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Minutes of Special Meeting

The Board of Trustees Canadian ISD

A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Canadian ISD was held Tuesday, August 30, 2011, beginning at 5:30 PM in the Administration Building located at 800 Hillside Canadian, Texas 79014. Those present were: Ken King, presiding, departing at 6:33 PM, Salem Abraham, presiding after Mr. Kings departure, Betsy Alexander, Larry Gatlin, Allen Hadaway, John C. Isaacs, Randy Walser, Superintendent, Kyle Lynch, Business Manager, Cindy Moore, Canadian Middle School Principal, Bruce Bryant, And Canadian Record Editor, Laurie Brown and Reporter, Andrew George.

I. ESTABLISH A QUORUM a. Invocation Mr. Abraham gave the invocation. II. OPEN FORUM a. Hearing of any person/group wishing to address the Board There was no one present that wished to address the Board. III. SUPERTINTENDENTS COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS IV. READING OF MINUTES a. Regular meeting of August 16, 2011 Mr. Walser moved to approve the minutes of the August 16, 2011 regular meeting. Mr. Isaacs seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. V. REPORTS/DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Public hearing to discuss 2011-12 budget The Board discussed the 2011-12 proposed budget and offered to hear comment from the public. b. Public hearing to discuss 2011 tax rate The Board discussed the proposed 2011 tax rate and offered to hear comment from the public.

VI. ACTION ITEMS a. Unfinished Business 1. No unfinished business b. New Business 1. Consider/Approve 2011-12 budget Mr. Gatlin moved to approve the 2011-12 budget as presented. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. 2. Consider/Approve 2011 tax rate Mr. Gatlin moved to approve the resolution setting the 2011 tax rate of $1.21 per 100 dollars of valuation, of which .9398 is for the purpose of maintenance and operation and .2702 for the purpose of payment of principal and interest on interest & sinking funds. Mrs. Alexander seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. 3. Consider/Approve plans for teacher housing units submitted by Dekker Perich Sabatini. This item was considered with item #4. 4. Consider/Approve submitted partner proposals for teacher housing Mr. Abraham moved to accept the only partner proposal submitted for teacher housing, which was from Hemphill County Association, Inc. and to accept the plans for teacher housing units as submitted by Dekker, Perich, Sambatini as recommended. Mrs. Alexander seconded the motion. It passed 6-0 with Mr. Isaacs abstaining. 5. Consider/Approve Improvement Agreement with City of Canadian to provide sewer and water to teacher housing. Mr. Hadaway moved to approve the Improvement Agreement with City of Canadian to provide sewer and water to teacher housing with possible modification as discussed and to appoint Superintendent Lynch as designated CISD representative for the project. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. 6. Consider/Approve appointment of designee for Improvement Agreement with City of Canadian This item was considered with item #5. 7. Consider/Approve Concussion Oversight Team of Molly Kerrigan, Cody Culwell, Tony Cook, and Brian Mullins Mr. Hadaway moved to approve the Concussion Oversight Team of Molly Kerrigan, Cody Culwell, Tony Cook and Brian Mullins as recommended. Mr. Gatlin seconded the motion. It passed 6-0.

8. Consider Social Media provisions in Employee Handbook Mr. Gatlin moved to approve changes to the Employee Handbook and request changes DH Local Policy as presented as option 3 by Superintendent Lynch. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. 9. Consider/Approve budget amendments Mr. Walser moved to increase fund 698 function 81 $100,000 and fund 240 function 35 $30,000 as recommended. Mr. Hadaway seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. VII. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT a. Review September meeting date and time The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, September 14, 2010 at 6:30 PM. b. Finalize TASB Convention plans Board members and Mr. Lynch will be traveling to the TASB Convention on September 30 and returning October 2. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Gatlin moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:43PM. Mr. Walser seconded the motion. It passed 6-0.

_____________________________ President: _____________________________ Date:

_____________________________ Secretary: _____________________________ Attest:

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