy? Sectoral and Territorial Regulations and Sustainable Development 1 [AFEP - R&R 3-2] Aurlien Dumont, Considration des externalits environnementales de lusage de leau souterraine: enjeux pour lanalyse conomique, la gouvernance et la planification. Illustration en Espagne partir de la Directive cadre deleau. Arnaud Buchs, Priodiser les phases de rgime et de crise des usages de l'eau. L'apport d'une approche en termes de modes d'usage de l'eau Christian Livi, La construction du march et linfluence des valeurs sociales: le cas de lindustrie solaire en Suisse occidentale

Room B1204

Room B1208

Room C1203

Room B1207

Room C1202

Room B1301

Room C1206

Room B1307

Room C1201

Room C1304

Theatre J

Room C1306

Room C1305

Room B1308

Room B1306

5th July 14:00 - 16:00

Room B1201

Towards a Green Eco nomy Lynne Chester and Joy Paton, Greening Economic Theory: Heterodox Possibilities Hans Diefenbacher and Dorothee Rodenhuser, Welfare measurement for a green economy concept, results and reception of the National Welfare Index (NWI) in Germany Tone Smith Spash, Green numbers or less numbers for a new green economy? Geraldine Thiry, Beyond GDP: Conceptual Grounds of Quantification. The case of the Index of Economic Well-being (IEWB) G rowth and Inves tment in China Andrew Fischer, Keynes in Beijing: the savings-investment relation in China in light of global imbalances Anna Su, Measuring Cost and Non-Cost Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing: International Comparison Mylne Gaulard, Une approche marxiste de la bulle immobilire chinoise Damian Tobin, Chinas Growth Policy Conundrum: Urban Rural Wage Tensions, Productivity Barriers and State Policy Interventions in the Pan Pearl River Delta His tory of Eco nomic Thought 2: Reflectio ns o n the Method and Scop e o f Econo mics and P olitical Econo my Andrea Micocci, The relevance of some philosophical questions posed by Hume to a materialistic political economy John Hart, Hutchison's criticism of Robbins's definition of economics Arthur Bueno, Two before one: Simmel, Zelizer and the social meanings of money Claire Pignol, Prfrences, mta-prfrences et dsir mimtique: trois reprsentations de lintrt du consommateur Heterodox Pers pectives on the Method olo gy o f Economics Stuart Birks, Economic theory: consistency and rhetoric? Pierre Lacour, What Economics Needs to Learn from Anthropology Jean-Louis Corrieras, Prophties autoralisatrices et sciences sociales : croyances, comportements et ralit Frederic Jennings, Planning Horizons as Social Conscience: The Foundation for an Ethical Economics Ins titutions , Individuals , and Id eology Arturo Hermann, The Essay in Persuasion of John Maynard Keynes and their Relevance for the Heterodox Perspective in Economics Manuel Souza Luz, The Genesis of Individual and the Individual of the Genesis: An evolutionary perspective about the role of Christian ideology in the origins of (economic) man Peter Dorman, Economics, an Almost Social Science (or the Foundations of Liberal Ideology in Second Order Conditions) Germana Bottone, Capital and Capitalism: a controversial history Depend ency Theor y Tiago Camarinha Lopes, Marx and Marini on absolute and relative surplus value Niemeyer Almeida Filho, Workforce Superexploitation and Concentration of Wealth: key issues for policy development in Latin American peripheral capitalism Pedro Paulo Zaluth Bastos, The Political Economy of South America Integration after the World Crisis Jaime Marques Pereira, Money, policy and possibility of a development mode based again on the internal market in Brazil and Argentina Juras s ic P ark of Rus s ian Cap ita lis m 2 Michail Voeykov, Market Economy without Market: Russian Phenomenon Yuri Pavlenko, Civil Society and Russian Capitalism: Contradictions of Interaction Eduard Sobolev, Labour and Capital in the Post-Soviet Russia: Paradoxes of Relations Lyudmila Igonina, Economy and finance: the nature of interplay and its reflection in the modern economic policy of Russia The P olitical Econo my o f G lo ba l Ca pitalis m Judith Dellheim, On Crises and Capital Oligarchies, on a Radical Critique of Society and its Political Economy Sergio Cmara Izquierdo, U.S. Neoliberal Macroeconomics Under Globalization. The Dialectics Between Disequilibria and Hegemony Marco Antonio Rocha, The Financial Dominance And The Study Of Finance Capital: Questions About The Center-Periphery Articulation Pierre Bailly, Une nouvelle phase du capitalisme? Marxis m and Eco nomic Thought 1 [WAPE] Anders Ekeland, The Transformation problem after Kliman and Wright are we approaching a solution? Dong-Min Rieu, Keonbeom Lee and Hyeon-Hyo Ahn, The Determination of the monetary expression of labor time under the inconvertible credit money system Mario Robles-Baez, Dialectics of Labour and Value-Form in Marxs Capital: a Reconstruction Meng Jie, Labour theory of Value and the Positive-sum Relations in Value Terms Between Capital and Labor: a Reconciliation Based Upon the Proportional Theory of Value Creation The cris is of Northern growth a nd the dyna mics o f global develo pment Christina Anselmann and Hagen Kramer, Completing the Bathtub? The Development of Top Incomes in Germany, 1907-2007 Amitava Dutt, South-south issues from a north-south framework Bruno Jetin, Ozan Ekin Kurt and Anna Su, Functional Income Distribution and Growth in China (1978-2010): Single Equation Estimations Based on Bhaduri/Marglin Model Sbastien Charles and Jonathan Marie, Hyperinflation: a Post-Keynesian View Eco nomics : Unfit for Purpo s e 1 Ben Fine, Unfit for What Purpose: And How, When and Why? Dimitris Milonakis, Unfit for Purpose: Exploring the Deeper Causes of the Current Malaise in Economics John Hatgioannides and Marika Karanassou, Warrant Economics, Call-Put Policy Options and the Fallacies of Economic Theory Sergios Tzotzes, Mainstream Economics and the Greek Crisis: Unfit for Purpose Theor ies o f Financialis atio n 2 [IIPP E Financialisa tion WG ] Andrea Lagna, Historicising financialisation in the global political economy: the case of Italian derivatives markets Duncan Lindo, How and Why Banks Create Derivatives Markets Vinicius Chiliatto-Leite, Guilherme Mello and Pedro Rossi, The fourth dimension: Derivatives in a financialized capitalism Marxis t P olitical Economy 1 [WAPE] Bin Yu, Fundamental Elements of the China Model Maliha Safri, Political Economy, Afghanistan, and the Theory of the Failed State Radhika Desai, Geopolitical Economy: How Marx might have understood the 21st Century World Order Sousuke Morimoto, Okishio and his Theorem Heterod ox P ers pectives on Lab our Mar kets Prabirjit Sarkar, Does Labour Market Intervention Lead to Unemployment? What the Data Show Mansour Omeira, The Inadequacy of Orthodox Labour Economics Jean-Baptiste Combes, Pay competitiveness and its impact on public services Helena Lopes, Claiming publicity for work Eco nomics and the Cris is : Dis co urs e analys es and performativity 1 John Morris, Demand Doctors in an Era of Disintermediation; The Cultural Economy of the Keynesian Revival in the Anglo-American World Matthieu Llorca and Ludovic Desmedt, Le discours sotrique des banquiers centraux en temps de crise Michael Salvagno, Economists On The 07-09 Financial Crisis: Genuine Reflection; or Constructing Narratives to Re-Affirm the Professions Authority? Catherine Walsh, Good for You and Good for Britain: The Discursive Role of the UK State in Financialization

