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Booh Reuieuj What Sticks: Why Most Advertising Faiis

and How to Guarantee Yours Succeeds

by Rex Briggs and Greg Stuart
Kaplan Business, September 1, 2006, ISBN: 1419584332. $25.00, 304 pp.

GOOD TIMING OFTEN GOES a long way toward rigorous methodology to try and identify via sur-
ensuring success of a new venture. This is often vey measurement the key factors in advertising
true with new-product launches. I have to assume spending, rrtedia mix, and timing that correlate
the success of new books as well. with marketplace results.
What Sticks by Rex Briggs, the founder of Mar- Overall, the authors found that 47% of the cam-
keting Evolution, and Greg Stuart, the president paigns studied did not work to advertiser expec-
of Interactive Advertising Bureau, has arrived in tations. While this is a discouraging average, the
the market with wonderful timing. majority of the book covers ways to improve
The ANA (Association of National Advertisers) effectiveness and point-out critical errors in go-to-
found in a member survey this year that "account- market spending allocation.
ability" is the number one issue on the mind of One of the helpful aspects to What Sticks is that
advertisers. Consultants and market media re- it extols the virtues of learning from mistakes—
search firms are offering old and new analytic not trying tO cover them up.
models to confirm the relationship between ad-
vertising spending and marketplace results at a
"When the Japanese find a defect in the man-
dizzying pace, and "C-level" managers are asking
ufacturing process, they call it a treasure. Find-
tough questions about return on their increasing
ing it, dissecting it, and figuring out how to
investment in marketing. So a book offering "to
eliminate it is the path to improved productiv-
guarantee your advertising will succeed" has a
ity." (p. 31)
wonderful sense of timing.
If you care about accountability, you should
read this book. It won't guarantee success, but it The majority of this useful book is built around
will force you to think harder about the need for a process framework the authors developed based
and best ways to measure advertising perfor- upon the studies conducted for 30 different mar-
mance. The strength of the book is that it is based keters. They call the framework COP with com-
upon research—smart, systematic, and focused re- ponents of scenario planning + measurement +
search in the market with consumers. There is, of action. Briggs and Stuart demonstrate that by using
course, with any book, a heavy dose of opinions this framework and being disciplined in research,
particularly in defining the overall problem of you can get better results with the same budget.
waste in the early chapters, and its dramatic dis- This is what marketers are looking for today as
cussion in the failure of others to know empiri- increasing media and marketing costs do have
cally how effective or ineffective their spending elasticities around them.
levels, choice of media, and brand strategies are The factors discussed as critical in the scenario
performing. The authors feel that, in general, mar- planning and measurement components of COP
keters are hiding behind an "advertising is part are segmentation based upon motivation, the brand
art and part science" philosophy. message, media allocation, and intra media opti-
The great strength of this book is the 36 market mization. On this latter point, the research often
studies supported by IAB members and con- shows that television allocation is overused and
ducted by Marketing Evolution over a 4-year pe- the internet and print are underutilized.
riod for 30 Fortune 200 companies. The research Throughout this well-written book are gems
uses an in-market experimentation framework and from the 36 studies that in some way reflect the

DOI: 10.250VS0021849906000511 December 2 0 0 6 JOORIIIIL DFflDyEBTISinGRESEHRCH 4 6 9


gap in "common knowledge, but not com- Finally, the book also challenges some and value to marketers would be Reduc-
mon practice." My favorite example is: widespread media planning practices ing Waste. What Sticks suggests equal treat-
based upon the research they conducted— ment of the power of brand strategy,
impressions and reach. engagement in the advertising, and bud-
For McDonalds we found that its ad-
get allocation/media mix. (At least to me
vertising created much more impact
One not so small point about media before reading.) The majority of the book,
during the four hour period around
planning is that not all impressions are however, and the research findings are
lunchtime, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In fact,
created equal.... The McDonalds ad on budget allocation/media mix as they
they found they could increase perfor-
works significantly better at certain relate to brand performance metrics. Don't
mance by more then 50% just by buy-
times and on certain websites, so reach get me wrong, this is incredibly valuable
ing the lunch time period. Psychologists
isn't the same as effectiveness. stuff and during this period of massive
explain this: when consumers are hun-
The fact that reach isn't effective technological and media innovation spend-
gry (around lunch time) they are much
should not be a shocker. But the fact ing mix and allocation are critical for
more receptive to the meaning Mc-
that reach isn't really reach should raise success. But don't expect to learn that
Donalds is trying to convey, (p. 183)
eyebrows among anyone who has ever much about winning brand strategies or
spent a single dollar on media. Reach to read about highly engaging campaign
These and many other gems come from is a slippery media term. (p. 172) insights.
the in-market experimental design ap- Thank you. Rex and Greg, for publish-
proach practiced by Briggs and his re- I urge everyone connected to market- ing this much needed book that should
search teams at Marketing Evolution. ing and advertising to read What Sticks. It open our minds to new approaches and
(For a full review of the method, please is timely, useful, and empirically based. smarter media investment and strengthen
read The ARF Research Review at www. There is just one flaw in my view—the our practices for improving advertising title. A title more reflective of the content effectiveness in the 21st century,

470 DF RDDERTISIRG RESERRCH December 2 0 0 6

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