Room B1204

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Room C1203

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Room C1202

Room B1301

Room C1206

Room B1307

Room C1201

Room C1304

Theatre J

Room C1306

Room C1305

Room B1308

Room B1306

So cial Cap ita l Tr us t and Pub lic Sp irit 1 Luca Andriani, Tax Morale and Pro-Social Behaviour: Evidence from a Palestinian Survey Maria Lissowska, Institutions of flexicurity on labour market: is there a cultural fatality? Patricia Illingworth, Social Capital for Global Well Being Eleonora Lollo, Toward a theory of social capital identification: its dimensions and role within economics

5th July 16:15 - 18:15

Roo m B1201

To pics in Institutional Economics Christos Kalantaridis, Exploring the Interface between Entrepeneurship and Institutional Change: The Contribution of Old Institutional Economics Ivo Ekinja, Institutions Of Checks And Balances: Taking The Debate Into Distribution Realm Olivier Brette, Valeur et march dans l'oeuvre de Thorstein Veblen - Contribution une refondation de l'conomie Jean-Pierre Chanteau, Thorie de la rgulation : quelles approches et mthodes d'analyse ?

Theatre J

Financialisation in Mid dle Income Countries [IIPPE F inancialisation WG] Jeff Powell, From Imperialism to Subordinate Financialisation Juan Pablo Painceira, New Forms of External Vulnerability: International and Domestic Elif Karacimen, Financialisation of Developing Countries through Debt and the Credit Systems Hwan-Joo Seo, Han Sung Kim and Joonil Kim, Does Shareholder Value Orientation or Financial Market Liberalization Slow down Korea's Real Investment? His tory of Eco no mic Thought 3 [WAP E/AESA] Toni Prug, Communomics: early notes towards a research programme Andr Mommen, Eugen Varga (1879-1964). His contribution to the theory of the business cycle and the theory of state-monopoly capitalism Serap Kayatekin and Antonio Callari, Hume, Kant, and Smith: The Economy of the Philosophy of Economics Nobumichi Sekiguchi, On Nikolai Bukharins Interpretation of Marxs Scheme of Expanded Reproduction in Chapter 21 of Capital Vol. 2 Perspectives o n the Rate of Pro fit Brian Grogan, It's the falling rate of profit, stupid Ozgun Sarimehmet Duman, Level of Profitability and Degree of Financialisation in PIIGS: The Current Global Economic Crisis and the Implementation of Further Labour Market Reforms Ramaa Vasudevan and Deepankar Basu, Technology, Distribution and the Rate of Profit in the US Economy Michael Roberts, A world rate of profit? Pierre Bo urdieu and his co ntrib ution to economics 1 Fabien Eloire, Continuations on social capital: an empirical objectification of its operating mechanisms Michael Grenfell, Capital Conversion in Post-modern Economies Doris Hanappi, Bourdieus approach to economic action: embeddedness and field theory Lisa Adkins, Bourdieus Unemployment: Time, Labour and Alternative Futures Whither Neoliberalism in L atin America? Maria Almendros, The limits of Argentina's anti-neoliberalism Murat Arsel, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Evolving property structures of hydrocarbons and minerals: The nationalization process of Bolivia and Ecuador Grasiela Baruco, Neoliberalism: reiteration and deepening of peripheral and dependent insertion of Latin America in Capitalism Tania Aillon, La crise capitaliste dans les pays nocoloniales: le cas de la Bolivie Perspectives o n Trans itio n Economies , Institutions and Institutionalis m Hazel Gray, The Limits of Institutional Economics: Explaining 'Socialist' Legacies for Resurgent Trajectories of Capitalism in Developing Countries Lyudmila Igonina, Economy and finance: the nature of interplay and its reflectionin the modern economic policy of Russia Laila Porras, Ingalits des revenus et pauvret dans la transformation post-socialiste : une approche institutionnelle des cas tchque, hongrois et russe Yuliya Yurchenko, Facades and black holes, or neoliberalisation of Europes wild East Class -Based Analysis of Contemporary Turkey Gorkem Altinors, The Togetherness of Minarets and Golden Arches: A Neo-Gramscian Approach to the Rise of Political Islam in Turkey under Neoliberal Paradigm Soner ubuku, Making and Unmaking Of Class: An Inquiry into the Working Class Experiences of Garment Workers in Istanbul under Precarious and Flexible Conditions Baak Ergder, A Section in Income Distribution in Turkey: Employment Tax in the Employment Map of stanbul Marxis m and Eco nomic Thought 2 [WAPE] Shoko Chuma, The Unhappy Divorce of Feminism and Marxian Economics: a Critique of Dichotomy between Productive and Reproductive Labour Henry Heller, Capital as History Nick Potts, Unforgivable Misrepresentation: Deliberately Distorting the Temporal Single System Interpretation Of Marx In Order To Dismiss Marxs Value Theory Zhang Zhongren, A reply to Steedmans critique for Marxs labor theory of value Financialisation in Develo ped Countries [IIPPE Financialis atio n WG ] Marcelo Carcanholo, Financialisation and Public Debt Management in the Global Crisis: the US and the European experiences Clara Siqueira Neves da Rocha, Leveraged Consumption and its Consequences for Capitalist Instability Alexis Stenfors, The Libor Illusion & the Structural Power of Central Banks Maria Dafnomili, Setting the scene of the neoliberal process of Financialisation Eco no mics : Unfit fo r Purpos e 2 Richard Westra, Capitalism and Neoclassical Economics through the Historical Looking Glass Hajime Sato, Economics imperialism towards 'law and development' Rohit Azad and Anupam Das, Fallacies of a Self-adjusting Unique NAIRU Irene Berthonnet, Unfit for purpose: Is Paretos criterion really efficient? Financialisation in the Develo ping World Susan Johnson and Radha Upadhyaya, Financialization at the margins: trajectories of financial inclusion in Kenya Carlos Moreira and Agamenon Almeida, Emergent Economies and Conventional Responses to manage the Economic Crisis: the Brazilian Case Serdar Sengul, Financialisation and Turkey Nuno Teles, Financialisation of the corporate sector in South Africa Marxis t P olitical Econo my 2 [WAPE/AESA] Lorrayne Carroll and Joseph Medley, Draining the Blood Energy: Destruction of independent production and the creation of migrant workers in post-reform China Carol Turner, The Special Relationship Today: A re-examination of the role of Anglo-American relations in the post-9/11 era Nobuharu Yokokawa, Dynamic Comparative Advantage and Evolution of Capitalist World system George Liodakis, Transformation and the crisis of world capitalism: Long-run trends and prospects La bour, Training and Careers Sabina Issehnane, Franois Legendre and Bernard Gomel, Laccompagnement et linsertion des jeunes en difficult. Que peut-on apprendre des donnes de gestion des missions locales franaises? Vincent Lignon, Formation continue et situation familiale: une analyse centre sur les vnements dmographiques Mickal Portela, Trajectoires professionnelles de dbut de carrire: de linsertion lemploi de qualit Camille Signoretto and Julie Valentin, Pratiques des employeurs en matire de licenciements: une analyse sur donnes dentreprises Theorising Cap ital Accumula tio n Laurent Baronian, Franois Chesnais, The theory of long term accumulation and the challenge it faces today Takashi Satoh, The Marxian Theory of Capital Accumulation and the Post-Keynesian Theory of Monetary Circuit: A synthesis Sylvain Billot, Critique des thories marxistes de la sous-consommation Simon Mouatt, The Golden Age of Steam So cial Capital Trust and Pub lic Spirit 2 Arianna Lovera, Not only money: alternative finance practices between economic and relational capital Zohar Lechtman and Urel Leviatan, Economic Inequality, Social Capital, and Health in Cooperative Communities Paolo Rizzi, Considerations about Social Capital and regional development in Europe Justina Fischer, Globalization and Political Trust

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Roo m B1306

6th July 9:00 - 11:00

Roo m B1201

Whither Sus tainable Fo od Co ns ump tion? Nana Karlstetter, Developing viability conditions Transition to climate adapted land use as an example Charalampos Konstantinidis, Capitalism in (Green) Disguise: The Political Economy of Organic Farming in the European Union Bjrn Klimek, Varieties of Capitalism - Varieties of food-financialisation? Aurlie Trouv, Marielle Berriet-Solliec and Franois Lataste, Les biens publics comme instrument de drgulation des marchs? L'exemple de la Politique Agricole Commune Ins titutions , Inno vation, Kno wled ge a nd the Commo ns Benjamin Coriat, From Natural-Ressource based Commons to Knowledge Commons. Issues and Perspectives Valrie Revest and Isabelle Liotard, Innovation and the revival of the contests Fabienne Orsi, Penser la proprit commune aujourdhui : enjeux thorique et politique Gaye Yilmaz, Innovation for Well Being of Society? Or For Patenting Intellectual Labour and Nature? His tory of Eco no mic Thought 4: Pers p ective on Ins titutio ns and Ins titutionalis m Thibault Le Texier, Le march, institution cardinale de la raison conomique? Ou pourquoi les conomistes n'ont jamais pu vritablement thoriser l'entreprise Alain Herscovici, Lconomie de lInformation de Stiglitz: de ltude des imperfections et des asymtries de linformation en conomie Elodie Bertrand, Neither Instrumentalist Nor Refutationist: Coases Choice of Methodology Alice Sindzingre and Fabrice Tricou, Hierarchy, Market and Power in Capitalism: Conceptual Remarks Top ics in Value Theo ry Dennis Badeen, Ioana Negru and Bruce Philp, Whats the point of Marxian economics? Disciplinary boundaries, schools of thought and the radical critique of capitalism Andrew Trigg, Passineti, Marx and the Possibiity of Crisis Ilaria Alabiso and Anindya Bhattacharya, Localized Power Equilibrium and Exploitation in Rural India Alberto Benitez, Some Marxian and Smithian Ideas on Labor and Prices P ierre Bo ur dieu and his co ntrib ution to economics 2 Astrig Dumitriu, Globalization Effects on Romanian's Consumption in the Last 20 Years Michael Lain, Animal Spirits and Habitus: Toward a Convergence Between Keynes & Bourdieu? Gabriella Paolucci, State and Economics: Bourdieu's criticism of neoliberal discourse Asimina Christoforou, Is Social Capital a Source for Reproduction or Transformation of Society? Reflections on Bourdieus Approach Ethica l Pers p ectives Henry Kelly, Ethical Recognition and Critical Realism Matthias Meyer-Schwarzenberger, Trust Is Good, Self-control Is Better: Towards a Psychologically Grounded Theory of Social Capital MIchael Haynes, Crime, Corruption and Cronyism in the Political Economy of Advanced Capitalism Sebastian Thieme, Economics and Prejudices The Aus trian Pers pective in Heterod oxy I Marian Eabrasu, The Austrian Paradox Mathieu Bedard, Informational Contagion and the Production of Informational Remedies Antoine Gentier, Spanish Banks and the Housing Crisis: Worse than the Subprime Crisis? Laurent Carnis, The Political Economy of Lighthouse Crisis of hea lth po licy, cr is is of market- b as ed refo rms [AFEP - R&R 6] Matthieu Montalban, Philippe Gorry and A. Smith, Construction politique des marchs et politiques des prix. Le cas de lindustrie pharmaceutique Nicolas Da Silva, Orthodox theory of physician behavior: altruism without ethic? Florence Gallois, Un survey thorique de la notion de quasi march pour les services la personnes Sabine Ferrand-Nagel and Frdric Pierru, Retours sur l'alternative idalisme en conomie (htrodoxe) de la sant / ralisme de la politique de la sant. Le cas de limpossible rgulation de la mdecine de ville P luralis m in Eco nomics and Education Kavous Ardalan, Multi-Paradigmatic Teaching in the World of Heterodox Economics: The Case of Bretton Woods Institutions Jakob Kapeller, Leonhard Dobusch, Heterodox United vs. Mainstream City? Sketching a Pluralist Paradigm for Economics Tim Koechlin, Bad Math: How the fetish of mathematical precision facilitates theory, policy and pedagogy that is precisely wrong Robert Delorme, La citadelle orthodoxe et l'conomie pluraliste. Affronter aussi l'empire du scientisme

Roo m B1204

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Roo m C1202

Roo m B1301

Roo m C1206

Roo m B1307

Accumula tio n, Regula tion a nd Kno wled ge 1 [AFEP: R&R 3] Roo m C1201 Carlo Vercellone et Jean-Marie Monnier, Welfare et capitalisme cognitif : une analyse critique Pablo Miguez and Sebastin Sztulwark, Knowledge Valorization in New Capitalism Andrea Fumagalli and Cristina Morini, The Precarity trap: the labor market in cognitive capitalism Stefano Lucarelli, A Stock-Flow Analysis of a Schumpeterian Innovation Economy: The Role of Knowledge(s) in the Economic Development

Roo m C1304

The Limits o f Mains tr eam Economics Oleg Ananyin, Double Ontology of Institutions: Rule-Shaping as an Economic Activity: not at the right place ? Mehmet Bulut, K. Ali Akkemik and Koray Gksal, An Economic Research on Worldviews, Religion, and Altruistic Economic Behavior William Dixon, The fall of economics: the case of the independent labourer Cyril Hdoin, Collective Intentionality in Economics: Making Searle Relevant for Game Theory The French econo mics o f conventions : a critica l view of the ca pitalis t conventions I [AFEP ] Hlne Clment-Pitiot, Dimitri B. Kouvalin, Pragmatic economic success versus ultra-liberalism failure: under the veil of the Russian transition Christian Bessy, Changes in lawyer profession and individualistic concept of Law Arnaud Le Marchand, De larme de rserve aux conventions dans une conomie globalise et multiculturelle Marie Raveyre, Les stratgies de dlocalisations des entreprises - Elments pour une approche pluraliste Quantita tive Marxis m [WAPE] Paul Dunne, Luca Pieroni and Giorgio d'Agostino, Military Spending and the Falling Rate of Profit Peter Jones, Depreciation, Devaluation and the Rate of Profit Simon Mohun, Profitability and crisis: analytical frameworks Peter Flaschel (Nils Frhlich) and Roberto Veneziani, The sources of profitability Str ucture of the La bo ur Mar ket Joao Paulo de Souza, Testing two hypotheses about the relation between real wages and labor productivity Corinne Perraudin, Nadine Thvenot, Bruno Tinel and Julie Valentin, Is the crisis weakening subcontractors? Laurence Liz and Mireille Bruyre, Mobilits professionnelles et transformations du rapport salarial: quelles logiques sectorielles? Samuel Rosenberg, Labor Market Segmentation and the 'Great Recession' Neo liberal capitalis m and the s tate Theocharis Kromydas and Thucydides Moutsopoulos, The World in Transition:Towards A Holistic Humanistic Paradigm In Economics Robert Hindle and Geeta Nair, Rethinking the Role of Government Anne Burger, Neo-liberalism and its effects on electricity policy in British Columbia, Canada Commod ity Deriva tives : Unders tand ing the Changing Relatio ns Between Finance a nd Prod uction Kate Bayliss, One mans thirst is another mans fortune: The financialisation of water Lynne Chester, How electricity and carbon derivatives are influencing the accumulation process while delivering distributional inequities Susan Newman, The rise of modern portfolio theory and the rise of commodities as an asset class Ted Schmidt, An Analysis of the Financialisation Process in Commodity Markets

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6th July 11:15 - 13:15

Roo m B1201

Eco logical Macro economics - Theory and Po licy Jerry Courvisanos, Political Economy of Innovation and Sustainable Development: A Kaleckian-Schumpeterian Synthesis in the Context of Cycles and Crises Stefano Solari, Socio-ecological sustainability: the future of European capitalisms Andrew Mearman, Green Jobs Post-Keynesia n Persp ectives on Fina nce Fernando Cardim de Carvalho, On The Nature And Role Of Financial Systems In The Economics Of Keynes Carlos Alberto Lanzarini Casa, Theory of Reallocation of Domestic Saving: the independent currency of the State as an instrument for implementing the Public Finance Lino Sau, Do We Need a New Monetary and Financial Architecture? Revisiting Keynes's Plan at Bretton Woods Les rfo rmes co nomiques prop o ses par Maurice Allais Jerome Lallement and Arnaud Diemer, Maurice Allais et l'impt sur le capital Henri Sterdyniak, Maurice Allais, penseur de la crise de 2007? Christian Gomez, La rforme montaire de Maurice Allais Knowledge, Co ntemp orary Ca pitalism and Value Theory 2 Ozgur Narin, Innovation and Labour Theory of Value: Retracing the steps of Marxs Research on Value Theory Heesang Jeon, Intellectual property rights and Marx's rent theory Edmund O'Sullivan, Intangible good production and Marxs economic model Empirical Resea rch Method s Abdelmonaim Tlidi, Test de lhypothse de l'quivalence Ricardienne : Cas du Maroc Alper Duman and Ertugrul Ahmet Tonak, Reconstructing Input Output Networks in a Marxian Framework Armagan Gezici, The Use of Mixed Methods in Economics: A Distinctive Methodology? Turkey in the age of neolib eralism Ferda Karagz zen, Foreign Aid in Question: an Analysis of the Reasons behind Turkeys Official Development Assistance Allocation Aysel Arkboa, Impacts of the Crises on Fiscal Policies in Turkey: A Comparison between 2001 Financial Crisis and 2007-2009 Global Financial Crisis The Austrian Perspective in Heterod oxy II Franois Facchini, Growth Volatility and Public Finance: the French case 1871 2012 Pierre Garello, Austrian Law and Economics: Whats the difference? Nathalie Janson, A Radical Proposal for Reforming the Banking System Imagined Euro pean Recoveries? Interpretations and futures of the crisis Claes Belfrage, Imagined Recovery: Justificatory Regimes Following the Crash of Icelandic Viking Capitalism Balazs Kotosz, The unorthodox answer of Hungary to global financial crisis Christopher Lantenois and Benjamin Coriat, Comment les actionnaires et les patrons supportent les fluctuations de cycle. Une comparaison Allemagne France au regard de la crise contemporaine Crisis system or Crisis o f the System? The Surprising Resiliency o f Deregulated Finance II [AFEP: R&RN4] Bruno Thret, The Bocade, currency of the argentinean province of Tucuman between 1985 and 2003 : a good exemple to follow in Southern Europe ? papier monnaie crise en argentine avec des enseignements pour la crise europenne Miguel Rivera Quinones, Financing Redistribution: Commodity trade and Public Budgets in the post-default Argentina Roberto Alexandre Zanchetta Borghi, Fernando Sarti and Marcos Antonio Macedo Cintra, The financial structure of automobile corporations in the 2000s: Towards a more "financialised" pattern? Sto ck- Flo w Co nsistent Mo deling 2: International Persp ectives [Chair: Edwin Le Heron; Fr] Vincent Duwicquet and Jacques Mazier, Ajustement et redistribution en union montaire Marc Lavoie, Le modle SFC trois pays et deux banques centrales la lumire de la crise de la zone euro Jamel Saadaoui, Modle SFC deux pays avec financiarisation et changes flexibles Onto logy a nd the Transformatio n o f Eco no mics 1 Clive Spash, New Foundations for Ecological Economics Jon Mullberg, The Poverty of Environmental Economics Andr Guimares Augusto, A suggestion for an Ontological Explanation of the Normative Nature of Neoclassical Rationality The French econo mics o f conventions: a critical view of the ca pitalist conventions II [AFEP] Jean-Samuel Beuscart and Kevin Mellet, We do not sell soap! A comparative analysis of advertising strategies in cultural industries in France Daniel Urrutiaguer, Theatre worlds and sustainable development: an emerging convention? Michel Hollard, Conventions et milieu innovant: le cas de la rgion grenobloise Tiana Rakotondramanitra, Why Quality Matters in Agricultural Marketing: the Case of Rice Marketing in Madagascar Euro zone Crisis [IIPPE Financialisa tion WG] George Labrinidis, The euro as quasi-world money Henrik Plaschke, The European Crisis and the International Role of the Euro Ioannis Glinavos, Stabilizing an Unstable (Euro)Economy To pics in Ma cro econo mics Thibault Darcillon, Corporate Governance, Industrial Relations, Employment Flexibility, and Wage Inequality Lauri Holappa, Disciplinary Neoliberalism and the Division between Nominal and Real Santonu Basu, The Fallacy of the Supply Side Argument: The Story of the Current Crisis Monetary Theory and Policy 1 Ulas Sener, The relative autonomy of monetary policy A critical inquiry of contemporary mainstream economics and the myth of depoliticization Bokhyun Cho, Financial Crisis in the Monetary Theory of Production: Liquidity Preference, Investment, and Financial Crisis Takashi Ohno, The Roles of Monetary Policy for Economic Growth: from the Viewpoint of an Endogenous Market Structure The Demise of Ca pitalism? Wladimir Andreff, Crisis: an unexpected transition to post-capitalism Maria Ivanova, Crisis and Recovery in the Society of Exchange: An Unusual Take on the Surprising Resilience of Capitalism Yuri Yevdokimov and Mikhail Molchanov, State Regulation versus State Capitalism: Last Crisis and Systems Approach

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6th July 14:15 - 16:15

Roo m B1201

Energy and Sustaina bility Sergio Vellante, The Non-Renewable Nature of the Renewable Energy Sources Lucy Baker, Power shifts in South Africas minerals-energy complex: from coal crunch to wind rush? Nathalie Berta, la volatilit du march de carbone europen Don Goldstein, Class and Capability in Regional Adaptation to Climate Change Gender and Households within Social Repro ductio n Cecilia Beatriz Escobar Melndez, Unpaid Reproductive Labour. A Marxist Analysis Susan Himmelweit and Jerome de Henau, The impact of policies focused on increasing choice on those who live in households Mislav Zitko, Rethinking households: the impact of financialization on the reproduction of labor power Melda Yaman Ozturk, What is Gender Blind in Political Economy? Female Labour in the Social Reproduction Value and Capital-L abo ur Relations [IIPPE: U&RWG] Jamie Gough, What are the connections between urban and global crisis?: the centrality of overaccumulation of capital Pinar Bedirhanolu and Galip Yalman, Crises and the Restructuring of State-Capital-Labour Relations: Reflections on Three Cities in Turkey during the 2000s David Etherington, Negotiating welfare to work: a comparative study of people on disability and long term sickness benefits in the UK, Denmark and the Netherlands Marisol Velzquez Salazar and Dulce Elizabeth Gonzlez Martinez, Marxs theory of ground rent and the agricultural crisis in Mexico, 1960-2010 Heterodox Micro economics Panel 1: Investment, Corpo rate Governance, and Ownership Tae-Hee Jo, Financing Investment under Fundamental Uncertainty and Instability: A Heterodox Microeconomic Approach Ruslan Dzarasov, Corporate Governance and Investment Behaviour in the Age of Financialisation Tiago Cardao-Pito, The End of Modigliani, Miller, and Fisher's World Erik Olsen, The Effect of Employee Ownership on Labor Supervision and Discipline The theo ry o f the firm: Between Ontolo gy and Politics Virgile Chassagnon, Pouvoir, politique et socioconomie : une analyse perrouxienne du systme et des firmes capitalistes Julia Ornaf, Les thories politiques de la Firme comme nouvelle ontologie des organisations Bernard Baudry and Herv Charmettant, La nature politique de la firme capitaliste : le modle de l'entreprise organise amricaine Marius Chevallier, Les coopratives entre rationalit situe et rationalit formelle Eco no mic Perspectives o n the Ara b World Baya Arhab, The Setbacks Of Public Spending-Led Growth In A Rent-Based Open Economy: The Case Of Algeria Dr. Fayq Al Akayleh, The Economic Dimension of Arab Spring- Nature, Cause, and Consequence Francesco Maletto, Abdelhafid OTMANI, Dutch Disease Effects In Oil Producing Countries Of The Mena Region As A Process Of Homologation Of Levels Of Poverty And The Subordinate Position Of These Countries In Relation To Capitalism Abdessalem Gouider, le march du travail en tunisie : tendances et perspectives IIPPE Po verty Working Gro up Yiannis Bassiakos, George Labrinidis, Thanasis Maniatis, Aris Oikonomou, Marianna Papadopoulou and Konstantinos Passas, The significance of absolute poverty approach in the Greek crisis Adel Daoud, Impact of the 2008 financial crisis on child poverty in developing countries a research proposal Veronica Villarespe Reyes and Ana Patricia Sosa Ferreira, Friedmans vision: Neoliberalism and poverty Capitalism in the Longer Run: Savings, Consumption, Debt and Structure Marc-Antoine Jambu, Increasing Income Inequalities And The Evolution Of The American Saving Rate Arjun Jayadev and Joshua Mason, The Political Economy of U.S Household Indebtedness: 1929-2011 Bernhard Schtz and Jakob Kapeller, Household demand, income distribution and the sustainability of profit-led growth: Introducing conspicuous consumption in a (Post-)Keynesian model Davide Gualerzi, A break in the pattern of growth of the post war period Finance, Crisis and Develo pment: Experiences and Respo nses Mara Cecilia Gmez and Agustn Alonso, Contagion of Financial Crises in the Last Twenty Years: The Argentinean Case Jorge Guadalupe, L'impact de la crise financire internationale sur l'conomie quatorienne Alberto Bolzan, Mexican Agriculture: Neo-liberalism, Heterogeneity and Struggle Denise Freire and Miguel Antonio Pinho Bruno, Labor demand in Brazil: advances and setbacks in the 2000s Sto ck- Flo w Co nsistent Mo deling 3: Theo retica l Perspectives [Chair: Gennaro Zezza; Fr and Eng] Pascal Seppecher, Agents htrognes et monnaie endogne dans un modle SFC Alessandro Caiani, Stefano Lucarelli and Antoine Godin, Schumpeter in a matrix: a Stock Flow Consistent analysis of technological change Tarik Mouakil, A Minsky Crisis in a Stock-Flow Consistent Model Ahmed Hammadache and Vincent Duwicquet, Prix ptroliers et dsquilibres internationaux avec l'apport d'un modle SFC Onto logy a nd the Transformatio n o f Eco no mics 2 Nuno Martins, The Nature of the Cambridge Heterodoxy John Latsis, Mainstream Economics and Social Transformation Mario Da Graca Moura, Political Economy and the 'Modern View' as reflected in the history of economic thought Karolina Safarzynska, Towards an evolutionary theory of the individual Perspectives o n Rentierisation/Fina ncialisa tio n and the Financia l Crisis Eugenia Correa, The US Financial Crisis and Mexican Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the Mortgage Market Alain Parguez, Organizing the Rule of the Bonds Market, the New Mode of Exploitation in Decadent Rentier Capitalism Robert Prasch, Too Big To Fail: The Political Economy of a Flawed Doctrine Mario Seccareccia, The Metamorphosis of Advanced Capitalist Economies: From Rentierization to Financialization and the Macroeconomic Role of the State in Engineering the Collapse of Western Economies prior to the Financial Crisis Finance, Profit and Crisis 1 [WAPE] Andrew Kliman and Shannon Williams, Why Financialization Hasnt Depressed U.S. Productive Investment Robert Chernomas and Barragar Fletcher, Profit Without Accumulation Geoff Willis, Explaining Kaldor's facts: Effective Economic Models Using Real and Financial Capital in a Lotka-Volterra Framework Makoto Itoh, From the Subprime to the Sovereign Crisis; Why Keynesianism Does Not Work? Comment enseigner l'cono mie? [AFEP] Nicolas Canry, Comment enseigner autrement la macro-conomie? Herv Defalvard, Comment enseigner autrement la micro-conomie? Corinne Perraudin, Comment enseigner autrement les techniques quantitatives? Michel Vernires, Lenseignement de lconomie en France : un coup doeil sur le pass (1960-2000) Randomized co ntro lled experiments, eco nomics and socia l sciences [AFEP - R&R 5] Jean Cartier-Bresson, The power of positivism: The quest for monopoly of RCTs. An example with the governance agenda Agathe Devaux-Spatarakis, The naturalization of RCTs in France: story of the experimental method Arthur Jatteau, About the "randomistas" Agns Labrousse, Experiments and development analysis by Elinor Ostrom and Esther Duflo: a methodological comparison Banking refo rm as a so lutio n to the fina ncial crisis Bernard Vallageas, Basel III and the strengthening of capital requirements: the obstinate mistake or Why it will happen again Jan Toporowski, On the Over-capitalisation of Banks Daniel Detzer, New Instruments for Banking Regulation and Monetary Policy after the Crisis Rolland Mal, L'asschement de la liquidit comme mal public mondial fait-il pour autant de la liquidit un Bien Public Mondial ? Renco ntre avec les co no mistes Atterrs: dbat public et po litiques alternatives

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7th July 9:15 - 11:15

Roo m B1201

Growth and Sustainable Develo pment Philippe Lg and Cdric Durand, Regulation beyond growth Joo Medeiros, Against Uncritical Ecologism: for a materialist environmental ethics Hendrik Van den Berg, Does the Popular Solow Model Bias Economic Analysis? Imne Beloufa, conomie politique et dveloppement durable, quel cadre thorique pour quel dveloppement durable ? Gend er, Structural Cha nge a nd Co nflict Nursel Aydiner Avsar and Chiara Piovani, The Neoliberal Transformation of the Welfare State and the Global Crisis: A Feminist Analysis Anne Eydoux, Women and mens unemployment during economic crisis: why are the gender gaps reducing, closing or reversing? Barbara Benedetti, En-gendering agrarian change in Andhra Pradesh Kade Finnoff, The Political Economy of Gender and War in Central Africa History of Eco no mic Thought 5: Po wer, Markets and Demo cracy Bernard Chavance, Polanyi, market economy and society. A discussion from The livelihood of man Thomas Duermeier, Analysing Power Relations with the Theories of Amartya Sen and Pierre Bourdieu Shirine Sabran, Tocqueville et la dmocratie, au fondement de la responsabilit sociale des industriels Jrme Maucourant, Political economy or economics? Montchrestien or Cantillon? Heterod ox Micro economics Panel 2: Prices, Collective Action, and Value Roy Rotheim, Monetary Restraint and Price Inflation: A Post Keynesian Perspective Jordan Melmies, Individual vs Collective Leadership: Market Leaders and their Relative Performances Irene Sotiropoulou, Marketing a Vintage Carpet in a Free Bazaar and other Stories on/off Value Zdravka Todorova, Conspicuous Consumption as Routine Expenditures and its Place in the Social Provisioning Process Marxist Perspectives and the Current Globa l Crisis Arturo Guillen, Rudolf Hilferdings Contributions To The Understanding Of Present Economic Global Crisis Andy Higginbottom, Structure and Essence in Capital 1: extra surplus-value and the stages of capitalism Bulent Hoca, The US Hegemony, Dollar as World Money and the Current World Crisis: A New Approach Mona Ali, Dark Matter, Black Holes and Old Fashioned Exploitation: Multinationals and U.S. Profitability, Growth and Employment To pics in Lab our Benjamin Dubrion, Les transformations rcentes de la gestion des personnels publics sont ells conomiquement efficaces? Un clairage conomique noinstutionnaliste Mathilde Guergoat Lariviere and Christine Erhel, Employment and Labour Market Institutions in Europe: a Reassessment using Multi-level Models Andreana Khristova, Rapport salarial et intgration europenne : pistes de rflexion pour une mise jour de lanalyse de la rgulation Emmanuel Ruz, Etudes exploratoires compares de mouvements sociaux anti-capitalistes : les Indigns et les opposants au gaz et ptrole de schiste Greece in Crisis Alexander Kentikelenis, Radical Austerity and Conditional Loans: The Dynamics of Welfare State Reform in Greece and Ireland George Dourakis, Debt Deflation: The Specter of Irving Fisher Looming over Greece Christos Pitelis, Institutional-Structural Foundations of the Greek Debt Crisis Andriana Vlachou, George Labrinidis and Costas Passas, Crisis and Development: The Underlying Problems of the Greek Economy Develo pments in the Marxist Theo ry o f the Glob al Paul Zarembka, Marxist Political Economy without Hegel: Contrasting Marx and Luxemburg to Plekhanov and Lenin Lucia Pradella, Globalisation and Critique of Political Economy in the Light of the New Historical Critical Edition of the Writings of Marx and Engels Gong Hoe Gimm, Beyond the Ricardian Framework: A Critique of Political Economy through Extending Value Theory at the Level of the World Market Victor Kasper, Jr., Unemployment and Accumulation: Unemployment Scenarios for the US the Labor in the Wake/Context of the Current Global Crisis Political Econo my o f Develop ment Mritiunjoy Mohanty, Land, Corruption and Contestation - the political economy of India's recent growth experience Lorenza Monaco, Labour struggles in a globalised Automotive sector: the case of Indian MarutiSuzuki Lotta Takala-Greenish, Decline of the South African textiles and clothing sectors: exploring the role of policy, macroeconomic context and global factors Jyoti Saraswati, Transnational Capitalist Class or Dot.compradors? Locating the Indian Software Business within the Global Capitalist System Accumula tio n, Regulation a nd Kno wled ge 2 [AFEP: R&R 3] Patrick Dieuaide et Gabriel Colletis, Territoire, nomadisme et nouvelle centralit du rapport salarial Thomas Lamarche and Christian Dutertre, The Emergence of the Knowledge Sphere: An Infranational Territorialized Regulation Sandrine Michel, Rapport salarial et dpenses sociales en longue priode : d'un soutien la dynamique de l'accumulation l'actuel conflit de rgulation Antonella Corsani, Le rapport salarial dans le capitalisme cognitif nolibral Banking and Regulation Maryse Farhi, Daniela Magalhes Prates, The global financial crisis and the seventh stage of the evolution of the banking system Ana Rosa Ribeiro de Mendonca and Simone Deos, Facing the Crisis: Brazilian Central Bank and the Public Banking System as Minskyan Big Banks Daniel Detzer, New Instruments for Banking Regulation and Monetary Policy after the Crisis Marc Porcheron, Erreurs de conception desoprations de banque : impact sur la pratique de l'intrt Finance, Financialisatio n and Crisis Petra Dunhaupt, The effect of financialization on labor's share of income Ignacio Alvarez Peralta, Financialization and wage growth: the case of France between 1980 and 2010 Jongchul Kim, The Hybridity of Modern Finance and the Financial Crisis of 2008 Hulya Unlu, Contagion of Financial Crises

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Finance, Profit and Crisis 2 [WAPE] Alan Freeman, What causes booms? David Kotz, The Current Economic Crisis as a Crisis of Over-Investment Hiroshi Onishi, We need A Structural Transformation, not Short-range Counter-cyclical Policies: Against Keynesianism, the Cause of Neoliberalism Ozgur Orhangazi, Marxian theories of capitalist instability and the current crisis La bo ur and Neolib eralism Sermin Sarica, The Social, Economic And Ideological Impacts Of The Resistance Of Tekel Workers: A Research In The Context Of Transition To Precariat Statues And Citizen Rights Ahmet Bekmen, De-subjectivization of Labor by Improving the Working Conditions On Global Value Chains Matteo Rizzo, The end of trade unionism as we know it? Informal workers quest for labour rights in neoliberal Tanzania, 1995-2011 Pedro Henrique Evangelista Duarte, Structural unemployment in Brazil in the neoliberal era Eco no mics and the Cris is: Disco urse analyses and p erfo rmativity 2 David Blaazer, Changing the conversation: non-economists and the discourse of the crisis Stephan Phringer and Katrin Hirte, Economists and Economics Discourse Profiles of Economists in the Financial Crisis Jaime Marques Pereira, Joseph Halevi and Philippe Lg, Toward a new economic governing of eurozone integration? the formation of a discourse Emmanuel Carr, Leaning against the wind versus benign neglect and the financial crisis: What do central bankers speeches say? Secto ra l and Territo rial Regula tio ns and Susta inable Develo pment 2 [AFEP - R&R 3- 2] Mathieu Fruleux, L'expansion de la production de la filire sucre-nergie au Brsil: rgulations sectorielles et territoriales et possibilits de dveloppement. Pascal Grouiez, From Land tenure regime to institutional arrangements of land-use: how have large-scale agricultural production units led social responsibility policies in Russia? Romain Debref, F.-D. Vivien and M. Nieddu, Green chemistry and biobased economy? Muriel Maillefert, Ecologie industreille et dveloppement territorial: Des dynamqiueses multiformes

Roo m C1305

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7th July 11:30 - 13:00

Theatre J

Roundtable Discussion: Publishing in Hetero dox Econo mics a nd Political Economy 1 Fred Lee, American Journal of Economics and Sociology Stephen Pratten, Cambridge Journal of Economics Edward Fullbrook, Real World Economics Review Sam Ashman, Historical Materialism Jack Reardon, International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Paul Zarembka, Research in Political Economy Infrastructure [IIPPE: U&RWG] Seiko Kitajima, Institutional formation or a new form of state intervention?: industry-academy partnerships for local/regional economic development in Japan Philip Ashton, Sale of the century: infrastructure privatization and the financialisation of the local state in the US Judith Clifton, Daniel Daz-Fuentes, Marcos Fernndez-Gutirrez and Julio Revuelta, Does Neoclassical economics work for European citizens? New evidence on public infrastructure services? History of Eco no mic Thought 6: Steven Pressman, Justice and History: The Big Problem of Wilt Chamberlain Edith Kuiper, Womens Economic Writing in Eighteenth Century Western Europe and the USA Gary Mongiovi, Pasinetti and the Cambridge Keynesians Leonardo Fernando Basso, Intellectual capital in classical theory

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Roo m C1203

Networks and Governa nce Shann Turnbull, Could the 2008 US Financial Crisis been avoided with Network Governance? Anne Eydoux and Mathieu Braud, Reforming the governance of activation policies and services in Europe: common trends and current pitfalls in the crisis context John Roberts, Networks and Global Markets: How Management Theorists and Social Theorists Think Alike The Glob al Eco no mic Crisis Nilgun Erdem, Ferda Donmez Atbasi, The Myth of Global Economic Convergence: Crises of Finance Capital Michal Zemmour, The Consequences of Fiscal Consolidation on Public Social Protection a comparatist approach on Western Europe (1980-2009) Lorenzo Fusaro, World Market Crises and Hegemonic Transitions at International Level - Lessons From the Great Depression Marxist Insights into the Turkish So cio- Econo my Nuray Ergne, Feminisation of Poverty and Public Policies in Turkey Adem Yesilyurt, Transformation Of The Labour Process Of Journalists In Turkey Sonay Bayramoglu and Nuray Keskin, Decentralisation Process In Turkey Euro pean (Dis)Integration John Grahl, Trevor Evans and Dominique Plihon, The Unmaking of the European Union Catherine Sifakis-Kapetanakis, The Monnet Method: European Monetary Unification and Financial Globalization Cedric Durand and Razmig Keucheyan, Bureaucratic Caesarism: Gramsci and the crisis of EuropeXXI century The Glob al Eco no my Alexei Izyumov and John Vahaly, Trends in Capital vs. Labor Incomes Across the World: Marxian Perspective Julien Vercueil, External Sector Liberalization and Economic Trajectories : Russia Confronted to other Emerging Countries Alexis Saludjian and Marcelo Dias Carcanholo, Intgration latino-amricaine, dpendance de la Chine et sous-imprialisme brsilien en Amrique latine New p erspectives o n d istrib ution and gro wth: wage-led growth 1 Eckhard Hein, Financialisation, the financial and economic crisis, and the requirements and potentials for wage-led recovery Marc Lavoie and Engelbert Stockhammer, Wage-led growth: Concept, theories and policies Ozlem Onaran, Is aggregate demand wage-led or profit-led? National and global effects Distrib ution, cyclical gro wth and crises Michal Assous, Amitava Dutt, Kalecki's theories of the business cycle: a simplified treatment Servaas Storm, R Naastepad, The NAIRU and the financial crisis Dany Lang, Amitava Dutt and Sbastien Charles, Long-term labour contracts, growth and income distribution Onto logy a nd the Transformatio n o f Eco no mics 3 Jongchul Kim, The Ontology of Identity and the Development of Modern Ownership Clive Lawson, Technology, Recombination and Growth Joao Medeiros, Ontology and Epitemology in Marx's Capital Financialization a t the margins 1 [IIPPE Financialisatio n WG] Kako Nubukpo, The WAEMU Zone Policy Mix Solene Morvant-Roux and Marc Roesch, Multiple borrowing in urban areas of Morocco: too much financialization? Hadrien Saiag, A peculiar financialization? On Rosarios (Argentina) low income population savings and indebtedness practices Marxist Political Econo my 3 [WAPE] Al Campbell and Erdogan Bakir, Preliminary Considerations on the Rate of Profit in the Financial Sector John Smith, Imperialism and the Law of Value Pritam Singh, Alternative economic perspectives on the sustainability implications of the global economic crisis and the spatial shift in the global economy Tony Norfield, Finance, Accumulation and the Rate of Profit Crisis and Develop ment Yonca zdemir, The Global Economic Crisis and Its Effects on the Developing Countries: Why Some Are More Vulnerable Than the Others? Remy Herrera, La Crise systmique actuelle et ses effets sur les pays en dveloppement zgr ztrk, The Search for a New Development Model: Global Crisis and the Turkish Economy Monetary Theory and Policy 2 Guillaume L'oeillet and Nolwenn Roudaut, Is unconventional monetary policy conflicting with the Central Bank independence? Jean-Francois Ponsot, Why money matters? The Swiss case Alicia Giron and Marcia Solorza, European Crisis, Sovereign Debts and Bankruptcies: Lessons from Latin America Secto ra l and Territo rial Regula tio ns and Susta inable Develo pment 3 [AFEP - R&R 3- 2] Anne Musson and Fabien Candau, Attractivit entrepreneuriale et dveloppement durable, propositions pour un indicateur Pierre Le Masne, Rle de la nature dans la production et production soutenable Vanessa Casadella, Systme National dinnovation du Sud et dveloppement durable. Prsentation du Systme National de Construction de Comptences Jo ined networks "GDRI DREEM "Euro- Med iterranean Eco no mic Network"/ GDRE Money Ba nking a nd Finance" session Mouhoub el Mouhoud The Political Economy of Arab Revolutions Jean-Bernard Chatelain The Failure of Financial Macroeconomics and What to do about it

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7th July 14:00 - 15:30

Roundtable Discussion: Publishing in Hetero dox Econo mics a nd Political Economy 2 Steve Pressman, Review of Political Economy Tim Koechlin, Review of Radical Political Economics Jayati Ghosh, World Economics Journal, IDEAS Xiaoqing Ding, World Review of Political Economy Agns Labrousse, Regulation Review - Revue de la Rgulation Robert Mcmaster, Review of Social Economy Julian Wells, Capital and Class Neighbo urhoo d Struggles [IIPPE: U&RWG] Hade Turkmen, Dynamics of contentious urban politics in Istanbul: the case of Suleymaniye Urban Renewal Area Ozlem Celik, The relation of differentiated state strategies to neighbourhood resistance Eleni Triantafyllopoulou and John Sayas, Neighborhoods fighting crisis in Athens The Class Structure o f Cap italism Hardy Hanappi and Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger, Middle Class or in the middle of a Class? Daniele Tavani, Capitalists, Workers, and Managers Ludmila Abilio, Does the new Brazilan middle class go to heaven? Marxia n Exp loitatio n Peter Flaschel, Marxian Exploitation in a Baseline Model of Classical Competition Klaus Hagendorf, The Labour Theory of Value: A Marginal Analysis Jos Paulo Guedes Pinto and Eleutrio Prado, Position and De-measure of Value Agriculture and Develo pment Luca Tasciotti, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Crop Diversification, Dietary Diversity and Agricultural Income: Empirical Evidence from a Sample of Developing Countries Neda Trifkovic, Henrik Hansen, Socio-Economic Outcomes of Food Standards: Evidence from Vietnam Riska Pujiati, Iqbal Reza Fazlurrahman, Azwar, Application of Heterodox Economics Theory: Farmernomics and Farmerpreneurship Role in Generating income Distribution The Glob al Eco no mic Crisis Angel Asensio, The Achilles Heel Of The Mainstream Three Leading Explanations Of The Financial Crisis And A Postkeynesian Alternative Luke Fletcher, Where Does Surplus Capital Come From and Where Does It Go? A Comparison of the Latin American, Asian and Eurozone Financial Crises Robert Guttmann, The heterodox notion of structural crisis Institutional theo ries of the firm Gatan Saout, Linstitutionnalisme de Commons pour une thorie de lentreprise comme organisation et comme institution Christopher Lantenois, Les patrons allemands et la finance : le modle de reproduction et les pratiques ont-ils volus ? Hiroki Yokota, La diversit des stratgies de linnovation entre firmes japonaises : lapproche de lHtrognit des entreprises El Mouhoub Mouhoud, Relocalisation et rindustrialisation de l'conomie : dterminants, ampleur et forces l'oeuvre New p erspectives o n d istrib ution and gro wth: wage-led growth 2 Engelbert Stockhammer, Why have wage shares fallen? A panel analysis of the determinants of functional income Till van Treeck, Income inequality as a cause of the Great Recession a survey of current debates Olivier Allain, Growth, income distribution and autonomous public expenditures Sto ck- Flo w Co nsistent Mo deling 4: Ap plied Analysis [Chair: Jacques Mazier; Eng] Stephen Kinsella and G. Tiou-Tagba Aliti, Simulating the impact of austerity on the irish economy using a stock-flow consistent model Gennaro Zezza, Using SFC models for the analysis of European economies Antoine Godin, Green Jobs for full employment, a Stock Flow Consistent analysis Onto logy a nd the Transformatio n o f Eco no mics 4 Masaaki Katsuragi, Ignorance and the nature of Wealth David Tyfield, The Economics of Science - A case study in the Contribution of Ontology George Liagouras, On some limits to 'population thinking' in economics Financialization a t the margins 2 [IIPPE Financialisatio n WG] Isabelle Gurin, Financialisation at the margins and households over-indebtedness. The fallacy of financial education Picherit Fouillet, The Making and Unmaking of Financial Spaces in Andhra Pradesh: Power, Labour and Mediation Solene Morvant-Roux, Bouquet and Rodriguez-Solis, Labour arrangements and financial inclusion of agricultural workers in a dynamic agricultural region in Mexico: Exploring the Linkages Heterod ox Perspectives o n Financialisa tio n Mary Robertson, Housing and financialisation: the role of the state Daniela Tavasci, Luigi Ventimiglia, The spread as an engine for reforms Eugenia Pires, The Financialization of Migrant Remittances The Changing Sha pe o f Acad emia Daniel Ankarloo, Torbjrn Friberg, The Academic Contract - From Merely A Metaphor To Technology Seiko Kitajima, Institutional Formation or a New Form of State Intervention? Industry-Academy Partnerships for Local/Regional Economic Development David Flacher, Hugo Harari-Kermadec and Lonard Moulin, Marchandisation de lenseignement suprieur : enjeux et perspectives No rth-America in Crisis Gustavo Vargas and Albino Luna, The Financialisation in the CEMEXs crisis Mariana Almeida, The Bearable Nature of North American Crises Victor Kasper and Tamara Apostolou, Interactions between the productive sector and financial sector in the US economy: An Assessment of the financial crisis 20072010 using a Marxist Macroeconomic Simulation Model Roundtable Discussion: Publishing in Hetero dox Econo mics a nd Political Economy 2 Steve Pressman, Review of Political Economy Tim Koechlin, Review of Radical Political Economics Jayati Ghosh, World Economics Journal, IDEAS Xiaoqing Ding, World Review of Political Economy Agns Labrousse, Regulation Review - Revue de la Rgulation Robert Mcmaster, Review of Social Economy Julian Wells, Capital and Class Neighbo urhoo d Struggles [IIPPE: U&RWG] Hade Turkmen, Dynamics of contentious urban politics in Istanbul: the case of Suleymaniye Urban Renewal Area Ozlem Celik, The relation of differentiated state strategies to neighbourhood resistance Eleni Triantafyllopoulou and John Sayas, Neighborhoods fighting crisis in Athens

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